Dokumen ini membahas tentang jenis lemak, sumber lemak, dan dampak konsumsi lemak jenuh dan tak jenuh terhadap kesehatan. Lemak dibagi menjadi lemak jenuh dan tak jenuh, dengan lemak jenuh berasal dari hewan dan meningkatkan kolesterol darah, sementara lemak tak jenuh berasal dari nabati dan baik untuk kesehatan.
This document discusses insurance premium calculations for life insurance and motor insurance policies. It provides formulas and tables to calculate premiums based on factors such as age, health status, vehicle type and capacity. For life insurance, premium rates increase with age due to declining life expectancy. Smokers also face higher rates due to greater health risks. The document demonstrates calculations for annual premiums on sample policies. It also discusses No Claim Discount rates that reduce premiums for drivers with no claims in the previous year. Premium amounts may differ from insurers' rates due to additional fees and taxes.
Ekonomi Asas Tingkatan 4 Unit 2 - Pendapatan Dan Penggunaan Pendapatan Individu Chuah Chye
- Potongan caruman KWSP dikenakan kpd semua pekerja di Malaysia
yg berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
- Kadar caruman ialah 11% drp gaji kasar pekerja.
- 7% dibayar oleh majikan & 4% dibayar oleh pekerja.
- Caruman KWSP dikira berdasarkan gaji bulanan pekerja.
- Caruman KWSP dibayar kpd KWSP setiap bulan.
Berapakah potongan KWSP bagi
Penggunaan berlebihan baja nitrogen boleh mencemarkan alam sekitar dan menyebabkan tanah menjadi berasid serta kekurangan nutrien. Walaupun baja nitrogen mudah didapati dan murah, ia hanya diserap 30-50% oleh tanaman. Saintis sedang mencari kaedah pertanian lestari untuk meningkatkan hasil tanpa kesan buruk pencemaran nitrogen.
This document discusses insurance premium calculations for life insurance and motor insurance policies. It provides formulas and tables to calculate premiums based on factors such as age, health status, vehicle type and capacity. For life insurance, premium rates increase with age due to declining life expectancy. Smokers also face higher rates due to greater health risks. The document demonstrates calculations for annual premiums on sample policies. It also discusses No Claim Discount rates that reduce premiums for drivers with no claims in the previous year. Premium amounts may differ from insurers' rates due to additional fees and taxes.
Ekonomi Asas Tingkatan 4 Unit 2 - Pendapatan Dan Penggunaan Pendapatan Individu Chuah Chye
- Potongan caruman KWSP dikenakan kpd semua pekerja di Malaysia
yg berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
- Kadar caruman ialah 11% drp gaji kasar pekerja.
- 7% dibayar oleh majikan & 4% dibayar oleh pekerja.
- Caruman KWSP dikira berdasarkan gaji bulanan pekerja.
- Caruman KWSP dibayar kpd KWSP setiap bulan.
Berapakah potongan KWSP bagi
Penggunaan berlebihan baja nitrogen boleh mencemarkan alam sekitar dan menyebabkan tanah menjadi berasid serta kekurangan nutrien. Walaupun baja nitrogen mudah didapati dan murah, ia hanya diserap 30-50% oleh tanaman. Saintis sedang mencari kaedah pertanian lestari untuk meningkatkan hasil tanpa kesan buruk pencemaran nitrogen.
Dokumen tersebut membahas sistem pemerintahan dan administrasi Kesultanan Melayu Melaka secara singkat, mulai dari struktur kepemimpinan, sistem cukai, bahasa resmi, faktor kegemilangan dan kemerosotannya, serta pengaruh kedatangan Portugis terhadap jatuhnya Melaka.
Sectionalism in the United States was characterized by divisions between the North and South on several issues including slavery, immigration, and religion. Significant events that deepened sectional divisions included slave revolts in the 1820s-1830s, the invention of agricultural technologies like the steel plow and cotton gin, and increasing immigration to the North. Religious denominations also split along regional lines, with Methodist and Baptist churches gaining membership in the South while unitarians who opposed slavery saw declines.
Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan Doctorate (PhD) .pdfdabneyluang
This document outlines the research methodology used in a case study on computer utilization to promote 21st century learning among teachers in Sarawak secondary schools. It describes the research design, population and sampling, research instruments including a questionnaire, pilot study and reliability testing of the instrument. It also provides details on the data collection procedures and data analysis methods that will be used. The chapter summary provides an overview of what is covered in the methodology chapter.
