Monthly AI Tech Talks in Toronto 2019-08-28
The talk will cover the end-to-end details including contextual and linguistic feature extraction, vectorization, n-grams, topic modeling, named entity resolution which are based on concepts from mathematics, information retrieval and natural language processing. We will also be diving into more advanced feature engineering strategies such as word2vec, GloVe and fastText that leverage deep learning models.
In addition, attendees will learn how to combine NLP features with numeric and categorical features and analyze the feature importance from the resulting models.
The following libraries will be used to demonstrate the aforementioned feature engineering techniques: spaCy, Gensim, fasText and Keras in Python.
The document provides information about data structures and algorithms. It defines key terms like data, information, data structure, algorithm and different types of algorithms. It discusses linear data structures like arrays, operations on arrays like traversing, searching, inserting and deleting elements. It also covers recursive functions, recursion concept, searching algorithms like sequential search and binary search along with their algorithms and examples.
The presentation describes how to install the NLTK and work out the basics of text processing with it. The slides were meant for supporting the talk and may not be containing much details.Many of the examples given in the slides are from the NLTK book ( ).
This document describes a scientific calculator application created using Java. It allows for basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as more complex functions like logarithms, factorials, trigonometric functions, and square roots. The application was built using Java Swing and AWT libraries to create a graphical user interface. In developing it, the author learned about math classes in Java, object-oriented programming concepts, and how to build user interfaces.
This document discusses the greedy algorithm approach and the knapsack problem. It defines greedy algorithms as choosing locally optimal solutions at each step in hopes of reaching a global optimum. The knapsack problem is described as packing items into a knapsack to maximize total value without exceeding weight capacity. An optimal knapsack algorithm is presented that sorts by value-to-weight ratio and fills highest ratios first. An example applies this to maximize profit of 440 by selecting full quantities of items B and A, and half of item C for a knapsack with capacity of 60.
Principles of-programming-languages-lecture-notes-Krishna Sai
This document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 1 of a programming languages textbook. It discusses reasons for studying programming language concepts, including increased ability to express ideas, improved language choice, and easier learning of new languages. It also covers programming domains like scientific, business, AI and systems programming. The document evaluates language criteria such as readability, writability and reliability. It discusses influences on language design like computer architecture and programming methodologies. It categorizes languages as imperative, functional, logic and object-oriented. Finally, it provides examples of programming environments like UNIX, JBuilder and Visual Studio.
Using Brain Waves as New Biometric Feature for Authenticatinga Computer User...Buthainah Hamdy
This document presents a brain-computer interface (BCI) for person authentication using electroencephalography (EEG) signals. The BCI is used to lock and unlock a computer screen based on a user's brain activity. EEG data is collected from 14 sensors while users perform mental tasks. Power spectral density is calculated from the EEG signals and used as features for a two-stage classification system. The system achieves over 78% accuracy in authenticating users based on their brain activity patterns.
FLPU = Floating Points operations Unit
PFCU = Prefetch control unit
AOU = Atomic Operations Unit
Memory-Management unit (MMU)
MAR (memory address register)
MDR (memory data register)
BIU (Bus Interface Unit)
ARS (Application Register Set)
FRS File Register Set?
(SRS) single register set?
Backtracking is a problem-solving technique that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons each partial candidate ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution. This document provides an overview of backtracking algorithms, including their history, how they work, examples of problems they can solve like the n-queens problem, advantages like finding optimal solutions, disadvantages like slow runtimes, and time complexities that depend on the specific problem.
R¨¦tro-escalade sur la notion de cycle de vie. En 2015 nous avions dress¨¦ un ¨¦tat des lieux de la notion de cycle de vie avec l¡¯article Cinquante nuances de cycle de vie : quelles ¨¦volutions possibles principalement en cat¨¦gorisant une cinquantaine de sch¨¦mas conceptuels en fonction des aires culturelles ainsi que l¡¯origine de certaines th¨¦ories comme celle d¡¯Yves P¨¦rotin pour les ? trois ?ges ?.
