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                   As a main language


                As a secondary/tertiary language
               GERMANY AND ENGLAND

 In Germany, children dont have to start school until they are 6 years old. Up
  until then, school (Kindergarten) is optional. However, in England, compulsory
  school starts at 4 years old.
 At the end of Grundschule, aged 11, the parents and teacher of the child meet
  to discuss which school the child will attend from then on. They have four
  options: Gymnasium (a school with an entrance exam for more able students),
  Gesamptschule (a school, which, like the Gymnasium, does final exams, but
  accepts anyone), Hauptschule (children leave school at 15/16 to start a
  vocational training course or work) and Realschule (children gain a certificate
  when they leave in year 10 and allows them to: have vocational training, work in
  public service at secretarial and executive level, or continue to further their
  education in school.)
 When children start school, they are given a Schult端te, a large cone full of sweets
  and toys.
                  GERMANY AND ENGLAND

            Many famous dishes have originated from Germany. For example;

 Bratwurst and currywurst. These are both traditional German sausage, but the latter
    is covered with curry powder and spicy ketchup.

 Marzipan. A ground almond paste.

 Sauerkraut. Pickled, shredded cabbage.

 Sp辰tzle. Home made noodles.

 Stollen. A cake usually eaten at Christmas that contains dried fruit and covered in a
    thick layer of icing sugar.

 Pretzels. Bread shaped in a particular knot shape, normally with salt crystals mixed in.
                GERMANY AND ENGLAND


 Lederhosen  these are leather breeches, worn by men. They can have suspenders
    attached and are any length from short to knee-length.

 Dirndl  this dress consists of a bodice, blouse, knee-length to full-length skirt and an
    apron. It originates from Southern Germany, mainly Bavaria, and was originally made
    of plain and simple fabrics. It is only worn by women.

Lederhosen                                                                         Dirndl
        D I F F E R E N T PA R T S O F G E R M A N Y

 Different states have a reputation for being more or less friendly than
others. (Namely the people South being more welcoming than those in
the North)
 Different states in Germany use language differently to one another;
all have different dialects and accents.
 The food in the North is mainly focused around fish; at least, they eat
more fish than anywhere else in Germany, due to the fact theyre located
next to the North Sea. This is different to the food eaten in other states.
 The South is said to be more conservative than the North, which is
usually more liberal.
 Nikolaustag, 5th -6th December, is a night where children leave out their shoes by
   the front door in order for Saint Nikolaus to fill them with chocolate, fruits and
   nuts if the child has been good. However, if the child has misbehaved Knecht
   Ruprecht leaves the child with sticks.
 Different parts of Germany believe in different gift-bearing visitors on
   Christmas Eve. Some parts think its Christkind, Christ child, others believe in
   Weihnachtsmann, a figure quite similar in appearance to Santa Claus.
 The main Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve in Germany, and many
   people attend midnight mass that night.

Weihnachtsmann   Christkind
 Silvester, New Years Eve. On this day, many people send cards to one another. This is
usually in lieu of Christmas cards. Also, people can buy marzipan pigs from a bakery. If
you find a pig with a penny in its mouth, it will bring you wealth over the coming year.
 Oster, Easter. There are many traditions in Germany that surround Easter. Firstly,
there is the Osterbaum, a tree that is decorated with painted eggs which are hung from its
branches. Secondly, chocolate eggs are brought by the Osterhase (the Easter Bunny), or
Osterfuchs (the Easter Fox). Less widely represented gift-bearers are the Easter Rooster (in
Saxony) and the Stork (in Thuringia). Also, cakes are made in the shape of lambs. These
cakes, or Gebackene Osterlamm, are usually made with a rich, creamy filling, or just made of
a bread-like dough. Bonfires are usually lit to celebrate Easter in most parts of Germany.

 Birthdays  on a childs 16th birthday, their friends will pour flour over their
head. On their 18th birthday, eggs will usually be smashed on their head.
Geburtstagskr辰nze may also be used instead of candles on a cake. These are
wooden rings which have 10-12 holes in which candles are placed: one for each
year of a childs life. A Lebenskerze is placed in the middle of the ring, a bigger
candle usually presented to the family at the childs Christening.

 Celebrating someones birthday before the actual day is considered bad luck
in Germany, so no cards or presents should be given before the day.
   F O U N D I N T H E E N G L I S H L A N G UA G E ?

