To get started with Docker, install the Docker Desktop application and make a Docker ID. For Java deployments, package code into a JAR/WAR/EAR file that can run on the host JVM. With Docker, applications are packaged into images that follow a standard format and are run by the Docker engine instead of a full virtual machine and guest OS, reducing memory usage. Docker releases new major versions quarterly and each is supported for one year.
2. Getting Started
Install Docker Community Version
Install Java
Install Maven
Start Docker Desktop Application
Make a Docker ID
3. Java Deployments
Package Code into a single
JVM present on Host OD
JVM understands the
4. Docker Deployments
Package application into an
Image follows a standard
Docker engine/host
understands the Docker
5. What are VMs?
Use Hypervisor which can
support different OS from
Example: Type 2 Hypervisor
like Virtual Box
Each Guest OS needs
complete memory
6. How is Docker different?
Docker is an App Delivery
No full blown OS but Docker
Engine has a minimal OS
Instead of 1GB RAM in case
of Guest OS, now memory
need is only 120MB
7. Docker Releases
1 major release every quarter, starting from March 2017
Each major release supported officially for 1 year