Depuis, plusieurs champs de recherche ont pu ¨ºtre approfondis en fonction de nos exp¨¦riences respectives et nous nous proposons de les partager sous deux facettes :
Le cycle de vie dans le champ du records management ¨C gestion des documents d¡¯activit¨¦ dans une perspective historique au travers de l¡¯exp¨¦rience du syst¨¨me de ? registry ? de la Soci¨¦t¨¦ des Nations et son h¨¦ritage dans les outils num¨¦riques contemporains. Ce syst¨¨me, mis en place de 1919 ¨¤ nos jours (et encore en service dans certaines organisations internationales), permet l¡¯enregistrement des courriers (et des dossiers associ¨¦s) afin de centraliser l¡¯information, la rendre homog¨¨ne et lisible dans un contexte multilingue. Les dossiers du ? registry ? de la SDN constituent l¡¯essentiel des archives qui sont parvenues jusqu¡¯¨¤ nous. Le projet de num¨¦risation du fonds SDN par la Biblioth¨¨que de l¡¯ONU r¨¦v¨¨le un point de vue original sur l¡¯application du cycle de vie.
Par ailleurs les politiques publiques contemporaines s¡¯int¨¦ressent ¨¤ la mod¨¦lisation du cycle de vie et nous pr¨¦senterons deux exemples : de ? nouveaux mod¨¨les ? de cycles de vie provenant de l¡¯exp¨¦rience f¨¦d¨¦raliste suisse (normes eCH) et au Grand-Duch¨¦ du Luxembourg.
The document provides an introduction to algorithms and their analysis. It defines an algorithm as a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem in a finite amount of time. The analysis of algorithms aims to predict the cost of an algorithm in terms of resources and performance. There are two main aspects of analyzing algorithmic performance - time complexity, which measures how fast an algorithm performs based on input size, and space complexity, which measures how much memory an algorithm requires. Common asymptotic notations used to represent time complexity include Big-O, Omega, and Theta notations. The time complexity of common algorithms like searching, sorting, and traversing data structures are discussed.
The document discusses the objectives and learning process of the Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) program. It aims to impart high-level software development skills and train students in soft skills and information technology knowledge. The program develops students' academic and professional abilities by emphasizing logical thinking, social responsibility, and lifelong learning through classroom lectures, projects, discussions and technical programs. It provides an enhanced skillset over three years preparing students for corporate roles or further education.
Programming involves writing instructions for a computer in a coded language. Some of the earliest programming languages included FORTRAN from 1954 for scientific computing, Pascal from 1970 for teaching, and C from 1978 which is still widely used today. Programming languages can be classified as machine language, assembly language, or high-level languages. C is a powerful general-purpose language that is fast, portable, and available on all platforms. It uses header files, functions like printf and scanf, and data types like integers, floats, and characters. Programs written in C can produce logical errors with incorrect outputs or crash due to syntax errors in the code.
CakePHP 2.0 has been re-factored and rebuilt with many internal and external API changes. It uses native PHP5 features, updated conventions for class and file names, and a new loader. Exceptions replace the old error handling. Collections unify how helpers, components, behaviors and tasks are loaded and used. The console, request/response, sessions, authentication, email, and testing have all been improved for better performance and extensibility. Benchmarks show CakePHP 2.0 has significantly better performance than 1.3.11.
This document discusses building REST APIs with Laravel 5. It covers topics like using REST instead of SOAP, authentication with basic authentication and middleware, response formats, controller hierarchy, repositories, data transformers, error handling, and an internal dispatcher for making internal API requests. The goal is to provide best practices and patterns for building robust and well-structured REST APIs with Laravel.
Debugging: Rules And Tools - PHPTek 11 VersionIan Barber
The document provides rules and tools for debugging. It discusses understanding the system, making failures reproducible, quitting thinking and closely observing behaviors, dividing problems into smaller pieces, changing one thing at a time, and maintaining an audit trail of changes. Tools mentioned include Xdebug, Selenium, PHPUnit, strace, and source control systems. Logging, instrumentation, and testing techniques are also covered.
This document provides an introduction to PHP, including:
- PHP is an open source scripting language suited for web development that can be embedded into HTML. Code is placed between <?php ?> tags.
- PHP files are processed by the web server, which returns plain HTML with no PHP code visible. Variables can store and pass different types of data between PHP sections.
- Functions allow common or repetitive tasks to be reused. Popular PHP functions and a large library are available online.
- Form data can be captured with PHP variables like $_POST then inserted into a MySQL database using SQL queries. The data is later retrieved and output dynamically.