 The English borrow many words from the German language, such as:
fest, doppelganger, diesel, blitz, hamburger, poltergeist and
 Also, the German invasion of Britain in the 5th century has led to
many of the roots of English words being Germanic, as they are in
Germany. This would explain some of the similarities in our languages :
hello and hallo, glass and glas and angel and engel, for
 Anne Frank, who wrote a diary surrounding her time in hiding from the Nazis
   Til Schweiger, a German actor from films such as This Means War and
                             Inglorious Basterds
                 Claudia Schiffer, an actress and supermodel
                  Albert Einstein, a world famous physicist
                         Boris Becker, a tennis player
         Heidi Klum, an actress, supermodel and reality television star
        Pope Benedict XVI, the current Pope of the Catholic Church
                       Levi Strauss, a fashion designer
                  Albrecht Durer, a 13-14th Century painter
               Birkenstock, a sandal company
    Hugo Boss, who make clothing, accessories and scents
 Mercedes Benz, Porsche, BMW and Audi, all car manufacturers
      Faber-Castell and Staedtler, who make art supplies
            Adidas, a sport clothing manufacturer
                Miele, a white goods company
    Sennheiser and Siemens, electrical goods manufacturers
              Haribo, a leading sweets producer
                 Wella, a cosmetics supplier
1.                                                           4.

            FAMOUS GERMAN

 2.               1. The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
          2. The Reichstag, the German Parliament building

                      3. BMW Group Building

                    4. The Fernsehturm, Berlin

                   5. Koln Catherdral, Cologne

     3.        6. Neuchwanstein Castle, Schwangau            6.
 Lena Meyer-Landrut, who won The Eurovision Song Competition
           in 2011 for Germany with her song Satellite
 Felix Mendelssohn, Richard Wagner, Ludwig Van Beethoven and
                  George Handel, all composers
   Cascada, who had hit singles in the UK such as Evacuate the
            Dancefloor and Every Time We Touch
  Tokio Hotel, a rock band who won Best Interact in 2007 in the
                   MTV Europe Music awards

