George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia and became a military leader during the French and Indian War. He commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. Washington was subsequently elected the first President of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. He was a champion of national unity and helped shape the federal government through his leadership and vision. Washington died in 1799 and remains an iconic figure in American history as the "Father of His Country."
2. Who was President George Washington?
ï‚— George Washington was born on
February 22, 1732.
ï‚— Born in 1732 into a Virginia
planter family, he learned the
morals, manners, and body of
knowledge which was standard
for an 18th century Virginia
ï‚— He pursued two intertwined
interests: military arts and
western expansion.
3. Washington’s Childhood
ï‚— George was the first child of Augustine Washington
and his wife Mary Ball Washington.
 He was born on their Pope’s Creek estate in
Westmoreland, Virginia.
ï‚— His Father was very wealthy. George would have
been raised with the greatest education.
4. Washington as a Young Soldier
ï‚— By 1754, Washington had
become lieutenant colonel
and fought in the first
skirmishes of the French
and Indian War.
ï‚— In a legendary story
Washington escaped four
bullets which went
through his coat, but he
was unharmed.
5. Washington as an American Rebel
ï‚— In the time between the
French and Indian War and
the American Revolution
Washington spent his time as
a farmer near Mount Vernon.
ï‚— He like other planters of this
time had many issues British
merchants and regulations.
ï‚— Washington was known for
his resistance against the
Mother country’s oppression.
6. Washington as a Commander
ï‚— When the Second Continental
Congress assembled in
Philadelphia in May 1775,
Washington, one of the
Virginia delegates, was
elected Commander in Chief
of the Continental Army.
ï‚— On July 3, 1775, at
Cambridge, Massachusetts, he
took command of his ill-
trained troops and embarked
upon a war that was to last six
grueling years.
7. Washington and the Constitution
ï‚— Washington was crucial
in the steps leading to the
Convention at
Philadelphia in 1787.
ï‚— When the new
Constitution was ratified,
the Electoral College
unanimously elected
Washington President.
8. How he felt about the Constitution
ï‚— Washington was one of the
first to recognize that the
articles were flawed, so he
pushed for the constitution.
ï‚— He believed strongly that
states rights and the
protection of such rights were
of upmost importance to the
new government.
9. Washington During the French Revolution
ï‚— When the French Revolution broke out under
Washington’s Presidency he was faced with a
serious turning point.
ï‚— Thomas Jefferson the Secretary of State was very
French biased and Alexander Hamilton the
Secretary of Treasury favored the British.
ï‚— Very famously Washington took the middle ground
and refused to back either side in their war.
10. ameriCa’s 1st President
ï‚— George Washington was elected unanimously
in 1789 and again in the 1792.
ï‚— To this day he is the only President to receive
100% of the electoral college votes.
ï‚— John Adams took the role of Vice President.
11.  Country’s 1st Spymaster
ï‚— Washington was a master of intelligence,
counterintelligence, and military deception.
ï‚— "Washington did not really outfight the British, he
simply out spied us!" Beckwith
12. Was he a good leader?
ï‚— Only won 3 out of 9 battles
14. Memorials
ï‚— On the $1.00
ï‚— On the quarter
ï‚— Mt. Rushmore
ï‚— Washington Monument
ï‚— National Memorial
15. Washington’s fears
ï‚— President Washington was very against the two
party system because he believed that it would
create a government with extreme right and left
 In Washington’s farewell speech he addressed
these concerns and urged that long term alliances
would be a huge mistake.
16. Famous Quotes
ï‚— Associate with men of good quality if you esteem
your own reputation; for it is better to be alone
than in bad company.
ï‚— Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let
those few be well tried before you give them your
ï‚— Few men have virtue to withstand the highest
17. Famous Quotes
ï‚— Firearms are second only to the Constitution in
importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
ï‚— I can only say that there is not a man living who
wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted
for the abolition of slavery.
18. Washington’s death
ï‚— He died of a throat infection December 14, 1799.
For months the Nation mourned him.