- Data validation is important for security. Functions like htmlentities() and mysql
Swoole Overview
Breve viaggio sulle possibilit¨¤ offerte da un sistema asincrono e una overview sull'estensione Swoole e sui componenti offerti. Non mancheranno alcuni test di performance ma sopratutto risponderemo alla domanda: pu¨° Swoole sostituire NodeJs?
PHP is a loosely typed scripting language commonly used for web development. It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has evolved through several versions. PHP code is interpreted at runtime and allows for features like conditionals, loops, functions, classes, and objects to build dynamic web applications.
Given at zendcon 2008 - my very first conference talk. And I did it way too fast. A lot of the information about these extensions is surprisingly relevant.
This document provides an overview of the Symfony framework and its components. It discusses:
- The front controller (app[_env].php) which bootstraps the application
- The ClassLoader which implements autoloading based on PSR-0
- The HttpKernel which handles requests and returns responses
- The DependencyInjection component which manages the service container
- Bundles which extend Symfony functionality and can hook into the request-response lifecycle
- The Router which matches URLs to controllers
- The FrameworkBundle which ties other components together into a full-stack MVC framework
This document discusses PHP and Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). It notes that RIAs can replace desktop applications and are the next evolution of the web. PHP can be used to build RIAs by reading in XML from a PHP backend using REST, transferring PHP objects directly to the client using JSON or AMF, or making PHP apps that serve as services for any front end like Ajax, XAML, or Flex. It also briefly mentions tools for developing Flex applications from PHP like Adobe's web compiler for Flex apps.
The PHP training course offered by us is simply the best. The study materials and course modules are designed in a less complicated manner which can easily be understood by the students.
This document discusses Wade Arnold's experience with PHP and Zend Framework. It provides an overview of Wade's background working on Zend Amf and other PHP projects. It also includes examples of file structures, models, and services that demonstrate how to build a PHP application that integrates with Flash using Zend Amf. The document advocates for using standards like Zend Framework to build robust PHP applications and services.
Facebook uses caching at multiple levels to improve performance and scalability. Caching is implemented globally, with APC, Memcached, and browser caches. Memcached is used to cache user profiles, photos, friends lists, and other frequently accessed data. Caching is optimized through techniques like caching serialization formats, priming APC, and caching parsed user agent strings. Dirty caching ensures cached data is invalidated when the source data changes.
The document introduces PHP as a server-side scripting language that is easy to learn and commonly used with the LAMP stack. It provides examples of basic PHP syntax for variables, arrays, functions, and interacting with URLs and external data sources. The goal is to teach enough PHP to handle simple requests and parse/generate XML and JSON through practical code examples.
This document discusses PHPSpec, a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for PHP. It begins by explaining what PHPSpec is and how it implements BDD through a domain-specific language (DSL) based on RSpec. The document then covers how PHPSpec specifies tests using contexts, examples, expectations, matchers, mocks, and stubs. It provides examples of writing PHPSpec tests and using various PHPSpec features. The document concludes by mentioning upcoming PHPSpec features and linking to resources for learning more.
FLPU = Floating Points operations Unit
PFCU = Prefetch control unit
AOU = Atomic Operations Unit
Memory-Management unit (MMU)
MAR (memory address register)
MDR (memory data register)
BIU (Bus Interface Unit)
ARS (Application Register Set)
FRS File Register Set?
(SRS) single register set?
Backtracking is a problem-solving technique that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons each partial candidate ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution. This document provides an overview of backtracking algorithms, including their history, how they work, examples of problems they can solve like the n-queens problem, advantages like finding optimal solutions, disadvantages like slow runtimes, and time complexities that depend on the specific problem.
R¨¦tro-escalade sur la notion de cycle de vie. En 2015 nous avions dress¨¦ un ¨¦tat des lieux de la notion de cycle de vie avec l¡¯article Cinquante nuances de cycle de vie : quelles ¨¦volutions possibles principalement en cat¨¦gorisant une cinquantaine de sch¨¦mas conceptuels en fonction des aires culturelles ainsi que l¡¯origine de certaines th¨¦ories comme celle d¡¯Yves P¨¦rotin pour les ? trois ?ges ?.