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  • 2. WHERE IS GERMAN SPOKEN? Germany Switzerland As a main language Lichenstein Luxembourg Belgium As a secondary/tertiary language Namibia
  • 3. C U LT U R A L D I F F E R E N C E S BETWEEN GERMANY AND ENGLAND EDUCATION In Germany, children dont have to start school until they are 6 years old. Up until then, school (Kindergarten) is optional. However, in England, compulsory school starts at 4 years old. At the end of Grundschule, aged 11, the parents and teacher of the child meet to discuss which school the child will attend from then on. They have four options: Gymnasium (a school with an entrance exam for more able students), Gesamptschule (a school, which, like the Gymnasium, does final exams, but accepts anyone), Hauptschule (children leave school at 15/16 to start a vocational training course or work) and Realschule (children gain a certificate when they leave in year 10 and allows them to: have vocational training, work in public service at secretarial and executive level, or continue to further their education in school.) When children start school, they are given a Schult端te, a large cone full of sweets and toys.
  • 4. C U LT U R A L D I F F E R E N C E S BETWEEN GERMANY AND ENGLAND FOOD Many famous dishes have originated from Germany. For example; Bratwurst and currywurst. These are both traditional German sausage, but the latter is covered with curry powder and spicy ketchup. Marzipan. A ground almond paste. Sauerkraut. Pickled, shredded cabbage. Sp辰tzle. Home made noodles. Stollen. A cake usually eaten at Christmas that contains dried fruit and covered in a thick layer of icing sugar. Pretzels. Bread shaped in a particular knot shape, normally with salt crystals mixed in.
  • 5. C U LT U R A L D I F F E R E N C E S BETWEEN GERMANY AND ENGLAND CLOTHING Lederhosen these are leather breeches, worn by men. They can have suspenders attached and are any length from short to knee-length. Dirndl this dress consists of a bodice, blouse, knee-length to full-length skirt and an apron. It originates from Southern Germany, mainly Bavaria, and was originally made of plain and simple fabrics. It is only worn by women. Lederhosen Dirndl
  • 6. C U LT U R A L D I F F E R E N C E S BETWEEN D I F F E R E N T PA R T S O F G E R M A N Y Different states have a reputation for being more or less friendly than others. (Namely the people South being more welcoming than those in the North) Different states in Germany use language differently to one another; all have different dialects and accents. The food in the North is mainly focused around fish; at least, they eat more fish than anywhere else in Germany, due to the fact theyre located next to the North Sea. This is different to the food eaten in other states. The South is said to be more conservative than the North, which is usually more liberal.
  • 7. GERMAN TRADITIONS CHRISTMAS Nikolaustag, 5th -6th December, is a night where children leave out their shoes by the front door in order for Saint Nikolaus to fill them with chocolate, fruits and nuts if the child has been good. However, if the child has misbehaved Knecht Ruprecht leaves the child with sticks. Different parts of Germany believe in different gift-bearing visitors on Christmas Eve. Some parts think its Christkind, Christ child, others believe in Weihnachtsmann, a figure quite similar in appearance to Santa Claus. The main Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve in Germany, and many people attend midnight mass that night.
  • 8. WEIHNACHTSMANN AND CHRISTKIND Weihnachtsmann Christkind
  • 9. GERMAN TRADITIONS Silvester, New Years Eve. On this day, many people send cards to one another. This is usually in lieu of Christmas cards. Also, people can buy marzipan pigs from a bakery. If you find a pig with a penny in its mouth, it will bring you wealth over the coming year. Oster, Easter. There are many traditions in Germany that surround Easter. Firstly, there is the Osterbaum, a tree that is decorated with painted eggs which are hung from its branches. Secondly, chocolate eggs are brought by the Osterhase (the Easter Bunny), or Osterfuchs (the Easter Fox). Less widely represented gift-bearers are the Easter Rooster (in Saxony) and the Stork (in Thuringia). Also, cakes are made in the shape of lambs. These cakes, or Gebackene Osterlamm, are usually made with a rich, creamy filling, or just made of a bread-like dough. Bonfires are usually lit to celebrate Easter in most parts of Germany.
  • 10. GERMAN TRADITIONS Birthdays on a childs 16th birthday, their friends will pour flour over their head. On their 18th birthday, eggs will usually be smashed on their head. Geburtstagskr辰nze may also be used instead of candles on a cake. These are wooden rings which have 10-12 holes in which candles are placed: one for each year of a childs life. A Lebenskerze is placed in the middle of the ring, a bigger candle usually presented to the family at the childs Christening. Celebrating someones birthday before the actual day is considered bad luck in Germany, so no cards or presents should be given before the day.
  • 11. WHAT ASPECT OF GERMAN CAN BE F O U N D I N T H E E N G L I S H L A N G UA G E ? The English borrow many words from the German language, such as: fest, doppelganger, diesel, blitz, hamburger, poltergeist and waltz. Also, the German invasion of Britain in the 5th century has led to many of the roots of English words being Germanic, as they are in Germany. This would explain some of the similarities in our languages : hello and hallo, glass and glas and angel and engel, for example.
  • 12. FAMOUS GERMAN PEOPLE Anne Frank, who wrote a diary surrounding her time in hiding from the Nazis Til Schweiger, a German actor from films such as This Means War and Inglorious Basterds Claudia Schiffer, an actress and supermodel Albert Einstein, a world famous physicist Boris Becker, a tennis player Heidi Klum, an actress, supermodel and reality television star Pope Benedict XVI, the current Pope of the Catholic Church Levi Strauss, a fashion designer Albrecht Durer, a 13-14th Century painter
  • 13. FAMOUS GERMAN INDUSTRIES Birkenstock, a sandal company Hugo Boss, who make clothing, accessories and scents Mercedes Benz, Porsche, BMW and Audi, all car manufacturers Faber-Castell and Staedtler, who make art supplies Adidas, a sport clothing manufacturer Miele, a white goods company Sennheiser and Siemens, electrical goods manufacturers Haribo, a leading sweets producer Wella, a cosmetics supplier
  • 14. 1. 4. FAMOUS GERMAN BUILDINGS 2. 1. The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin 5. 2. The Reichstag, the German Parliament building 3. BMW Group Building 4. The Fernsehturm, Berlin 5. Koln Catherdral, Cologne 3. 6. Neuchwanstein Castle, Schwangau 6.
  • 15. FAMOUS GERMAN MUSICIANS Lena Meyer-Landrut, who won The Eurovision Song Competition in 2011 for Germany with her song Satellite Felix Mendelssohn, Richard Wagner, Ludwig Van Beethoven and George Handel, all composers Cascada, who had hit singles in the UK such as Evacuate the Dancefloor and Every Time We Touch Tokio Hotel, a rock band who won Best Interact in 2007 in the MTV Europe Music awards