
ºÝºÝߣShare a Scribd company logo
Nowadays Pinterest having more popular day by
 day,because lots of the peoples are using Pinterest.com
     for making their collection viral over the internet.
  Basically, Pinterest is like a virtual pin board where you
  can organize all the pretty things that you find over the
   internet. Now till this point you understand "what is
pinterest" but now I will revel, how can you use Pinterest
 in search engine optimization Perspective. It is wrong to
say that pinterest is just a social bookmarking website, no
pinterest stands out among the other social bookmarking
 websites. Pinterest having the following characteristics:
Actually, Pinterest is nothing but a virtual pin board used
to manage all the beautiful images get from all around the
    world. As pinterest.com is also a social-networking
  website but used just for sharing the Images alone. It is
 such a nice way to show the world your creativity or can
                    say your perspective.
Believe it or not but the user interface i.e where you tag
   up or pin the images is very user-friendly and easy to
   understand. This is such a nice platform for a normal
   user, but my friend if you are a Professional Internet
Marketer you can use this platform as a SEO tool for your
  online business. Here SEO stands for the Search Engine
 Optimization. So pinterest is not just a social media...it is
more than a media. In my opinion it is a big source of free
traffic. Ok let me tell you some of the specific functions of
                    pinterest. These are:
Set up your Profile:-set up your keyword centric profile
 regarding yourself and your company or business. Share
   your Pages:-It makes pinterest easy and simple. You
should share a link but how let me explain. Select a photo
and pin it. Now share the link more than one time as long
   as it has more photos to share on it. All the links you
 created should valid links because they add an authority
                     to your web pages.
Create Keyword Centric Richboard:-To get more about a
niche or a specific industry, create a relevant pinboard and
post the images regarding your stuff and leave the links as
But also keep one important thing in mind that is Google
 Search Engine always validates you created links, whether
   they are under their algorithm or not and also on the
 Keyword Centric means the keywords for which you want
to get ranked. Here I am going to share my past experience
  with you, that how to use pinterest as a SEO tool: Set up
 your Profile:-first Construct up a keyword reach profile at
  pinterest concerning about yourself and your business!!
Share your Pages: As I told you it is very flexible in use and
 user friendly. For SEO you have to the share the link, but
   let me teach you, how can you implement this. First
choose an image relevant to your niche and tag it or pin it
   to in pin board area. Do one more thing try to hang
 multiple images and now share the links. Now the folks
 will analyze your images and redirect to website or blog
                     through your links.
www.yourdomain.com instead of using http:// as a prefix..
 One more thing don't use html for anchor text. So these
  are the simple steps how you can promote your online
               business using pinterest.com

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Get Latest Updates on Pinterest News

  • 1. Nowadays Pinterest having more popular day by day,because lots of the peoples are using Pinterest.com for making their collection viral over the internet. Basically, Pinterest is like a virtual pin board where you can organize all the pretty things that you find over the internet. Now till this point you understand "what is pinterest" but now I will revel, how can you use Pinterest in search engine optimization Perspective. It is wrong to say that pinterest is just a social bookmarking website, no pinterest stands out among the other social bookmarking websites. Pinterest having the following characteristics:
  • 2. Actually, Pinterest is nothing but a virtual pin board used to manage all the beautiful images get from all around the world. As pinterest.com is also a social-networking website but used just for sharing the Images alone. It is such a nice way to show the world your creativity or can say your perspective.
  • 3. Believe it or not but the user interface i.e where you tag up or pin the images is very user-friendly and easy to understand. This is such a nice platform for a normal user, but my friend if you are a Professional Internet Marketer you can use this platform as a SEO tool for your online business. Here SEO stands for the Search Engine Optimization. So pinterest is not just a social media...it is more than a media. In my opinion it is a big source of free traffic. Ok let me tell you some of the specific functions of pinterest. These are:
  • 4. Set up your Profile:-set up your keyword centric profile regarding yourself and your company or business. Share your Pages:-It makes pinterest easy and simple. You should share a link but how let me explain. Select a photo and pin it. Now share the link more than one time as long as it has more photos to share on it. All the links you created should valid links because they add an authority to your web pages.
  • 5. Create Keyword Centric Richboard:-To get more about a niche or a specific industry, create a relevant pinboard and post the images regarding your stuff and leave the links as well.
  • 6. But also keep one important thing in mind that is Google Search Engine always validates you created links, whether they are under their algorithm or not and also on the Keyword Centric means the keywords for which you want to get ranked. Here I am going to share my past experience with you, that how to use pinterest as a SEO tool: Set up your Profile:-first Construct up a keyword reach profile at pinterest concerning about yourself and your business!!
  • 7. Share your Pages: As I told you it is very flexible in use and user friendly. For SEO you have to the share the link, but let me teach you, how can you implement this. First choose an image relevant to your niche and tag it or pin it to in pin board area. Do one more thing try to hang multiple images and now share the links. Now the folks will analyze your images and redirect to website or blog through your links.
  • 8. www.yourdomain.com instead of using http:// as a prefix.. One more thing don't use html for anchor text. So these are the simple steps how you can promote your online business using pinterest.com