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               REMITTANCE.................... 1                          January-01      GenXzine-02         2013

               BANGLADESH ................ 1

                REMITTANCE ON GROWTH
               IN BAHRAIN ...................... 2

               TOPS IN REMITTANCE ........ 2

En.MoRes Mobile Remittance Platform expands
Coverage to Nepal
More than 200,000 Nepalese in Qatar to
benefit from secure, affordable mobile
                                                         covering almost all cities and suburbs by
                                                         approximately 2400 p
                                                                            payment locations. It is our
financial service                                        mission    to   provide      convenient,      accessible,
                                                         affordable and secure mobile financial services
EastNets Remittance, a leading global provider           that will benefit the large expatriate population in
of Mobile Remittance Solutions, has announced            the GCC and around the world. en.MoRes is
that it has expanded its service coverage to             therefore pleased to announce the la
                                                                                           launch of the
include Nepal through its partnership with Qtel,         new   mobile    remittance     service   to     Nepal   in
the leading international communications head            collaboration with Qtel. We are fully committed to
quartered in Qatar. With Nepal now part of the           continue to expand the scope of our services to
en.MoRes network coverage, customers can                 allow more people to enjoy the true benefits and
use the Qtel Mobile Money service to transfer            advantages of the en.MoRes technology platform,
money to Nepal, benefitting more than 200,000            said Hazem Mulhim, CEO, EastNets Group.
Nepalese who reside throughout Qatar. The
easy, safe and convenient money transfer                 en.MoRes    interconnects     global   Mobile    Network
service offers a 24/7 facility to transfer funds         Operators (MNOs) to a financial community of more
instantly to Himalayan Bank, which provides              than 10,000 banks via the SWIFT worldwide financial
instant connection to 2400 payment network               messaging network. It obtained the SWIFTRemit
and a/c credit to 32 major commercial banks in           conformance label in 2011; t SWIFTRemit is
Nepal. Himalayan Bank is the first and only              designed to support financial institutions' needs for
bank in Nepal to be certified for SWIFTRemit.            low
                                                         low-value, cross-border person-to-person payments -
Himalayan Bank has pioneered to render rem --            otherwise known as remittances
ittance service in Nepal since its establishment
in 1993. The bank has its proprietary remittance
service branded as HimalRemit. Payments sent
through en.MoRes network are paid through
HimalRemit system in Nepal. The bank has the
largest remittance payment network in Nepal

                                                      Payza Launches New Service to Facilitate Money Transfers
                                                     to Bangladesh

