Thriller genre research discusses the definition, aims, and techniques of thriller films. A thriller film is defined as one with elements of suspense, tension, and excitement to keep audiences engaged until the end. The main aim of thrillers is to alter viewers' emotions and feelings through anticipated anxiety, surprise, and terror. Filmmakers achieve these aims by building the story up to a climactic ending that shocks audiences, while also keeping a fast pace to continuously stimulate emotions.
2. What is aThriller film?
• The main definition of aThriller film is one
which has the main elements of suspense,
tension and excitement to keep audiences
tense right up until the end of the film
3. Aims ofThriller
• The main aim of aThriller film is to alter the
viewers emotions and feelings.The most
desired feelings are ones of anticipation,
anxiety, surprise and terror
4. How are the aims achieved?
• These aims are normally achieved by building
up the story until a climax at the very end,
which should leave the audience in shock and
awe.The films are also fast paced and rarely
slow down to keep the stimulation of
emotions on going