Step 1: Select the "Create Newsletter" option to begin building an email newsletter.
Step 2: Choose between the raw HTML editor or visual CMS application to design the email template.
Step 3: Specify the subject line, "From" field, and enable tracking and social media integration. Dynamic tags can personalize fields.
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GetResponse Email Creator
2. Step 1: Select the Create Newsletter option from the
Messages tab
3. Step 2: Depending on the HTML coding skills, user can either
choose the raw HTML source editor (right option) or the visual
CMS application (left option)
4. Step 3: Begin with specifying the subject line, From 鍖eld and tracking options. Each 鍖eld can be
personalized with dynamic tags (highlighted) and the social media integration can be switched on.
Its also possible to use GetResponse Dynamic Content syntax in the subject line to de鍖ne various
subject lines depending on the conditions
5. GetResponse offers over 300+ optimized email templates, broken down by different
industries. Were constantly expanding the library with mobile optimized templates.
6. The HTML can be also imported from various locations (URL, ZIP
鍖le, pasted directly into the CMS)
8. Step 4: The Email Creator. All elements are easy to edit and can be
modi鍖ed as per the user needs. Additional content blocks can be
added from the menu on the right
9. Users can easily drag drop elements such as text blocks, image
blocks, text image blocks, buttons, horizontal rulers, etc.
10. The CMS also allows to easily drag drop the social sharing bars
11. The handy editing bar allows for easy modi鍖cation of each of the
elements in the template
12. Once the editing is complete, users can run additional tests (inbox
preview, spam score checking, sending a test message)
13. Spam check analyzes the entire template and returns score
feedback within seconds
14. Inbox preview is the perfect way to check the rendering of the
template across 25+ email clients
15. Step 5: select mailing lists segments to which the message should
be broadcast
16. User can also exclude certain mailing lists, segments or suppression
lists from the broadcast. The total number of recipients is refreshed
in real-time
17. Final step: review the entire process and send the message now or