                                                     Payza has announced a new service, Simply SendBD, to facilitate money transfers to
                                                     This new low
                                                               low-cost, convenient and fast online service will enable Payza members to send
                                                     money to friends and family in Bangladesh, regardless of whether or not they have a
                                                     Payza account. Earlier this year, Payza became the first online payment processor to be
                                                     licensed by the countrys central bank, Bangladesh Bank. According to the banks
                                                     estimate, there was more than $14 billion in remittances that entered the country in 2012.
Ethiopia: Remittance
                                         Industry Fails Poor
                                                                                                                India top recipient
                                         BY ISMAIL AHMED ISMA
                                                         ISMAIL                                                 of migrant
                                                                                                                remittances in 2012:
                                                                                                                World Bank
Remittance industry in                            Remittance market in                   This   is   hardly                India was the top
Bahrain on a growth path                Africa has for too long been           surprising, given that the       recipient        of         migrant
said UAE country head.                  monopolized      by     companies      existing       arrangements      remittances           in       2012,
                                        imposing inordinate fees that are,                                      according to a new report
                                                                               benefit both Western Union
          Bahrain economy in 2012       on average, three times those                                           released by the World Bank.
                                                                               and     their correspondent
is witnessing a growth in the eyes      charged on remittances to Asia.                                         According to the report, India
                                                                               banks.                           received $70 billion as
of the remittance agencies, said the    They combine a pricing structure
Country Head of the UAE                                                                                         migrant remittances in one
                                        that     imposes      extortionate     This long-term remittance
Exchange, Deepak Nair. He told                                                                                  year, followed by China with
                                        minimum         charges       with     malpractice has meant the        $66 million.
the Bahrain News Agency, that this      consistently poor services.
growth has also much to do with                                                cost of sending money to         The       officially      recorded
the forward movement of the                                                    Africa has remained high.        remittance           flows          to
                                        This has its roots in Western          According to the World Bank,     developing countries are
economy. The construction industry
                                        Union's early activities on the        in 2011, the average cost of     estimated to have reached
is re-emerging and an indicator of
that is the increase in labourers, he   African continent. As the first        sending money from Ghana         $406 billion in 2012 - a
added. Projects that remained in        formal mover in the money                                               growth of 6.5 per cent over
                                                                               to Nigeria was 38.94pc of the
limbo are now gathering steam and       transfer market, it worked to                                           2011. These figures are
                                                                               send amount, and it was as
                                                                                                     t          expected to rise by 8 per
with that has come the rise in          establish           long
                                                            long-standing      much as 47.24pc, between
labour employees, said Nair.            exclusivity agreements with all                                         cent in 2013 and 10 per cent
                                                                               Tanzania and Kenya. In           in 2014 to reach $534 billion
Indicators point to a positive growth   major African banks and monmoney
of the countrys economy, he                                                   contrast, the cost of sending    in 2015. he other top
                                        transfer agents, barring them          money from Malaysia to the       recipients         were            the
added. We launched the Smart           from working with competitors.
Pay, a new offering that benefits                                              Philippines is less than three   Philippines       ($24       billion),
the labourers. In Smart Pay                                                    percent.                         Mexico ($24 billion), and
                                        Such exclusivity agreements                                             Nigeria ($21 billion). The
companies pay us the lump sum
amount at the end of each month         have propelled Western Union to        Companies      working     in    remittance        amounts            to
and the labourers or employees of       a near monopoly
                                                 monopoly-like position, in                                     developing countries are
                                                                               remittance need to become
such companies can visit any of the     key African corridors, and have                                         reportedly now more than
                                                                               increasingly       customer-
UAE Exchange branches and               prevented competitiveness within                                        three times that of official
                                                                               focused. When we start to        development assistance.
withdraw their salaries, said the      the    industry.  In    spite    of    look at the needs of those
country head. The benefit of this                                                                               The report also stated that
                                        successful campaigns, on the           transferring money to Africa,
scheme, he said, is that they can                                                                               the US Remittance Transfer
                                        part of African Diaspora groups,       what becomes clear is that       Rule, which will be imp -
withdraw the amounts and remit the      which have resulted in the
same immediately to their accounts                                             migrants, particularly those     lamented in February 2013,
                                        banning of exclusivity clauses by      earning a weekly wage,           will increase transparency for
back home. Projects are emerging,
                                        African governments, progress          prefer to send smaller           consumers         and       thereby
