This document outlines the schedule for a Comenius meeting in Germany from March 22-24, 2010 focused on the theme of "Thinking and acting green". The schedule includes introductions and tours on the first day for both teachers and students. The second day includes participating in lessons and presentations from the schools. Activities on the third day include exploring woods near Bonn and writing a summary of the meeting. The schedule also details meals, evening activities like visiting a brewery, and the arrival and departure times for delegations from other countries.
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Germany Agenda For Teachers&Students
1. Comenius-meeting Thinking and acting green Germany 22.03.2010 - 24.03.2010: teachers
. Sunday 21.03 Monday 22.03 Tuesday 23.03. Wednesday, 24.03. Thursday 25.03
morning 09.00h 10.30h: 09.00h- 12.30h: Participating in lessons, 09.00h 12.30h: Exploring Departure of
introduction, tour of Presentations of schools German woods near Bonn: A British and
school guided tour out in nature Spanish
(lovely ecology) delegation
11.00h Celebration in the
assembly room:
International school
lunch 13.00h: snacks 13.00h: Snacks 13.00h: Chinese buffet at
restaurant on Rhine
after 13.30h: Welcome meeting 13.30h 16.00h: Meeting: Working on the 14.00h 16.00h: Meeting
lunch project, presentations of questionnaires, (continued), Writing a
future projects, preparing for meeting in summary of the meeting,
Spain, coordination of the project evaluation
( to be continued on Wednesday aft.)
afternoon Arrival of the 16.00h: Guided tour of Departure of Dutch
participants: Bonn Delegation
Spain: Dennis,
England: Ingrid
Holland: Cordia
evening Dinner at Dinner in Bonn Visit to a German brewery in Bonn, beer Dinner in Cologne, Cologne by
Ingrid卒s house tasting, dinner night
2. Comenius- meeting Thinking and acting green Germany 22.03.2010 - 24.03.2010: students
. Sunday 21.03 Monday 22.03 Tuesday 23.03. Wednesday, 24.03. Thursday 25.03
morning 08.00h 10.30h: introduction, 08.00h- 11.30h: 09.00h 12.30h: Exploring Departure of
tour of school Participating in German woods near Bonn: A British and
lessons, guided tour out in nature (lovely Spanish delegation
11.00h Celebration in the Presentations of ecology)
assembly room: International schools
school welcome 11.45h 13.00h:
Working on the
lunch Snacks Snacks Snacks
after 13.30h: Welcome meeting 13.30h 14.00h: 14.00h 15.00h: Writing a
lunch Presentation of the summary of the meeting, evaluation
afternoon Arrival of the 16.00h: Guided tour of Bonn Time with host
participants: families, group Departure of Dutch Delegation
Being met by activities
host families
evening In host families Dinner in host families 19.00h Bowling Farewell eve at host families
with host families