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Why are genres important for
Exposure to genres through teaching material
help learners to build knowledge of linguistic
Students gain a solid awareness of language and
they will be successful in communicating in
everyday situations.
Working with genres
EFL (English as a foreign language) course book
contains several genres such as letters,
advertisements, postcards, articles, Internet
pages, some in written form and others are

                                   postcards              Internet
The visuality in course books has become more
and more appealing in recent course books.
According to Terry Royce learners need to
develop     a     multimodal     communicative
competence (2002).
Genre knowledge
The genre knowledge needs to be part of
teaching and learning a second language
because communication happens through
Knowing a genre is being able to:

         Recognize one;
        Understand one;
       Contextualize one and
          Produce one.
Genres can serve as a secondary support for
teaching and learning or as a direct relation to a
language topic.

                      Class topic

                 Exposure based on the Text

Good course books must contain as much
genres as possible; variety of genres makes the
students feel closer to the language.

However we must notice that course books
themselves are also a genre.
According to Davies, The textbook is seen as an
element that is integrated into the process of
education, and it is identified as a genre that
functions communicatively as a source of
instruction and information about how people
do things in a society.
Course books assures that learning actually
happens in school and they also teach the
knowledge that is necessary for the student's
participation in society.
It is important to notice how often cultural
aspects happen in course books. The aim is to
make students learn about the whole cultural
process involved in this learning activity.
In an ELT (English Language Teaching) course
book, what needs to be learned about language
is organized and sequenced in the book.
Everything is arranged and illustrated in a series
of sub-genres.
But it is not all about communicating...
Schneuwly and Dolz have similar viewpoint
about this topic.
They both believe genres are not just way of
communicating but also object of teaching and
And also, classroom materials do not prepare
students for social activity outside the
Classroom activities can be unrelated to real
life practices.

Multimodal awareness is more important in
contemporary society and it is one of the
competences that need to be mastered.
And more...
Images need to be related to written text.
Learners need to understand the intentions that
inform visual representations and meanings in
course books images.
The Genres of advertising and tourist
Why are ads often used in language
         teaching materials?

They are appealing, motivating for students and
can lead a reflection on consumer habits.

         Contemporary language
           Cultural information
       Visual presentation of contexts
Listening and discussion activities
               about ads
Focus on knowledge of visuals as social practice,
not just as language learning tools.
How to use it:

Indicate that learners are positioned as users
                     of ads.
  Explore the genre by asking students to
    consider the force of ads from a critical
Activities using the tourist guidebook
Images only complement the verbal text (are not
referred to in any of the items in the activities).
Questions (focused on genre contrasts of the
developed texts) draw attention to differences in:
                 Genre expectations
                 Language structure
                    Lexical choices
Invitation to Genre knowledge
  Understanding of genre structure
 Understanding of linguistic features
Awareness of the context of each genre
Learning the meaning of a used image is
What is the challenge of teaching
          English language?
Identify the teachers role in the transfer of
pedagogical genre knowledge to social and
professional knowledge of genres.
HEMAIS, B. Genres in English language course
books: teaching words and images. In:
GONALVES, G. R. et al. New challenges in
language and literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE,
2009. p. 67-79.
Group 2
   Clarice Batista
   Juliana Guerra
   Rosana Soares
   Sabrina Cotta

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Genres in english course books

  • 2. Why are genres important for learners? Exposure to genres through teaching material help learners to build knowledge of linguistic features. Students gain a solid awareness of language and they will be successful in communicating in everyday situations.
  • 3. Working with genres EFL (English as a foreign language) course book contains several genres such as letters, advertisements, postcards, articles, Internet pages, some in written form and others are images. articles advertisements letters postcards Internet images pages
  • 4. The visuality in course books has become more and more appealing in recent course books. According to Terry Royce learners need to develop a multimodal communicative competence (2002).
  • 5. Genre knowledge The genre knowledge needs to be part of teaching and learning a second language because communication happens through genres.
  • 6. Knowing a genre is being able to: Recognize one; Understand one; Contextualize one and Produce one.
  • 7. Genres can serve as a secondary support for teaching and learning or as a direct relation to a language topic. Class topic Exposure based on the Text book
  • 8. UNDERSTANDING COURSE BOOKS Good course books must contain as much genres as possible; variety of genres makes the students feel closer to the language. However we must notice that course books themselves are also a genre.
  • 9. According to Davies, The textbook is seen as an element that is integrated into the process of education, and it is identified as a genre that functions communicatively as a source of instruction and information about how people do things in a society.
  • 10. Course books assures that learning actually happens in school and they also teach the knowledge that is necessary for the student's participation in society.
  • 11. It is important to notice how often cultural aspects happen in course books. The aim is to make students learn about the whole cultural process involved in this learning activity.
  • 12. In an ELT (English Language Teaching) course book, what needs to be learned about language is organized and sequenced in the book. Everything is arranged and illustrated in a series of sub-genres.
  • 13. But it is not all about communicating... Schneuwly and Dolz have similar viewpoint about this topic. They both believe genres are not just way of communicating but also object of teaching and learning.
  • 14. And also, classroom materials do not prepare students for social activity outside the classroom. Classroom activities can be unrelated to real life practices.
  • 15. A MULTIMODAL APPROACH USING EFL COURSE BOOKS Multimodal awareness is more important in contemporary society and it is one of the competences that need to be mastered.
  • 16. And more... Images need to be related to written text. Learners need to understand the intentions that inform visual representations and meanings in course books images.
  • 17. The Genres of advertising and tourist guidebooks
  • 18. Why are ads often used in language teaching materials? They are appealing, motivating for students and can lead a reflection on consumer habits. Contemporary language Cultural information Visual presentation of contexts Brevity
  • 19. Listening and discussion activities about ads Focus on knowledge of visuals as social practice, not just as language learning tools. How to use it: Indicate that learners are positioned as users of ads. Explore the genre by asking students to consider the force of ads from a critical perspective.
  • 20. Activities using the tourist guidebook genre Images only complement the verbal text (are not referred to in any of the items in the activities). Questions (focused on genre contrasts of the developed texts) draw attention to differences in: Purpose Audience Genre expectations Language structure Lexical choices
  • 21. Invitation to Genre knowledge Recognition Understanding of genre structure Understanding of linguistic features Awareness of the context of each genre Learning the meaning of a used image is unexplored
  • 22. What is the challenge of teaching English language? Identify the teachers role in the transfer of pedagogical genre knowledge to social and professional knowledge of genres.
  • 23. Reference HEMAIS, B. Genres in English language course books: teaching words and images. In: GONALVES, G. R. et al. New challenges in language and literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE, 2009. p. 67-79.
  • 24. Group 2 Clarice Batista Juliana Guerra Rosana Soares Sabrina Cotta