"Policing Contemporary Kenya- KPR and Private Security"
Regional Review Conference on the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development
Nairobi, Kenya | 26-27 November 2014
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Gerard Wandera, Deputy Director, Kenya School of Government (KSG)
4. Introduction
The concept of Private Security
The KPR and Rangers: Who are they?
Difference between KPRs and Rangers
Key Issues
Changing roles
Policy and oversight
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
5. Quote
The UN, whose agencies have a large presence in the Nairobi, reckon the
number of burglaries in Nairobi doubled to 300 from the last quarter of
2013 to the first quarter of this year. Private security companies, who are
reckoned to employ more than 100,000 people in Nairobi, are thriving.
Ever more cameras, fences and walls are going up, with barbed wire
strung along the top. Some robbers, dressed as guards, have taken over
entire residential compounds and methodically cleaned out all the houses
(The Economist, May 2014).
This work examines the increasing growth of PSCs with a bias towards KPRs.
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
6. Private security
A person or body of persons, other than a
state agency, registered to provide private
security services
The includes nongovernmental, private sector
practice, and quasi-public police
Process of embedding in law ( Private Security
Regulations Bill 2014)
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
7. Core elements of Private Security
physical security, personnel security, information systems
security, investigations, loss prevention, risk management,
legal aspects, emergency and contingency planning, fire
protection, crisis management, disaster management,
counterterrorism, competitive intelligence, executive
protection, violence in the workplace, crime prevention,
crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), and
security architecture and engineering.
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
8. KPR and Rangers: Who are they
KPR is a volunteer auxiliary force recruited from a
resident Sec. 110 (1) of NPSA
Allowed to take other employment Sec. 71 (1)
Armed by the State to provide security in the same
Provisions of retirement is after 4 years, however
hardly Sec. 112
No clarity of reporting ie County Police Commander
or County Ap Commander Sec 110 (3)
Many citizens consider them very important
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
9. KPRs Traditional
KPR modern (Scouts/rangers)
No uniform or
borrowed uniforms
Uniform provided
Work for communities Work for conservancies
Minimal or no training Trained in Manyani by KWS and by
British ex-soldiers
No salary or
Salaried & compensated in case of
No promotion Promotion is clear
Armed by OCPD Some armed by OCPD
Comparison of KPRs and or Rangers
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
11. Issues: Changing Roles of KPRs
Metamorphosis of KPR roles
Urbanisation, due to changing economy
commoditization and the desire to earn real money
Livelihood is an important factor in these changes
Livelihood also the most important factor in arms
Scouts funding may not be sustainable
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
12. Issues: Policy and Oversight
Lack of policy on these changes
Proliferation of institutions responsible for
scouts bringing confusion
OCPD unable to oversee scouts properly and
lacks resources to monitor ordinary KPRs
Police reform regulations for KPR not ready
yet they are a bigger force than the police in
some areas
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
13. Issues: SALW
Licit arming, and misuse due to poor training,
supervision and lack of pay
May lead to localized arms race
Potential for formation of militias
If scouts funding dries up this risk is significant
Land conflict is volatile in Laikipia erosion of
communal land could trigger conflict
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
14. Issues: Elitism
Privatisation of security in Laikipia
State provision of arms
Diversion of security from other areas
A public good becomes enjoyed by the few
Community outside seek an alternative in the
form of militias/vigilante
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
15. Issues: Politicization
KPRs are from a single ethnic group
Often linked to their MP
Potential for recruitment into private armies
should the time arise
Under new dispensation, the Governor as
elected leader could misuse them.
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
16. Conclusions
A private rancher recommended,
KPRs are strength, because they are local. The
police are outsiders, they are not local and they
are not risk takers like KPR, so it is useful for them
to help the police. What is needed for KPR is good
pay, strict disciplinary procedures, a contract on
service delivery, and training like the police.
Reporting should be on a clear weekly or monthly
basis.[i][i] Interview, a private rancher, January, 2012.
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG
17. Conclusions
Livelihood is a vital consideration
Policy has not kept pace with change
It is vital that the state get on top of what is
going on and resource OCPDs to manage KPRs
Politicians should be kept out of security
02/12/15 Gerard Wandera, KSG