which is expected to bring in
business. The growth for now is         has generally been very slow.          amounts of money more            market competition.
happening in select pockets of the                                                                              Among         the       developing
service industry. The trickle down      In West Africa, for instance,                                           country regions, South Asia
effect is sure to happen, he added.     regulators have been particularly                                       and Middle East and North
                                        successful in breaking down the        At     present,     exorbitant   African saw the strongest
While the remittance industry is one                                           minimum fees, which can be
area, another is the mobile phone       barriers, created by Western                                            growth, driven primarily by
                                        Union's near
                                                  near-monopoly position.      as much as half of the      he   strong economic activity in
segment, where the numbers are
said to be moving on an upward          Despite signs that the markets         transferred amount, leave        the Gulf countries, said the
spiral, said the country head of the    are opening up, however, and           migrants with little choice,     report.
UAE Exchange. As for the               that    competition   is     finally   but to wait until the end of     The World Bank report
exchange itself, our business has       beginning to flourish, in some         the     month     to     remit   stated that the US is the
seen a 65 per cent growth year          African    remittance    corridors,    comparatively            large   largest recipient of migrants
over year, he added and quipped        banks and other financial se
                                                                   service                                      from developing countries as
                                                                               amounts, typically values
that the curve was not yet dipping.     providers have been slow in                                             well as the largest sender of
                                                                               greater than 200 dollars.
The exchange house now plans to         entering into new relationships                                         remittances. It claimed that
enter the Adliya market by end of       with money transfer companies                                           the     US      economy           has
August, he added.                       offering lower fees.                                                    resumed growth, although
                                                                                                                still modest, after shrinking in
                                                                                                                2008 and 2009.
                                             GenX Solutions
                                                  Solutions-                                                    GENX
                                             Software Services                                           SOLUTIONS:
                                             Technology at work for you                                       Business
                                     Remittance &                    ERP Software
                                    AML/KYC Software                           Our ERP Software is
                                             At    GenX,      Our    an      Enterprise      Resource
                                 Software Solutions suits            Planning (ERP) platform that
                                 banks         and       financial   unifies        your        entire
                                 institutions that specialize in     organization       onto       one
                                 foreign exchange, money             integrated business software           Set-up analysis &
                                 markets and payments. It is         suite. The real-time flow of            recommendations
                                 an end-to-end solution fully
                                              end                    information with customers,            Documentations-Manuals &
  Alternative Payments           integrating e   e-Banking, e-       suppliers and your employees            Policies, Web Content,
  Systems                        Trading and the frontfront-office   is made simple and efficient            Company Profiles Etc.
         At GenX Solutions, We into a single unified                 giving you the power to                Liaison Services Sending
  provide state of art solutions operating core platform that        optimize       your      business       Agents, Receiving Agents,
  for online payments, mobile    addresses all aspects of your       performance.ERP Software is a           Banks & Money Products
  payments and issuing prepaid enterprise.                           complete        solution     that      Trainings-Remittance,
  cards.                         The ability of our software to      combines business functions
                                 handle multiple product lines                                               Software, AML/KYC,
  Our prime products are:                                            into one easy to use
                                 with enterprise
                                         enterprise-wide reach                                               Customer Service, Basic
                                                                     application. This minimizes
       Prepaid Card             combined with the capability
                                        ned                                                                  Forex, etc.
                                                                     data redundancy and allows
       Mobile Wallets           to port data from multiple                                                 Software Remittance,
                                                                     fluid information and process-
                                 makes us complete AML                                                       AML/KYC, ERP, Alternative
       Payroll Processing                                           flow       throughout        your
                                 Solution. The breadth and                                                   Payment Systems.
       Transfer to card                                             organization           increasing
                                 depth of the risk
                                                risk-based AML                                              Web Integration Services.
                                                                     productivity and control.
       Program                  compliance engines, business
                                 modeling and reporting will         Designed to handle the
           Management                                                sophisticated requirements of
                                 enforce your compliance
       Web Payment              policies and procedures and         organizations that operate in
                                                                     the global marketplace, the
           portals.              will enforce a stron AML
                                 regime. Available in SAAS
                                         .                           solution is multi-currency and               EDITOR
                                 and       Licensing     Options.    multi-language enabled.                 MS IRAM SALEEM
                                                                                                         DIRECTOR OPERATIONS &