Research proposal research baru 27 junedabneyluang
This document is a research proposal by Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan that aims to study the level of discipline problems in one secondary school in Sarawak, Malaysia. The proposal includes an introduction that provides background on the increasing issue of discipline problems in schools. It then outlines the objectives, research questions, and hypotheses of the study. Tables from the Malaysian Ministry of Education present statistics on discipline issues. The significance of the study is that improving school discipline requires involvement from teachers, schools, education departments and the Ministry of Education.
This document is a research proposal by Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan examining disciplinary problems at one school in Sarawak, Malaysia. The study aims to identify factors that cause disciplinary issues, ways to improve school discipline, and the effect of school management on discipline. It provides background on the prevalence of disciplinary problems in Malaysian schools. The research will examine these issues through a sample of 30 teachers at SMK Rosli Dhoby in Sibu, Sarawak. The document outlines the objectives, research questions, hypotheses, significance, limitations, and definitions used in the study.
This document contains a questionnaire about the effectiveness of approaches to discipline in schools. It is divided into four parts. Part A collects background information about respondents such as gender, age, education level, and salary. Part B examines factors that could contribute to disciplinary problems in schools, such as health issues, family problems, peer influence, and lack of parental attention. Part C explores ways to improve school discipline, like establishing a merit-demerit system, increasing parental involvement, and empowering prefects. Finally, Part D focuses on motivations to overcome disciplinary issues, including counseling sessions, discipline integrated into lessons, and awareness campaigns about social problems. The questionnaire aims to gather perspectives on school disciplinary challenges and solutions.
The document discusses a study on the effectiveness of approaches to discipline in schools. It contains a questionnaire with questions about factors that can cause disciplinary problems in schools such as health issues, family problems, peer influence, lack of parental attention, and teaching methods. It also asks about ways to improve school discipline such as establishing a merit-demerit system, increasing parental involvement, empowering prefects, and ensuring rules are enforced consistently. Finally, it addresses motivations for overcoming disciplinary issues like counseling, discipline during lessons, parental concern, and teacher training. Respondents are asked to rate their level of agreement with each statement on a 5-point scale.
This document contains a list of 13 references on the topics of discipline, self-discipline, positive models of discipline, the use of visual arts in teaching, and factors that influence student absenteeism. The references include websites from the Malaysian Ministry of Education, academic journals, books, and research papers focused on discipline and education.
This document contains a list of 13 references on the topics of discipline, self-discipline, positive models of discipline, the use of visual arts in teaching, and factors that influence student absenteeism. The references include websites from the Malaysian Ministry of Education, journal articles, books, and other research papers on education, psychology, and discipline in school settings.
The document discusses a study on the effectiveness of approaches to discipline in schools. It contains a questionnaire with questions about factors that can cause disciplinary problems in schools, ways to improve school discipline, and motivations to overcome disciplinary issues. The questionnaire is divided into multiple parts collecting background information from respondents and asking them to rate their level of agreement with various statements related to school discipline on a 5-point scale. The goal is to better understand perceptions of disciplinary problems and solutions to inform academic research on this topic.
This chapter outlines the research methodology used in the study. It employed a quantitative experimental design using a factorial design to investigate the effects of three independent variables (school discipline factors, ways to improve discipline, and student motivation) on the dependent variable of school discipline. The study was conducted among 50 teachers from a school in Shah Alam who were given questionnaires. The data collected would be analyzed by examining respondent backgrounds, scoring responses to questions regarding the independent variables, and using statistical analysis techniques.
This chapter reviews literature related to school discipline among students. It discusses factors that contribute to indiscipline, such as peer influence, family issues, and boring lessons. Statistical data from the Ministry of Education from 2007-2012 is presented, showing the number and percentage of disciplinary cases involving various offenses in primary and secondary schools in Malaysia. The chapter also reviews theories on discipline, including the need for internal motivation versus external control. A conceptual framework is presented outlining factors that affect discipline, ways to improve it, and motivations to overcome issues.
This document outlines a research proposal that aims to identify the factors causing discipline problems among students at SMK Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah in Shah Alam, Malaysia and ways to improve school discipline. The study will survey 30 students to determine the key factors influencing student behavior, such as attitudes of students, peers, parents and teachers. If successful, the findings could help schools, parents and counselors better understand disciplinary issues and identify solutions, contributing to the government's goal of developing morally upright youth. However, the study faces time limitations that may restrict its scope.
