On the genetic variation of English yew (Taxus baccata L.) throughout the Eastern Alps [Untersuchungen zur genetischen Variation der Eibe (Taxus baccata L.) im Ostalpenraum]
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G27. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forstgenetik, Austria 2007
1. On the genetic variation of English yew throughout the Eastern Alps (Untersuchungen zur genetischen Variation der Eibe ( Taxus baccata L.) im Ostalpenraum) Raphael Th. Klumpp & Amalesh Dhar 17.04.10
2. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe 17.04.10 Inhalt / contents 1. Einleitung / introduction 2. Material & Methoden 3. Ergebnisse u. Diskussion / results and discussion : 3.1 Variation innerhalb ( within ) Populationen 3.2 Variation zwischen ( among ) Populationen 3.3 Allelische Strukturen / allelic structures 4. Schlufolgerungen / consequences 5. Zusammenfassung / summary 6. Danksagung / acknowledgements
3. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe 17.04.10 Fig. The circumpolar distribution of Taxus baccata and other Taxus species from Hult辿n & Fries (1986). + indicates interglacial records; indicates isolated occurrences; hatched areas indicate regions of common or fairly common occurrence. Broken lines outline the distribution of Taxus species other than T. baccata . Thomas P.A., Polwart A. 2003. Taxus baccata L. biological flora of the British Isles 229. Journal Ecology 91: 489524
4. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe - Einleitung 17.04.10 Introduction Yew ( Taxus baccata ) an endangered species over use in historical time ungulates (wild, domesticated) hunters (Austria only?) lack of knowledge (management)
5. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe 旦sterr. Genreservate 17.04.10 Austrian map indicating the geographic location of gene conservation forest s Hans et al. 2005. Das Eibenvorkommen in den 旦sterreichischen Generhaltungsw辰ldern Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum f端r Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft 1140 Wien, Hauptstrae 7. http://bfw.ac.at 1 11 12 10 13 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
6. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe Material und Methode 17.04.10 Material Number of stands: 5 Austrian gene conservation program Sample tissue: buds Method STAGE, 6 enzyme systems Laboratory procedure according to: Hertel 1996 Data evaluation: GSED (Gillet 1998)
7. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe - untersuchte Best辰nde 17.04.10 The investigated Austr ia n gene conservation forest s Name of the site Total area [ha] Altitude [m] Population size Sample size 4. Pichlwald 2.6 480 530 244 95 5. Almtal 3.2 460 490 > 2000 59 6. Losenstein 39.6 540 680 1815 122 8. Stiwollgraben 4.6 580 700 2236 109 13. Leininger Riese 18.5 900 - 1300 828 75
8. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe - Methode 17.04.10 Enzyme system s used for electrophoretic analysis of the yew population Enzyme Gene locus Allele no E. C. number Aspartate-aminotransferase AAT- A AAT- B (AAT-C) 2 3 (3) Isocitrate-dehydrogenase IDH-A IDH-B 4 4 Leucine-aminopeptidase LAP-A LAP-B 3 3 Phosphoglucomutase PGM - A (PGM- B) 5 (2) 6-Phosphogluconate-dehydrogenase 6-PGDH- A 3 Shikimate-dehydrogenase SKDH-A 3
17. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe 17.04.10 Conclusions A) The expected ( He ) and observed ( Ho ) heterozygosity 0.319 and 0.256 B) Average population differentiation 0.153 C) Average Hypothetical gametic diversity 19.15 D)English yew populations in Austria showed a high level of genetic variation with a medium level of inbreeding effect E) Level of expected heterozygosity ( He ) is within the European range of observations, which means that the probability for local yew decline i s low due to high genetic variation
18. KLUMPP & DHAR: Eibe 17.04.10 Acknowledgements / Danksagung for technical support / f端r technische Unterst端tzung DI Herwig Ruprecht, Ing. Monika Lex, Ing. Thomas Schuster, DI Ercan Oktan, sowie HR DI C. Jasser. for financial support / f端r finanzielle Unterst端tzung Landesregierung Steiermark
19. 17.04.10 Universit辰t f端r Bodenkultur Wien Department f端r Wald und Bodenwissenschaften Institut f端r Waldbau Ass. Prof. Dr. Raphael Thomas KLUMPP MSc. Amalesh Dhar Peter Jordan-Str. 82, A-1190 Wien Tel.: +43 1 47654-4063, Fax: +43 1 47654-4092 raphael.klumpp@boku.ac.at , www.boku.ac.at