This document provides tips to reduce exposure to radiation from computers. It recommends using laptops on battery power rather than a direct supply, maintaining a distance from screens and power sources, and using plants, vitamins, facial masks and breaks to reduce harmful effects. Older computers and monitors produce more radiation, so replacing them can help when possible.
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Get protection from computer radiations
1. Get protection
from Computer
Presented by
Naveed Farooq
Admin Nidokidos Network
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3. Try to use your laptop on battery rather than direct supply
4. Not to use laptop on your lap.
(Its radiations are harmful to your reproductive organs )
A pad for laptop may be
useful to avoid radiations.
5. While using a desktop you can use a radiation filter.
6. Don't sit too close to the screen and maintain a distance
from power cables and CPU.
7. Put some radiation absorbing plants near your computer
to prevent computer radiation. putting several potted
cactus can help absorb some of the harmful radiation.
8. Have a high intake in food rich in Vitamin A and C.
These includes foods such as apples, tomatoes, carrots,
and cherries. These vitamins can help reduce the harmful
effects of computer radiation.
9. Keep watching and keep washing your face
Just washing your face can help washing radiating particles from
your face. Because your face is closet object to the computer.
10. Older type of computer especially monitor produce more
electromagnetic radiation than the new ones. So, if it is
possible try to replace the old with new ones.
11. Since computer radiation can also affect and harm your skin, you
can apply a layer of facial mask to prevent yourself from the rays.
12. You need to take regular breaks while working at your computer
just go outside for while or look through a window for a while.
13. Banana is very good for eye irritation from the computer
15. Shared by a member of NidoKidoS Group
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