This document summarizes an action research study on integrating the arts into social studies lessons. The study aimed to see if this approach increased student participation, motivation, and achievement. It involved four 6th grade classes taught by the same teacher. Two groups received 14 lessons integrating art forms like pictures, music or drama, while two control groups received 6 traditional lessons. The study found higher levels of rated student participation and motivation in the arts-integrated lessons compared to the traditional lessons, as assessed through teacher observations and student feedback. Student achievement was also higher, as measured by term grades in the arts-integrated groups. The study demonstrated how action research can help teachers improve educational practices in their own classrooms.
Research proposal research (Dabney Luang)dabneyluang
This document provides a research proposal on improving school discipline among students at SMK Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah in Shah Alam, Malaysia. The proposal outlines the background of discipline problems in schools, the research questions and objectives, which aim to identify the key factors that cause discipline issues and ways to improve school discipline. If successful, the study could help teachers, schools, parents and the government address the symptoms of poor discipline to develop students' moral character and establish ethical societies. However, the study is limited to 30 students at one school in Shah Alam.
Here are the answers to your questions:
1. A relic is a surviving object or artifact from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest. Four examples of relics are: ancient tools, pieces of clothing from historical figures, fragments of religious texts, and remnants of historical structures.
2. It is important to establish rapport with collaborators or the group being researched so that they feel comfortable with the researcher and act naturally during observations. This allows the researcher to obtain accurate and authentic data about the group's behaviors, perspectives and experiences in their natural context. Rapport building helps participants be open and honest.
3. Triangulation in qualitative research refers to using multiple data sources or research methods to develop
Experimental research is the most conclusive scientific method because the researcher directly manipulates the independent variable and studies its effects on the dependent variable. This allows the researcher to determine causation, unlike other research methods. The purpose is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Basic steps include having an experimental group that receives a treatment and a control group that does not, then comparing outcomes. Key characteristics include random assignment to control threats to internal validity. Poor designs do not include control groups or random assignment, making it impossible to determine if results are due to the treatment.
This document discusses different research methodologies including survey research, correlation research, and causal-comparative research. It defines each type of research and provides examples. Survey research involves collecting data through methods like interviews, questionnaires, and observations in order to describe populations. Correlation research examines relationships between two variables. Causal-comparative research attempts to identify causes or consequences of existing differences between groups. The document outlines key aspects of each methodology such as study design, purposes, examples, and basic steps.
Writing the review research(My Research Review ) Dabney Luangdabneyluang
This article surveys three approaches to improving school discipline: ecological approaches to classroom management, schoolwide positive behavioral supports, and social and emotional learning. It describes how classroom management focuses on improving student engagement and participation, while ecological approaches aim to strengthen classroom activities and foster student development. The article also discusses how schoolwide positive behavioral support and social emotional learning programs have been shown to reduce problematic behaviors. The implications are that the approaches studied, such as schoolwide positive behavioral supports and social emotional learning, could help improve school discipline by developing student self-discipline and establishing clear behavioral expectations.
The document summarizes three approaches to improving school discipline practices: ecological approaches to classroom management, schoolwide positive behavioral supports (SWPBS), and social and emotional learning (SEL). Ecological approaches focus on improving the quality and engagement of classroom activities. SWPBS establishes schoolwide systems to teach and reward positive behaviors while intervening with at-risk students. SEL builds students' social-emotional skills and sense of connection to improve self-discipline. While different, the approaches can be combined to create environments that promote learning, development, and order.
This document discusses classroom management, bullying, and teacher practices. It summarizes that while bullying has received more attention, little is known about the relationship between classroom management and bullying. Research suggests several variables can create environments where bullying is more likely, including harsh discipline, lower quality instruction, and disorganized settings. The document calls for more education on classroom management practices and bullying for both preservice and in-service teachers, as well as further research on the relationship between classroom management and bullying.
Published. spillane, healey. conceptualizing school leadershipdabneyluang
This document discusses conceptualizing school leadership and management from a distributed perspective. It argues that more research is needed on study operations and measures before making causal claims. It explores studying the formal and informal organization and relations between them. Several study operations are proposed and measures are discussed to capture aspects of leadership distribution, such as responsibilities of different leadership roles and alignment of leadership functions. The strengths and weaknesses of proposed measures are critically examined using school data. More work on conceptualization, study operations, and instrument development is urged to advance research from a distributed perspective.