Depuis, plusieurs champs de recherche ont pu ¨ºtre approfondis en fonction de nos exp¨¦riences respectives et nous nous proposons de les partager sous deux facettes :
Le cycle de vie dans le champ du records management ¨C gestion des documents d¡¯activit¨¦ dans une perspective historique au travers de l¡¯exp¨¦rience du syst¨¨me de ? registry ? de la Soci¨¦t¨¦ des Nations et son h¨¦ritage dans les outils num¨¦riques contemporains. Ce syst¨¨me, mis en place de 1919 ¨¤ nos jours (et encore en service dans certaines organisations internationales), permet l¡¯enregistrement des courriers (et des dossiers associ¨¦s) afin de centraliser l¡¯information, la rendre homog¨¨ne et lisible dans un contexte multilingue. Les dossiers du ? registry ? de la SDN constituent l¡¯essentiel des archives qui sont parvenues jusqu¡¯¨¤ nous. Le projet de num¨¦risation du fonds SDN par la Biblioth¨¨que de l¡¯ONU r¨¦v¨¨le un point de vue original sur l¡¯application du cycle de vie.
Par ailleurs les politiques publiques contemporaines s¡¯int¨¦ressent ¨¤ la mod¨¦lisation du cycle de vie et nous pr¨¦senterons deux exemples : de ? nouveaux mod¨¨les ? de cycles de vie provenant de l¡¯exp¨¦rience f¨¦d¨¦raliste suisse (normes eCH) et au Grand-Duch¨¦ du Luxembourg.
The document provides an introduction to algorithms and their analysis. It defines an algorithm as a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem in a finite amount of time. The analysis of algorithms aims to predict the cost of an algorithm in terms of resources and performance. There are two main aspects of analyzing algorithmic performance - time complexity, which measures how fast an algorithm performs based on input size, and space complexity, which measures how much memory an algorithm requires. Common asymptotic notations used to represent time complexity include Big-O, Omega, and Theta notations. The time complexity of common algorithms like searching, sorting, and traversing data structures are discussed.
The document discusses the objectives and learning process of the Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) program. It aims to impart high-level software development skills and train students in soft skills and information technology knowledge. The program develops students' academic and professional abilities by emphasizing logical thinking, social responsibility, and lifelong learning through classroom lectures, projects, discussions and technical programs. It provides an enhanced skillset over three years preparing students for corporate roles or further education.
Programming involves writing instructions for a computer in a coded language. Some of the earliest programming languages included FORTRAN from 1954 for scientific computing, Pascal from 1970 for teaching, and C from 1978 which is still widely used today. Programming languages can be classified as machine language, assembly language, or high-level languages. C is a powerful general-purpose language that is fast, portable, and available on all platforms. It uses header files, functions like printf and scanf, and data types like integers, floats, and characters. Programs written in C can produce logical errors with incorrect outputs or crash due to syntax errors in the code.
CakePHP 2.0 has been re-factored and rebuilt with many internal and external API changes. It uses native PHP5 features, updated conventions for class and file names, and a new loader. Exceptions replace the old error handling. Collections unify how helpers, components, behaviors and tasks are loaded and used. The console, request/response, sessions, authentication, email, and testing have all been improved for better performance and extensibility. Benchmarks show CakePHP 2.0 has significantly better performance than 1.3.11.
This document discusses building REST APIs with Laravel 5. It covers topics like using REST instead of SOAP, authentication with basic authentication and middleware, response formats, controller hierarchy, repositories, data transformers, error handling, and an internal dispatcher for making internal API requests. The goal is to provide best practices and patterns for building robust and well-structured REST APIs with Laravel.
Debugging: Rules And Tools - PHPTek 11 VersionIan Barber
The document provides rules and tools for debugging. It discusses understanding the system, making failures reproducible, quitting thinking and closely observing behaviors, dividing problems into smaller pieces, changing one thing at a time, and maintaining an audit trail of changes. Tools mentioned include Xdebug, Selenium, PHPUnit, strace, and source control systems. Logging, instrumentation, and testing techniques are also covered.
This document provides an introduction to PHP, including:
- PHP is an open source scripting language suited for web development that can be embedded into HTML. Code is placed between <?php ?> tags.
- PHP files are processed by the web server, which returns plain HTML with no PHP code visible. Variables can store and pass different types of data between PHP sections.
