Previous generations of innumerable people created millions of small innovations to this language and this technology/media that I am using now. Centuries of innovations permit me to convey to you that, we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors and communities. More importantly, none of these predecessors worked alone, they all used what others before them had created and built upon it, continually collaborating with real and imagined communities. Furthermore, I contend that there is little difference between learning and creating: learning something new is creating new things and possibilities in your minds, in your worlds. That is why real learning is so exciting! (Not studying and memorizing things for tests that someone else is choosing for us.) It is creating new possibilities within your worlds. When teachers stimulate creating in students, they are stimulating learning and agency as well. In this Plenary-Workshop I will describe some interesting ways of helping students own their learning so they want to create more of it and how we all get addicted to Wow! and enjoy expansive learning in multiple environments in and out of school, using experiential learning. I will finally meld together the Social Neuroscience of Education (Cozolino, 2013), Love 2.0 (Fredrickson, 2013), and Brave (Sarah Bareilles, 2013), to help us create more Wow!s in our classrooms. I will demonstrate much of this by inviting you to sing and move with me as we create. Finally, I will demonstrate as well how improvisation can help students relax, enjoy themselves, and create and learn.
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Geta wow learncreatef2014nov22
1. Teaching in
Pursuit of Wow!
Collaboratively Learning
and Creating! ... And
Tim Murphey mitsmail1@gmail.com
GETA: Global English Teachers Association
"Towards Creativity in ELT: Issues and Directions Nov. 22, 2014
2. Im
Collaboratively Energizing My Imagination
(with you)
Col LA bxra TIVE ly EN er GI zing MY i MA gi NA tion
My Imagination
1. Chunking
2. Back Formation
3. Rhythm
4. Song
5. Tie to Routine Day
What are you doing now?
3. What is the difference between
4. One general distinction from most
We learn about something old
that is already known.
Creativity oriented toward the new,
something we do not yet know
What are you doing now?
7. With this piece of information
Tim once lived in Switzerland
Are you learning?
Are you imagining?
Are you creating?
Are you doing all three?
9. Facebook Posting Nov 17, 2014
On a teachers facebook/ iTDi blog
Kevin Stein: Phil, it's funny. We were just talking
tonight about how a lot of the time
we endup tweaking activities
because we can't really understand
what the heck the person wrote in the first place.
So our ha lf fo r me d ide a o f th e a ctivity,
just to make it work in class,
ne e ds a huge da s h of our own ima gina tion .
10. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (talking about Flow)
P. 5, 6 in the postscript of Creativity: the psychology
Of discovery and invention (1996/2013)
Twenty five years before I began to write these
lines , I made a discovery that took all the
intervening time for me to realize I had made [it].
To call it a discovery is perhaps misleading, for
people have been aware of it since the dawn of time.
Yet the word is appropriate, because even though
my finding itself was well known, it had not been
described or theoretically explained by the relevant
branch of scholarship, which in this case happens to
be psychology. So I spent the next quarter-century
investigating this elusive phenomenon.
11. The Advantages of seeing
Learning and Teaching
as Creating!
1. Makes learning/teaching more exciting!
2. Motivates learners/teachers more!
3. Is a truer description of what happens!
4. Can put us all in a state of awe and flow!
5. Creates more respect for what we do!
6.Turns the classroom into a creativity lab!
7. Gives us permission to experiment and fail, and improvise!
8. Makes learners into teachers and teachers into learners.
What are you doing now?...
12. Four Out of the Box Ideas
1. Information is overrated.
Considering questions are
at the heart of learning and creativity.
2. Success is overrated.
Challenge is what we crave and what makes us creative.
3. Listening to teaching/telling is overrated.
Doing teaching/telling deepens learning and creates meanings.
4. Creating and Learning and Teaching can often be synonymous.
And this understanding has advantages for teaching and learning.
Ask your partners: Whatcha doin now? Suzi
15. Four Out of the Box Ideas with Suzy
1. Information is overrated.
Considering questions are
at the heart of learning and creativity.
2. Success is overrated.
Challenge is what we crave and what makes us creative.
3. Listening to teaching/telling is overrated.
Doing teaching/telling deepens learning and creates meanings.
4. Creating and Learning and Teaching can often be synonymous.
And this understanding has advantages for teaching and learning.
Whatcha doin now?
16. Health
Learning Teaching Creating
Love 2.0
Barbara Fredrickson:
Micro moments of connection, positivity resonance
Power Posing
Amy Cuddy - tetosterone up, cortizon down
YSB Sing it.
17. Im Young Strong and Beautiful
Im living an adventure
The worlds so fascinating
It makes me wanna cry
I wanna cry to the world
I wanna fly all around
I wanna tell everybody
I'm in love x6
I wanna tell everybody I'm in love
18. Power Posing = increase in
Small Posing = Increase in cortisone
Amy Cuddy TED.com pres
22. Wilga Rivers wrote in her 1976 book,
"We need not be tied to a
curriculum created for another
situation or another group. We
must adapt, innovate, improvise, in
order to meet the student where he
is and channel his motivation (p.
Rivers, W. (1976). Speaking in many
tongues: Essays in foreign-language
teaching. Rowley,Mass.:Newbury House
And I know of no better
25. Im Young Strong and Beautiful
Im living an adventure
The worlds so fascinating
It makes me wanna cry
I wanna cry to the world
I wanna fly all around
I wanna tell everybody
I'm in love x6
I wanna tell everybody I'm in love