3. Faktor s/j di
Muka Bumi
Tanih aluvium
Tanah Liat
Tanah Gambut
Tanih Laterit
Tanih berpasir
Iklim Khatulistiwa
Suhu tinggi 27 C
Hujan tahunan 2600 mm
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
4. Jenis Hutan
1. Hutan Hujan Tropika – Bentuk Muka Bumi :
Kaki bukit dan cerun gunung yang kurang
daripada 1 000 m
Iklim : Iklim Khatulistiwa yang panas dan lembap
Tanih : Aluvium , Laterit
Saliran : Baik
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
5. 2. Hutan Gunung – Bentuk Muka Bumi : Tanah
Tinggi yang melebihi 1 000 m
Iklim : Suhu 18 C dan hujan kira-kira 2 500mm
Tanih : Tanih Laterit
Saliran : Baik
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
6. 3. Hutan Paya Air Masin – Bentuk Muka Bumi :
Pinggir Laut yang terlindung dan muara sungai
yang berlumpur
Iklim : Iklim Khtulistiwa yang panas dan lembap
Tanih : Tanih Liat
Saliran : Berpaya dan sentiasa menakung air
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
7. 4. Hutan paya air tawar - Bentuk Muka Bumi :
Kawasan pedalaman yang rendah
Iklim : Iklim Khtulistiwa yang panas dan lembap
Tanih : Tanih Gambut
Saliran : Saliran buruk dan sentiasa menakung
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
8. 5.Hutan Pantai – Bentuk Muka Bumi : Kawasan
rendah di pinggir laut
Iklim : Iklim Khtulistiwa yang panas dan lembap
Tanih : Berpasir
Saliran : Baik
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
10. Tumbuhan s/j dan hidupan liar di
negara-negara lain
Hutan Hujan Tropika(Malaysia)
Tumbuh –
Tumbuhan Gurun
Panas (Gurun
Hutan Monsun
Mediterranean /
Bangkut (Turki)
tumbuhan Tundra
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
11. Hutan Hujan Tropika(Malaysia)
Keadaan Iklim : Jenis Khatulistiwa
Suhu : Min Suhu 27 C
Hujan/Kerpasan : Sekitar 2 600mm
Ciri Tumbuhan s/j : Malar Hijau , padat , berakar banir dan
daun lebar
- Mempunyai empat lapisan yang nyata
- Tumbuhan lantai jarang
- Kayu Keras seperti meranti , cengal ,keruing ,merbau
- Hidupan Liar : Harimau , gajah ,tapir ,orang utan ,
seladang , pelanduk
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
12. Hutan Monsun Tropika(Thailand)
Keadaan Iklim : Jenis Monsun Tropika
Suhu : 24 C – 27 C
Hujan/ Kerpasan : 1 000 mm – 2 000mm
Ciri Tumbuhan s/j : Hutan lebih jarang
- Menggugurkan daun pada musim kering
- Tumbuhan lantai padat
- Kayu Keras seperti jati , penaga ,sal , cendana
- Hidupan liar : Gajah , harimau ,
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
13. Hutan Mediterranean/Bangkut(Turki)
Keadaan Iklim : Gurun panas
Suhu : 44 C
Malam : 10 C
Hujan/Kerpasan : Kurang daripada 250mm
Ciri Tumbuhan s/j : pokok-pokok mempunyai daun
berbulu ,malar hijau, dan tahan kemarau
- Berdaun kecil , keras dan berkulit tebal
- Jenis tumbuhan seperti oak,laurel ,malle
Hidupan liar : kucing liar ,landak ,ular ,burung
Falcon , arnab ,serigala merah
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
14. Tumbuhan Tumbuhan Gurun Panas
(Gurun Sahara)
• Keadaan Iklim : Jenis Gurun Panas
• Suhu Siang : 44 C
• Suhu Malam : 10 C
Hujan/Kerpasan : Kurang daripada 250mm
Ciri Tumbuhan s/j : Tumbuhan tahan kemarau panjang
-Daun yang keras ,kecil berduri dan berbulu
- Batang pokok berlendair
- Tumbuhan utama Kaktus
- Akar panjang dan meluas
Hidupan Liar – Unta , ular ,badger ,tikus ,jerboa ,kala
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP
15. Tumbuh-Tumbuhan Tundra(Siberia)
Keadaan Iklim : Jenis Tundra
Suhu Panas : 10 C
Sejuk : -14 C
Hujan/Kerpasan : Kurang daripada 250 mm
Ciri Tumbuhan s/j : Tumbuhan musim panas yang singkat
-berakar pendek
- pokok-pokok renek dan bantut
- Banyak terdapat lumut dan kulampair
Hidupan liar : Beruang Kutub , burung ptarmigan , arnab
Artik , lemming
17/08/2013 Disediakan oleh DLP