This document discusses the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP), which provides tools and services for exploiting earth observation data for geohazards applications. It outlines three key topics: 1) the purpose and services of GEP, including a geobrowser and cloud dashboard, 2) how to build a first application using templates and designing workflows, and 3) steps to deliver a processor as a service, including testing, integration, and sharing processing jobs.
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GEP training
1. Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP)
New EO Service Development
(Scenario 2)
Training session
Francesco Barchetta, Terradue
2. 1. Why the Geohazards Exploitation Platform ?
則р Data and Processing discovery : the geobrowser service
則р Cloud infrastructure access : the cloud dashboard service
2. How to build my 鍖rst App ready made for GEP
則р Using Application templates
則р Designing my Application work鍖ow
則р Application Descriptor & Run Executables
3. Delivering my processor to users on GEP
則р Install and test the processor as-a-Service
則р Sharing processing jobs on the Platform
Processor integration Training contents
4. A platform to support the exploitation of satellite
earth observations for geohazards
A community portal helping you to access and
exploit geohazards related data and processors
A social place where to share your work
A platform to integrate and run your own
processing service
Geohazards Exploitation Platform Mission
5. The geobrowser is composed of:
The Map, where the user can make search
queries and see results
The Contexts areas, to organize views on results
The Results panel, and the user Basket panel
The Processing services panel
Platform services The geobrowser
6. The Cloud dashboard allows to:
Browse the Virtual Machines created on GEP
Create a new Virtual Machine
Create a new ESA Cloud Toolbox for a Data Analysis
Create a new Developer Cloud Sandbox for the Portal
integration tools
Platform services The cloud dashboard
8. Small GitHub survival guide:
Import an application template from GitHub
Change the GitHub remote reference
Commit your work
Synchronise to repository
Settings Working with a Developer Cloud Sandbox
9. De鍖ne your application as a Directed Acyclic Graph
De鍖ne inputs type, outputs and transactions
Number of nodes vs Number of inputs
My application The work鍖ow
10. Job templates
Executable scripts types
Work鍖ow instance
Scope of sources and parameters:
exploiting the WPS interface
My application Work鍖ow descriptor
11. Preparing the environment
Reading the inputs
Calling the processor binaries
Staging out the results
My application Run executables
13. Installing the Application
Using the ciop-run command
Testing from the Cloud Sandbox Dashboard
Web Processing Service (WPS) interface
Finally, ready to be used on GEP
Platform integration Testing the work鍖ow
14. User operations:
Fill the form with inputs from a Data Package
Run a job with a public visibility
View/download the job results
Platform integration Sharing processing jobs