- People at Metabroadcast have built several projects between 2007-2010 including URIplay and Atlas. They also created the BBC's Social Media Guide in 2008 and Test Tube Telly for 4iP in 2009.
- The document discusses IC Tomorrow's APIs for getting content, getting started with authentication, and logging user activity. It provides examples of API endpoints and describes the API's features.
- Metabroadcast has already implemented similar functionality for common social APIs and created an IC Tomorrow API helper on GitHub.
4. 2007 20102008 2009
Project Pink
Social Media Guide
Test Tube Telly
Come Dine With Me Homemade Project Red
Project Purple
Project Blue
Project Teal Project Orange Project Brown
Project Black Project Pale
Things we have made
14. People who make apps
People who use things
People who make content
Shiny wonderfulness
Activity data
Content dataActivity data
16. About the API
Pretty nice, pragmatically RESTful
SSL with HTTP basic auth
XML responses, in a SOAP envelope :(
Auth 鍖ow is OAuth-like, but not quite OAuth
Weve been there, and done it already:
17. IC tomorrow APIs - #1 Getting Content
POST https://api.ictomorrow.co.uk/v1.0/content/request jobID=7863
Then poll: GET https://api.ictomorrow.cohyperlink.uk/v1.0/content/get?job_id=7863
18. IC tomorrow APIs - #2 Getting Started
PUT https://api.ictomorrow.co.uk/v1.0/initiate requestToken=3
Send user to: https://www.ictomottow.co.uk/auth/con鍖rm?requestToken=3
PUT https://api.ictomorrow.co.uk/v1.0/token consumerID=419
POST https://api.ictomorrow.co.uk/v1.0/offers/515/users/419/register
19. IC tomorrow APIs - #3 Logging activity
POST https://api.ictomorrow.co.uk/v1.0/transaction
GET https://api-testbed.testbeddev.com/v1.0/offers/515/users/419/meter
PUT https://api-testbed.testbeddev.com/v1.0/offers/515/users/419/meter