- Functions allow common or repetitive tasks to be reused. Popular PHP functions and a large library are available online.
- Form data can be captured with PHP variables like $_POST then inserted into a MySQL database using SQL queries. The data is later retrieved and output dynamically.
- Data validation is important for security. Functions like htmlentities() and mysql
Swoole Overview
Breve viaggio sulle possibilit¨¤ offerte da un sistema asincrono e una overview sull'estensione Swoole e sui componenti offerti. Non mancheranno alcuni test di performance ma sopratutto risponderemo alla domanda: pu¨° Swoole sostituire NodeJs?
PHP is a loosely typed scripting language commonly used for web development. It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has evolved through several versions. PHP code is interpreted at runtime and allows for features like conditionals, loops, functions, classes, and objects to build dynamic web applications.
Given at zendcon 2008 - my very first conference talk. And I did it way too fast. A lot of the information about these extensions is surprisingly relevant.
This document provides an overview of the Symfony framework and its components. It discusses:
- The front controller (app[_env].php) which bootstraps the application
- The ClassLoader which implements autoloading based on PSR-0
- The HttpKernel which handles requests and returns responses
- The DependencyInjection component which manages the service container
- Bundles which extend Symfony functionality and can hook into the request-response lifecycle
- The Router which matches URLs to controllers
- The FrameworkBundle which ties other components together into a full-stack MVC framework
This document discusses PHP and Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). It notes that RIAs can replace desktop applications and are the next evolution of the web. PHP can be used to build RIAs by reading in XML from a PHP backend using REST, transferring PHP objects directly to the client using JSON or AMF, or making PHP apps that serve as services for any front end like Ajax, XAML, or Flex. It also briefly mentions tools for developing Flex applications from PHP like Adobe's web compiler for Flex apps.
The PHP training course offered by us is simply the best. The study materials and course modules are designed in a less complicated manner which can easily be understood by the students.
This document discusses Wade Arnold's experience with PHP and Zend Framework. It provides an overview of Wade's background working on Zend Amf and other PHP projects. It also includes examples of file structures, models, and services that demonstrate how to build a PHP application that integrates with Flash using Zend Amf. The document advocates for using standards like Zend Framework to build robust PHP applications and services.
Facebook uses caching at multiple levels to improve performance and scalability. Caching is implemented globally, with APC, Memcached, and browser caches. Memcached is used to cache user profiles, photos, friends lists, and other frequently accessed data. Caching is optimized through techniques like caching serialization formats, priming APC, and caching parsed user agent strings. Dirty caching ensures cached data is invalidated when the source data changes.
The document introduces PHP as a server-side scripting language that is easy to learn and commonly used with the LAMP stack. It provides examples of basic PHP syntax for variables, arrays, functions, and interacting with URLs and external data sources. The goal is to teach enough PHP to handle simple requests and parse/generate XML and JSON through practical code examples.
This document discusses PHPSpec, a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for PHP. It begins by explaining what PHPSpec is and how it implements BDD through a domain-specific language (DSL) based on RSpec. The document then covers how PHPSpec specifies tests using contexts, examples, expectations, matchers, mocks, and stubs. It provides examples of writing PHPSpec tests and using various PHPSpec features. The document concludes by mentioning upcoming PHPSpec features and linking to resources for learning more.
The document provides an introduction to PHP including PHP tags, comments, data types, variables, control structures, functions and more. It explains that PHP code is placed between <?php ?> tags and describes the different tags like <?php ?> for PHP code, <!-- --> for HTML comments. It also summarizes key PHP concepts like variables, arrays, strings, operators, if/else statements, loops, functions and built-in PHP functions.
This document contains sample questions for the Zend Certification PHP 5 exam. It includes multiple choice questions testing PHP 5 language features and best practices related to topics like XML processing, database access, regular expressions, and security. The questions cover syntax, functions, patterns and other PHP concepts that could appear on the certification exam.
This document summarizes Kenichi Ishigaki's presentation on DBD::SQLite recipes, issues, and plans at YAPC::Asia 2012. The presentation covered:
1. Ten recipes for common SQLite tasks like bulk inserts, in-memory databases, table alterations, database attachments, hooks, unicode, and custom extensions.