Wishing You All A Happy, Prosperous
& Prolific New Year 2013

                 For more details contact:
                 GenX Solutions

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Genxzine january-01-2013

  • 1. EN. MORES MOBILE REMITTANCE.................... 1 January-01 GenXzine-02 2013 PAYZA LAUNCHES NEW SERVICE IN BANGLADESH ................ 1 REMITTANCE ON GROWTH IN BAHRAIN ...................... 2 ETHIOPIA FALLS AND INDIA TOPS IN REMITTANCE ........ 2 En.MoRes Mobile Remittance Platform expands Coverage to Nepal More than 200,000 Nepalese in Qatar to benefit from secure, affordable mobile covering almost all cities and suburbs by approximately 2400 p payment locations. It is our focus financial service mission to provide convenient, accessible, affordable and secure mobile financial services EastNets Remittance, a leading global provider that will benefit the large expatriate population in of Mobile Remittance Solutions, has announced the GCC and around the world. en.MoRes is that it has expanded its service coverage to therefore pleased to announce the la launch of the include Nepal through its partnership with Qtel, new mobile remittance service to Nepal in the leading international communications head collaboration with Qtel. We are fully committed to quartered in Qatar. With Nepal now part of the continue to expand the scope of our services to en.MoRes network coverage, customers can allow more people to enjoy the true benefits and use the Qtel Mobile Money service to transfer advantages of the en.MoRes technology platform, platform, money to Nepal, benefitting more than 200,000 said Hazem Mulhim, CEO, EastNets Group. Nepalese who reside throughout Qatar. The easy, safe and convenient money transfer en.MoRes interconnects global Mobile Network service offers a 24/7 facility to transfer funds Operators (MNOs) to a financial community of more instantly to Himalayan Bank, which provides than 10,000 banks via the SWIFT worldwide financial instant connection to 2400 payment network messaging network. It obtained the SWIFTRemit and a/c credit to 32 major commercial banks in conformance label in 2011; t SWIFTRemit is the Nepal. Himalayan Bank is the first and only designed to support financial institutions' needs for bank in Nepal to be certified for SWIFTRemit. low low-value, cross-border person-to-person payments - Himalayan Bank has pioneered to render rem -- otherwise known as remittances ittance service in Nepal since its establishment in 1993. The bank has its proprietary remittance service branded as HimalRemit. Payments sent through en.MoRes network are paid through HimalRemit system in Nepal. The bank has the largest remittance payment network in Nepal Payza Launches New Service to Facilitate Money Transfers to Bangladesh Payza has announced a new service, Simply SendBD, to facilitate money transfers to Bangladesh Bangladesh. This new low low-cost, convenient and fast online service will enable Payza members to send enient money to friends and family in Bangladesh, regardless of whether or not they have a Payza account. Earlier this year, Payza became the first online payment processor to be licensed by the countrys central bank, Bangladesh Bank. According to the banks countrys estimate, there was more than $14 billion in remittances that entered the country in 2012.
  • 2. Ethiopia: Remittance Industry Fails Poor India top recipient BY ISMAIL AHMED ISMA ISMAIL of migrant remittances in 2012: World Bank Remittance industry in Remittance market in This is hardly India was the top Bahrain on a growth path Africa has for too long been surprising, given that the recipient of migrant said UAE country head. monopolized by companies existing arrangements remittances in 2012, imposing inordinate fees that are, according to a new report benefit both Western Union Bahrain economy in 2012 on average, three times those released by the World Bank. and their correspondent is witnessing a growth in the eyes charged on remittances to Asia. According to the report, India banks. received $70 billion as of the remittance agencies, said the They combine a pricing structure Country Head of the UAE migrant remittances in one that imposes extortionate This long-term remittance term Exchange, Deepak Nair. He told year, followed by China with minimum charges with malpractice has meant the $66 million. the Bahrain News Agency, that this consistently poor services. stently growth has also much to do with cost of sending money to The officially recorded the forward movement of the Africa has remained high. remittance flows to This has its roots in Western According to the World Bank, developing countries are economy. The construction industry Union's early activities on the in 2011, the average cost of estimated to have reached is re-emerging and an indicator of that is the increase in labourers, he African continent. As the first sending money from Ghana $406 billion in 2012 - a added. Projects that remained in formal mover in the money growth of 6.5 per cent over to Nigeria was 38.94pc of the limbo are now gathering steam and transfer market, it worked to 2011. These figures are send amount, and it was as t expected to rise by 8 per with that has come the rise in establish long long-standing much as 47.24pc, between labour employees, said Nair. exclusivity agreements with all cent in 2013 and 10 per cent Tanzania and Kenya. In in 2014 to reach $534 billion Indicators point to a positive growth major African banks and monmoney of the countrys economy, he contrast, the cost of sending in 2015. he other top transfer agents, barring them money from Malaysia to the recipients were the added. We launched the Smart from working with competitors. Pay, a