Ghashiram Kotwal is a 1972 play by Vijay Tendulkar that satirizes power politics through a historical story set during the rule of Nana Peshwa. The play focuses on the relationship between Nana Phadnavis, the Peshwa of Pune, and Ghashiram Kotwal, the police chief of Pune. Nana uses Ghashiram to consolidate his own power but later loses control of him as Ghashiram's thirst for revenge and power grows unchecked, transforming Pune into a brutal city. The play was controversial for critiquing contemporary Indian politics and highlighting the corrupting relationship between police, politicians, and criminals.
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Ghashiram Kotwal Play by Vijay Tendulkar
1. Ghashiram Kotwal
- Vijay Tendulkar
(Play of Power Politics)
Prepared by
Latta Baraiya
(Department of
English MKBU)
2. Ghashiram Kotwal
Ghashiram Kotwal is a historical play,
and the dates goes back to the rule of
Nana Peshwa
Political satire
Based on the life of Nana Phadnavis
First performed on 16 December 1972 in
Translated into English by Jayant
Karve and an American professor
Eleanor Zelliot
3. Vijay Tendulkar
Vijay Tendulkar was a leading Indian
playwright, writer, essayist, political
journalist, and social commentator
Inspiration of writing
Vijay Tendulkar is one of the most
controverisal Indian dramatist.
Banned on Ghashiram Kotwal
4. Power Politics in the play
A game of power
powerful satire on the power politics
main focus is not on history but on
contemporary political scene
The story of Ghashiram Brahmin
Highlights the deadly relationship
between the police, politicians,
prostitutes and criminals.
5. Humiliated Ghashiram
decide to take revenge
Weakness of Nana :
Offers his daughter to
become Kotwal of
Lose of Self control by
coming in power
6. Nanas power was behind Ghashiram
Poor Brahmin cried in pain and cursed
Death of Gauri
Overthrough the power
This sudden twist of situation converts
him into a wounded tiger. He turns
Poona into a brutish city.
Twenty Brahmins died in the cell
7. Ghashiram in his quest for power
forgets morality and duties of a father.
Nana Phadnavis and Ghashiram
represent two different institutions
The relationship between Nana and
Ghashiram is symbolic of politics
police crime nexus a tie which
is unbreakable.
8. Religion is another most powerful means to
exercise the power in Democracy.
We like the people of the higher rungs of the
society, uses religious ideology to justify the
hierarchy of power.
Politicians use public for their benefits