2. Ten issues and plans for the DBD::SQLite module, including debates around the default transaction mode, refactoring the execute method, optimization efforts, and compatibility with different compilers and platforms like iOS.
3. Questions and suggestions from the audience were welcomed on improving recipes, resolving issues, and advancing plans and roadmaps for DBD::SQLite.
4069180 Caching Performance Lessons From Facebookguoqing75
This document discusses techniques for improving caching performance at Facebook. It begins by explaining the benefits of caching for large sites and applications. It then describes the various caching layers Facebook uses, including globals caching, APC caching, memcached, and browser caching. It provides examples of how Facebook leverages these caches, such as caching parsed user agent strings, opcode caching with APC, and caching profile data in memcached. It also discusses challenges like cache invalidation between data centers and techniques for addressing them like caching proxies.
Being chased by tight deadlines, we often forget to sharpen our axe and burn ourselves instead. This presentation walks through a process of discovering ways to speed up development. Talks about general mobile development process and xamarin specific ways and tools to improve productivity.
Xamarin as a mobile development platform getting huge adoption starting from startups to huge enterprises which creates lot of opportunities for developers like us.
In this user group meetup, Arul, a practicing Xamarin architect will share his experience, insights and best practices on building apps using Xamarin.
? iOS Native Development with Xamarin (90 Mins)
? Enhancing MonoTouch.Dialog (60 Mins)
? Discussion & QA (30 Mins)
Testing and Documenting Pragmatic / RESTful Web APIArul Kumaran
Explains web api and why and how to do the documentation and testing. Covers behaviour driven development (BDD) and the tools that come in handy
Here are the important URL's from the presentation
Taking Care of The REST - Creating your own RESTful API Server using Restler 2.0Arul Kumaran
Restler 2.0 ( is a single file framework that can host public and protected methods of your PHP class as public and protected api respectively. This presentation talks about the opportunities in todays world and how easy it is to take them using Restler 2.0
Less Verbose ActionScript 3.0 - Write less and do more!Arul Kumaran
While we all like AS3 for consistency, better performance and OOP, many of us hate it for its verbose nature. If you share this view, then you will find this session helpful in your day-to-day development tasks, be it an agency interactive or a complex application. There are micro frameworks like SimpleAS3, as3Query (ported from jQuery) and Short that attempt to reduce the verboseness of the language. This session will explore such frameworks and other tips and tricks to simplify the language for us.
Using Titanium for multi-platform development including iPhone and AndroidArul Kumaran
Use your web development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) skills to build desktop and mobile applications using Titanium Developer platform.
Presented on Barcamp Singapore 4
UI Interactions Testing with FlexMonkeyArul Kumaran
FlexMonkey is a testing framework for Flex applications that allows for automated testing of user interfaces. It captures tests like a functional tool but scripts them within FlexUnit, a unit testing framework for Flex. FlexMonkey is free, open source, and built on the Adobe Flex Automated Testing API. It handles Flex UI events without needing JavaScript or browser plugins by writing unit tests entirely in ActionScript.
This is a comprehensive guide explaining how blockchain technology works, its key features, and real-world applications in industries like finance, supply chain, and retail. Learn about different blockchain networks (public, private, and consortium) and the challenges businesses face in adopting blockchain. Discover how blockchain consulting can help businesses implement secure, transparent, and efficient solutions, reducing risks and optimizing operations. This guide is ideal for businesses exploring blockchain adoption and seeking expert guidance.
Kickstart Your QA: An Introduction to Automated Regression Testing ToolsShubham Joshi
For teams eager to elevate their quality assurance practices, this guide offers an introductory look at automated regression testing tools. In the realm of software development, regression tests are vital to ensuring that recent code changes don¡¯t inadvertently break existing functionality. This article demystifies how automated regression testing tools function and why they¡¯re indispensable for maintaining software quality. It covers the basics of setting up automated tests, integrating these tests into your CI/CD pipelines, and choosing the right tool to match your project¡¯s needs. With clear explanations and actionable insights, you¡¯ll discover how these tools help reduce manual testing burdens and catch bugs early. The guide also highlights common challenges beginners face and offers practical solutions to overcome them. Whether you¡¯re a QA professional or a developer stepping into the world of test automation, this resource will help you kickstart your journey toward more reliable, efficient, and scalable testing practices.
