2. Background
Team 11470
I accessed the course for the first time after
registering on 22 October 2012
Assignment 1 was due the day after this first time
3. Things we all have in common in my team
Nobody had accessed the course before 22 October
No ID pictures for any of our profiles
We all registered for the course 16 days ago
We hadnt had any communication with anybody in
the group before 22 October 2012
Up to 22 October 2012 nobody knew whether
anyone from the team had accessed the course
Nobody had any idea who the other members of the
team were before 22 October 2012
We all have 4 co-members
4. I dont know them and they dont know me
Nobody has answered any emails
Nobody knew that our team had no name
Nobody knew that we could create a name for our
Nobody knew whether anyone was already working
5. Conclusions
Lack of communication didnt prevent me carrying
out the task!
My team mates dont know that I know some things
about them, ie the things we all have in common