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The Gettysburg Address
Tim Trent, Ben Wagoner, Jaebong
        Lee, Carina Cho
Abraham Lincoln
 Sixteenth president of the
  United States
 Son of a Kentucky farmer,
  not very educated
 Believed the secession of
  the confederate states to
  be illegal
 Worked tirelessly to gain
 The dedication of the Gettysburg battlefield
 Lincoln used a theme of nationalism to
  convince the audience.
Info on Gettysburg
 Did not win the war or have major aim
  for the north or the south, but did serve
  as a major battle in the war.
 More than 51,000 confederate and union
  soldiers were wounded, missing or dead.
 The dead had no place to be buried, so
  David Wills was commissioned to
  purchase land for a proper burial site for
  the deceased Union soldiers.
 Wills acquired 17 acres for the cemetery,
  which was planned and designed by
  landscape architect William Saunders.
The state of the Civil War
       Largest number of casualties in the
       A successful defense of Robert E.
        Lees Gettysburg campaign.
       Leading up to the battle of
        Gettysburg general Lee had been
        making great headway to defeat
        the Union, but this battle served as
        a turning point, halting his invasion.
       This battle sent general Lees
        troops into defense, as opposed to
        their dominant invasion.
   The Citizens of the Union
   The Union Soldiers
    fighting in the civil war
   The rest of America part
    of the struggle
 Abraham Lincoln was worried about the upcoming election so he
  wanted to unify his party under his leadership. He wanted to gain
  support by appealing to as many different people as possible.
 Lincoln was trying to motivate and honor the soldiers of the
  northern states to continue through the Civil War. He focused on
  the noble ambitions and ideals of the war and the reasons for
 The consecration of the Gettysburg cemetery in Pennsylvania was a
  state event and Lincoln recognized the importance of it.
 The ideals that Lincoln put forth in the Gettysburg Address were
  ideals that all Americans, no matter their political thoughts, could
  accept and rally behind.
 Lincoln has a very
  passionate tone
  throughout the
 It allows him to fully
  convey his emotions.
Rhetorical Strategies
 Pathos Appeals:
   The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here,
    have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add
    or detract.
    that we here highly resolve that these dead shall
    not have died in vain
   We can not dedicate  we cannot consecrate  we
    cannot hallow  this ground.
   that government of the people, by the people, and
    for the people
Effectiveness of Speech
 Effective due to its timing
   Occurred very soon after a huge war with
    numerous injuries and losses
 Effective due to its powerful statements
   that cause for which they gave the last full
    measure of devotion
   Incredibly inspirational, and effectively converted
    the graveness of the battle into passion for the
Text Works Cited
 Rhetorical Strategies Handbook
 American Lit Textbook
Picture Citations (In order of

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Gettysburg address

  • 1. The Gettysburg Address Tim Trent, Ben Wagoner, Jaebong Lee, Carina Cho
  • 2. Abraham Lincoln Sixteenth president of the United States Son of a Kentucky farmer, not very educated Believed the secession of the confederate states to be illegal Worked tirelessly to gain knowledge
  • 3. Subject The dedication of the Gettysburg battlefield Lincoln used a theme of nationalism to convince the audience.
  • 4. Info on Gettysburg Did not win the war or have major aim for the north or the south, but did serve as a major battle in the war. More than 51,000 confederate and union soldiers were wounded, missing or dead. The dead had no place to be buried, so David Wills was commissioned to purchase land for a proper burial site for the deceased Union soldiers. Wills acquired 17 acres for the cemetery, which was planned and designed by landscape architect William Saunders.
  • 5. The state of the Civil War Largest number of casualties in the war A successful defense of Robert E. Lees Gettysburg campaign. Leading up to the battle of Gettysburg general Lee had been making great headway to defeat the Union, but this battle served as a turning point, halting his invasion. This battle sent general Lees troops into defense, as opposed to their dominant invasion.
  • 6. Audience The Citizens of the Union The Union Soldiers fighting in the civil war The rest of America part of the struggle
  • 7. Purpose Abraham Lincoln was worried about the upcoming election so he wanted to unify his party under his leadership. He wanted to gain support by appealing to as many different people as possible. Lincoln was trying to motivate and honor the soldiers of the northern states to continue through the Civil War. He focused on the noble ambitions and ideals of the war and the reasons for fighting. The consecration of the Gettysburg cemetery in Pennsylvania was a state event and Lincoln recognized the importance of it. The ideals that Lincoln put forth in the Gettysburg Address were ideals that all Americans, no matter their political thoughts, could accept and rally behind.
  • 8. Tone Lincoln has a very passionate tone throughout the speech. It allows him to fully convey his emotions.
  • 9. Rhetorical Strategies Pathos Appeals: The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain Repetition: We can not dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground. that government of the people, by the people, and for the people
  • 10. Effectiveness of Speech Effective due to its timing Occurred very soon after a huge war with numerous injuries and losses Effective due to its powerful statements that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion Incredibly inspirational, and effectively converted the graveness of the battle into passion for the war.
  • 11. Text Works Cited http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents /abrahamlincoln/ http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash =true&doc=36 http://showcase.netins.net/web/creative/linc oln/sites/gettysburg.htm Rhetorical Strategies Handbook American Lit Textbook
  • 12. Picture Citations (In order of Appearance) http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/abrahamlin coln/ http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/gal/ichi11483.jpg http://loyalkng.com/wp- content/uploads/2010/11/Abraham-Lincolns-Gettysburg- Address-Revisited-by-Adam-Gault-Read-by-Mitch- Rapoport.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gettysburg http://a4cgr.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/robert-e-lee.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8dLGp7jLbio/SwYZrcu6JqI/AAA AAAAACE4/cK6ryfLqS3U/s400/getty.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_n0kOLTsDBsw/SOts1brxCjI/AAA AAAAAAdc/yi4Bg9ewh4w/s400/angry+abe.jpg