The Constructor's Digital Transformation Playbook: Reducing Risk With TechnologyAggregage
Reduce risk and boost efficiency with digital transformation in construction. Join us to explore how AI, automation, and data-driven insights can improve project safety and streamline operations.
Drew Madelung is a Cloud Solutions Architect and a Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He helps organizations realize what is possible with Microsoft 365 & Azure, onboard them in a secure and compliant way, and drive sustained adoption for those solutions. He is experienced in a range of technologies but specializes in the collaboration and teamwork workspaces such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive. He has helped deploy Microsoft 365 to multiple global companies while rolling out modern information protection and information governance technologies. He has been doing Microsoft consulting for 10+ years with a strength in security & compliance solutions.
Not a Kubernetes fan? The state of PaaS in 2025Anthony Dahanne
Kubernetes won the containers orchestration war. But has it made deploying your apps easier?
Let's explore some of Kubernetes extensive app developer tooling, but mainly what the PaaS space looks like in 2025; 18 years after Heroku made it popular.
Is Heroku still around? What about Cloud Foundry?
And what are those new comers (, railway,, etc.) worth?
Did the Cloud giants replace them all?
Quantum Computing Quick Research Guide by Arthur MorganArthur Morgan
This is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
Zilliz's presentation in AWS x Apache Doris meetup on 24th Feb 2025 in Singapore.
In this presentation, I shared a live demo on how you can outsource thinking and reasoning to Amazon Nova for generating a research report on any topic.
Code repo for live demo can be found here:
I've also shared about the hard tradeoffs you need to make when choosing vector indexes and lastly my top 5 favourite features of Zilliz Cloud.
5 Must-Use AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity!
AI is changing the game! ? From research to creativity and coding, here are 5 powerful AI tools you should try.
? NotebookLM ¨C Your AI Research Assistant
? Organizes & summarizes notes
? Generates insights from multiple sources
? Ideal for students, researchers & writers
? Boost your productivity with smarter note-taking!
? ¨C The Creativity Booster
? Connects and organizes ideas
? Perfect for writers, designers & entrepreneurs
? Acts as your AI-powered brainstorming partner
? Unleash your creativity effortlessly!
? DeepSeek ¨C Smarter AI Search
? Delivers deeper & more precise search results
? Analyzes large datasets for better insights
? Ideal for professionals & researchers
? Find what you need¡ªfaster & smarter!
? ChatGPT ¨C Your AI Chat Assistant
? Answers questions, writes content & assists in coding
? Helps businesses with customer support
? Boosts learning & productivity
? From content to coding¡ªChatGPT does it all!
Devin AI
? Devin AI ¨C AI for Coders
? Writes, debugs & optimizes code
? Assists developers at all skill levels
? Makes coding faster & more efficient
??? Let AI be your coding partner!
? AI is transforming the way we work!
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDB
Understanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
Combining Lexical and Semantic Search with Milvus 2.5Zilliz
In short, lexical search is a way to search your documents based on the keywords they contain, in contrast to semantic search, which compares the similarity of embeddings. We¡¯ll be covering:
?Why, when, and how should you use lexical search
?What is the BM25 distance metric
?How exactly does Milvus 2.5 implement lexical search
?How to build an improved hybrid lexical + semantic search with Milvus 2.5
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDB
Weighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling
How to teach M365 Copilot and M365 Copilot Chat prompting to your colleagues. Presented at the Advanced Learning Institute's "Internal Communications Strategies with M365" event on February 27, 2025. Intended audience: Internal Communicators, User Adoption Specialists, IT.
Data-Driven Public Safety: Reliable Data When Every Second CountsSafe Software
When every second counts, you need access to data you can trust. In this webinar, we¡¯ll explore how FME empowers public safety services to streamline their operations and safeguard communities. This session will showcase workflow examples that public safety teams leverage every day.
We¡¯ll cover real-world use cases and demo workflows, including:
Automating Police Traffic Stop Compliance: Learn how the City of Fremont meets traffic stop data standards by automating QA/QC processes, generating error reports ¨C saving over 2,800 hours annually on manual tasks.
Anonymizing Crime Data: Discover how cities protect citizen privacy while enabling transparent and trustworthy open data sharing.