new offering that benefits Philippines is less than three Philippines ($24 billion), the labourers. In Smart Pay percent. Mexico ($24 billion), and Such exclusivity agreements Nigeria ($21 billion). The companies pay us the lump sum amount at the end of each month have propelled Western Union to Companies working in remittance amounts to and the labourers or employees of a near monopoly monopoly-like position, in developing countries are remittance need to become such companies can visit any of the key African corridors, and have reportedly now more than increasingly customer- customer UAE Exchange branches and prevented competitiveness within three times that of official focused. When we start to development assistance. withdraw their salaries, said the the industry. In spite of look at the needs of those country head. The benefit of this The report also stated that success successful campaigns, on the transferring money to Africa, scheme, he said, is that they can the US Remittance Transfer part of African Diaspora groups, what becomes clear is that Rule, which will be imp - withdraw the amounts and remit the which have resulted in the same immediately to their accounts migrants, particularly those lamented in February 2013, banning of exclusivity clauses by earning a weekly wage, will increase transparency for back home. Projects are emerging, African governments, progress prefer to send smaller consumers and thereby which is expected to bring in business. The growth for now is has generally been very slow. amounts of money more market competition. happening in select pockets of the Among the developing frequently. service industry. The trickle down In West Africa, for instance, country regions, South Asia effect is sure to happen, he added. regulators have been particularly and Middle East and North successful in breaking down the At present, exorbitant African saw the strongest While the remittance industry is one minimum fees, which can be area, another is the mobile phone barriers, created by Western growth, driven primarily by Union's near near-monopoly position. as much as half of the he strong economic activity in segment, where the numbers are said to be moving on an upward Despite signs that the markets transferred amount, leave the Gulf countries, said the spiral, said the country head of the are opening up, however, and migrants with little choice, report. UAE Exchange. As for the that competition is finally but to wait until the end of The World Bank report exchange itself, our business has beginning to flourish, in some the month to remit stated that the US is the seen a 65 per cent growth year African remittance corridors, comparatively large largest recipient of migrants over year, he added and quipped banks and other financial se service from developing countries as amounts, typically values that the curve was not yet dipping. providers have been slow in well as the largest sender of greater than 200 dollars. The exchange house now plans to entering into new relationships remittances. It claimed that enter the Adliya market by end of with money transfer companies the US economy has August, he added. offering lower fees. resumed growth, although still modest, after shrinking in 2008 and 2009.
  • 3. zs GenX Solutions Solutions- GENX Software Services SOLUTIONS: Simplifying Technology at work for you Business Remittance & ERP Software AML/KYC Software Our ERP Software is At GenX, Our an Enterprise Resource Software Solutions suits Planning (ERP) platform that banks and financial unifies your entire institutions that specialize in organization onto one foreign exchange, money integrated business software Set-up analysis & markets and payments. It is suite. The real-time flow of recommendations an end-to-end solution fully end information with customers, Documentations-Manuals & Alternative Payments integrating e e-Banking, e- suppliers and your employees Policies, Web Content, Systems Trading and the frontfront-office is made simple and efficient Company Profiles Etc. At GenX Solutions, We into a single unified giving you the power to Liaison Services Sending provide state of art solutions operating core platform that optimize your business Agents, Receiving Agents, for online payments, mobile addresses all aspects of your performance.ERP Software is a Banks & Money Products payments and issuing prepaid enterprise. complete solution that Trainings-Remittance, cards. The ability of our software to combines business functions handle multiple product lines Software, AML/KYC, Our prime products are: into one easy to use with enterprise enterprise-wide reach Customer Service, Basic application. This minimizes Prepaid Card combined with the capability ned Forex, etc. data redundancy and allows Mobile Wallets to port data from multiple Software Remittance, fluid information and process- makes us complete AML AML/KYC, ERP, Alternative Payroll Processing flow throughout your Solution. The breadth and Payment Systems. Transfer to card organization increasing depth of the risk risk-based AML Web Integration Services. productivity and control. Program compliance engines, business modeling and reporting will Designed to handle the Management sophisticated requirements of enforce your compliance Web Payment policies and procedures and organizations that operate in the global marketplace, the GENXZINE portals. will enforce a stron AML strong regime. Available in SAAS . solution is multi-currency and EDITOR and Licensing Options. multi-language enabled. MS IRAM SALEEM DIRECTOR OPERATIONS & COMPLIANCE Wishing You All A Happy, Prosperous & Prolific New Year 2013 For more details contact: GenX Solutions support@genxsolutions.in www.genxsolutions.in