Get quick steps of "How to create ebay store" for your business. Its step by step guide for your store creation and management with suggested tools and marketing ideas.
2. Start selling with ebay shops
Step 1: Subscribe to eBay Shops
Step 2: Set up and design your eBay Shops
Step 3: Start listing your items
Step 4: Manage your eBay Shops
Step 5: Market your eBay Shops
3. Subscribe to eBay Shops
An eBay Shop is designed to help dedicated sellers maximize their
business over the internet.
You have to choose a subscription level.
You have to choose a Shop Name. The name you choose determines your
Shop's website address (or 'URL').
To sign up for an eBay Shop, go to the Subscribe to Shops page.
5. Design your eBay Shop
Next step is setup of your ebay store.
Create your shop with eye catching
Tip: Use quick store tune up tool for design
6. Start listing your products
There are 2 formats for product listing:
Fixed Price.
Choose accordingly and add your products
You can use listing tools to add all your product like
Sell Your Item form, Turbo Lister, Selling Manager Pro
8. Manage your shop
After completing design and product listing, you
should learn how to increase sale in ebay store
Use Shop features, such as placing your Shop on
holiday or learn how to promote other items in your
9. Start marketing of your store
Create your shop interesting in such a way that
people have reason to come back.
Example: Launch some discount, offers, games to win
offers etc.
You can also send newsletter for new products or