Next Gen 9-1-1 Integration: Explore how Santa Clara County supports the transition to digital emergency response systems for faster, more accurate dispatching, including automated schema mapping for address standardization.
Extreme Heat Alerts: See how FME supports disaster risk management by automating the delivery of extreme heat alerts for proactive emergency response.
Our goal is to provide practical workflows and actionable steps you can implement right away. Plus, we¡¯ll provide quick steps to find more information about our public safety subscription for Police, Fire Departments, EMS, HAZMAT teams, and more.
Whether you¡¯re in a call center, on the ground, or managing operations, this webinar is crafted to help you leverage data to make informed, timely decisions that matter most.
Webinar: LF Energy GEISA: Addressing edge interoperability at the meterDanBrown980551
This webinar will introduce the Grid Edge Security and Interoperability Alliance, or GEISA, an effort within LF Energy to address application interoperability at the very edge of the utility network: meters and other distribution automation devices. Over the last decade platform manufacturers have introduced the ability to run applications on electricity meters and other edge devices. Unfortunately, while many of these efforts have been built on Linux, they haven¡¯t been interoperable. APIs and execution environment have varied from one manufacturer to the next making it impossible for utilities to obtain applications that they can run across a fleet of different devices. For utilities that want to minimize their supply chain risk by obtaining equipment from multiple suppliers, they are forced to run and maintain multiple separate management systems. Applications available for one device may need to be ported to run on another, or they may not be available at all.
GEISA addresses this by creating a vendor neutral specification for utility edge computing environments. This webinar will discuss why GEISA is important to utilities, the specific issues GEISA will solve and the new opportunities it creates for utilities, platform vendors, and application vendors.
GDG Cloud Southlake #40: Brandon Stokes: How to Build a Great ProductJames Anderson
How to Build a Great Product
Being a tech entrepreneur is about providing a remarkable product or service that serves the needs of its customers better, faster, and cheaper than anything else. The goal is to "make something people want" which we call, product market fit.
But how do we get there? We'll explore the process of taking an idea to product market fit (PMF), how you know you have true PMF, and how your product strategies differ pre-PMF from post-PMF.
Brandon is a 3x founder, 1x exit, ex-banker & corporate strategist, car dealership owner, and alumnus of Techstars & Y Combinator. He enjoys building products and services that impact people for the better.
Brandon has had 3 different careers (banking, corporate finance & strategy, technology) in 7 different industries; Investment Banking, CPG, Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, Consumer application, Automotive, & Fintech/Insuretech.
He's an idea to revenue leader and entrepreneur that helps organizations build products and processes, hire talent, test & iterate quickly, collect feedback, and grow in unregulated and heavily regulated industries.
Revolutionizing Field Service: How LLMs Are Powering Smarter Knowledge Access...Earley Information Science
Revolutionizing Field Service with LLM-Powered Knowledge Management
Field service technicians need instant access to accurate repair information, but outdated knowledge systems often create frustrating delays. Large Language Models (LLMs) are changing the game¡ªenhancing knowledge retrieval, streamlining troubleshooting, and reducing technician dependency on senior staff.
In this webinar, Seth Earley and industry experts Sanjay Mehta, and Heather Eisenbraun explore how LLMs and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) are transforming field service operations. Discover how AI-powered knowledge management is improving efficiency, reducing downtime, and elevating service quality.
LLMs for Instant Knowledge Retrieval ¨C How AI-driven search dramatically cuts troubleshooting time.
Structured Data & AI ¨C Why high-quality, organized knowledge is essential for LLM success.
Real-World Implementation ¨C Lessons from deploying LLM-powered knowledge tools in field service.
Business Impact ¨C How AI reduces service delays, optimizes workflows, and enhances technician productivity.
Empower your field service teams with AI-driven knowledge access. Watch the webinar to see how LLMs are revolutionizing service efficiency.
2. ¡°The situation where callbacks are
nested within other callbacks several
levels deep, potentially making it
di?cult to understand and maintain
the code.
Why just wait for
Disk reading/writing
Network reading/writing
Communication with DB
Sending mail
When we have other things to
? Several built-in functions
? Several libraries (using the
built-in functions)
? Facebook Hack
? Several built-in functions
? Using Curl as async
? Several libraries (using the
built-in functions)
? ReactPHP
? Facebook Hack