This document summarizes a geography course for gifted and talented fifth graders. The students learned about wave formation and different types of waves. They also studied various sea protections like groynes, sea walls, and beach rebuilding. To demonstrate their learning, the students worked as a team to create a 3D model using paper, sticks, and pom-poms to show different sea defenses. They enjoyed making the creative model the most and hope others find their presentation informative.
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George and paige presentation
1. Geography Year 5 Gifted and Talented Course. By Paige and George 2010
2. What have you learnt from the course? We have learnt how the waves and tides have been formed and we have learned different types of waves too . Also we have learnt about all the sea protectors (groynes , rip rap , sea walls , revetments and beach rebuilding) with their prices too !
4. How did you make your model? We made our model by working together as a team .we used yellow paper for the sand and blue paper for the sea , lolly-pop sticks for the sea wall and pom-poms for the rip-rap.
5. What does your model show? Our model shows the sea defenses' in 3d and what can be used there.
6. What have you enjoyed most about the course? We enjoyed making the model most because it was creative fun for everyone.
7. Thank you for watching our slide we hope you enjoyed it