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Of horses, water, and
getting them to drink
Getting your open
source company
to contribution
Chris Jansen
Developer, Deeson
Developer 5+ years
Open source enthusiast
Drupal (core) contributor
Jeffrey jam McGuire
Evangelist, DevRel, Acquia
Open Source Evangelist,
longstanding passion for Drupal
project / community
Advisor @openstrategypartners.com
Outline. Introduction
Benefits of using open source
Why contribute?
Identifying roadblocks
Removing roadblocks
Now go contribute!
Nobody made a greater mistake
than he they who did nothing
because he they could do only a
Edmund Burke, 1729-1797
Getting your open source company to contribution
Getting your open source company to contribution
 Office of the CTO (OCTO)
 10 full-time Drupal Core & ecosystem
 Drupal 8 Module Acceleration Program
 $500K USD investing in module upgrades
 Major sponsor of events, code sprints, &c.
 Acquia Labs: Drupal beyond the browser
 Drupal security team members, module
maintainers, community organizers  !
The developers
So whats the
Map the
Identify negative
Identify possible
Bene鍖ts of using
open source
The business
License fee of zero
Lower development costs
Faster time to market
Improved ROI
Reduced vendor lock-in

IT costs
SLA Support
Proprietary. Open Source.
IT costs
SLA Support
Features: Vendor roadmap
Features: Vendor release cycle
Vendor lock-in
Buy back your data
Proprietary. Open Source.
Features: What you need
Features: When you need it
Features: Cutting edge
1000s of vendors
You own your data
License fees
One time / Annual / Recurring 
Pay for permission to try
Proprietary. Open Source.
License fees
Invest in features, training, staff 
Cheap, (almost) risk-free POCs
Build better, not cheaper.
Build better, not cheaper.
Budget == 100 Proprietary Open Source Reallocation
License fees 30 0 -30
Infrastructure, etc. 15 15 0
Strategy, Design, UX 25 35 +10
Features 20 30 +10
Implementation, QA 10 20 +10
Of course!
Seems obvious
Because we
are optimists
& idealists
Because its the right thing to do!
Push community, thats why you
are here
We should give back was always
our mentality
My future took a completely
different turn based on the fact that
we contributed to open source.
Not knowing
the why
Simon Sinek
TEDx 2009
How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Start With Why
Identified roadblocks
1. Unclear mandate/policy (The Why)
2. Lack of knowledge (The How)
3. Doubts about own skills
4. Lack of time
5. Lack of procedure (The What)
Real problems in
a medium sized
Removing Strategic
Contribution Roadblocks
The boss talk.
community contribution doesn't happen
without promotion in the community
(sessions, blog posts, webinars, etc.)
Long term, systematic thinking, v "quick
wins" ... I want to prioritise long term,
pro鍖table systems over short term,
pro鍖table billing codes.
Discuss contribution
Get consensus
Define contribution policy/mandate
When in doubt, ask for clear policy/
De鍖ne /
Change Policy
Lets unblock those
That sounds
Removing Operational
Contribution Roadblocks
solve this
trough training
and guidance
So weve
reduced the
Now what?
But  were
not there yet
Integrating dev
work鍖ow with open
Development 鍖ow.
Analyse Develop
Share your work.
Company OS Project
Analyse Develop
Analyse Develop
Use the work of others.
Analyse Develop
Analyse Develop
Company OS Project
Improve the work of others.
Company OS Project
Analyse Develop
Analyse Develop
Contribution is
how you work.
So what do we contribute!?
So what
can we do?
There must be
50 ways
And more!
Benefits of using open source
Why contribute?
Identifying roadblocks
Removing roadblocks
Now go contribute!
Thank you!
Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire Chris Jansen

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