Presentation given by David Hunter at California Council for the Social Studies in Oakland, CA on 3/6/15. Because geography is undertaught in K12 social studies, Hunter offered ideas to educators on how to integrate it back into rotation and making it relevant for students using real world skills.
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Bringing Geography Back From the Dead [CCSS presentation]
10. 4 Steps to Bring
Geography Back From the Dead
1. Don't hide Geography in other subjects
2. Teach what Geographers do
3. Emphasize application of knowledge
using skills
4. Make problems and questions
29. Project-Based Learning
? ¡°an extended process of inquiry in
response to a complex question,
problem, or challenge¡± (BIE)
? The question drives the learning
39. Make your questions/
problems exciting
How would you ____________________
to ________________________________?
application of knowledge
interesting problem
40. Let's Try
? Time Travel
? Zombie Apocalypse
? Hogwarts
? Space Exploration
? Fashion Designer
? Famous Musician
? Architect
? Waste-Water Treatment
Plant Operator
Fiction Non-Fiction
How would you use regions?
De?ning regions - Identifying unifying characteristics
41. The four steps:
1. Don't hide Geography in other subjects
2. Teach what Geographers do
3. Emphasize application of knowledge
using skills
4. Make problems and questions
44. Pre-Outbreak Survival
Mapping the Outbreak
? Student has some reports of zombie attacks.
? Design a map and plot the attacks on the map.
? Analyze spatial relationships to predict where
they think the zombies will spread next.