This document describes a gesture-controlled vehicle designed for physically disabled people. The vehicle will be controlled by hand movements detected by an accelerometer sensor. The system includes an accelerometer sensor, microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, RF transmitter/receiver, DC motors, solar panel, buzzer, MOSFET, LEDs, and power supply. The hardware components will be integrated and programmed to allow control of the vehicle through hand gestures detected by the accelerometer. The project aims to improve mobility for disabled individuals by allowing control of the vehicle through simple hand motions.
To design model(vehicle) for the physically
disabled person which is control by a
movement of his hands.
Around 15% of the worlds population are
from last 10 year their have been
revolutionary changes in technology.
so with the advancements in technologies our
aim is to make improvements in their
personal mobility.
we are using movements , directions of hand
to control the vehicle.
Accelerometer Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor
RF Transmitter and Receiver Module
DC Motors
Solar Plate
IRF510 MOSFET for Driver Circuit
LED as an Indicator
Power Supply
1. Accelerometer Sensor (ADXL345 Module)
Ultra Low Power
User-Selectable Resolution &
Sensitivity ( Min 2g & Max 16g)
Data O/P of 3-Axis: X ,Y, Z.
I2C Interface
Small and Thin: 3mm x 5mm x
1mm LGA package
8. 2. Microcontroller (ATMEGA8L-8PU)
28-Pin, 8-bit AVR Microcontroller
8Kb Programmable Flash Memory
512 byte EEPROM
1Kb Internal Static RAM
Peripheral Feature
Two 8-bit and one 16-bit Timer/Counter
with Capture Mode
3 PWM Channel
SPI and I2C (TWI) Interface Support
WDT with Separate On-chip Oscillator
On Chip Analog Comparator
9. 3. Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04)
Offers Non-Contact Range
high accuracy and stable readings
Range: 1 to 13 feet
With Ultrasonic Transmitter and
Receiver Module
Effectual Angle: <15属
10. 4. RF Transmitter and Receiver Module
For the transmission of accelerometer Data
Modulation Technique: ASK (On-Off Keyed)
Frequency Range:315 / 433.92 MHZ.
low cost, small size, and simple-to-use for
11. 5. DC Motors
motor is a CONVERETER
Geared DC motor is required
4 DC motor of same rating
Controlled by controller using PWM
12. 6. Solar Plate
Kind of PV cell
Use for charging of battery
Rating: 12V
7. Buzzer
Used for the obstacle
13. 8. IRF510 N-Channel MOSFET
Microcontroller alone can
not drive DC Motors
We use buck convertor
Controlled by PWM signal
Nenosecond switching speed
Rating: 100V, 5.6A (Max)
14. 9. LED
For the different indication purpose
Rating: 3V
10. Power Supply
Gives electrical power to all the components
At the end of this semester we mostly
complete the hardware section.
Rest programming and implementation on
model will be done in next semester.