Anurag Gupta's talk on DevOps at AWS. Nov 17 at the Palo Alto AWS Big Data Me...stevemcpherson
Anurag Gupta spoke at the AWS Big Data Meetup in Palo Alto and described the AWS DevOps culture. In the talk he gives pointers on how service owners can setup monitoring that will continually reduce operational burden.
PCI compliance is a steep enough challenge, but what happens when your entire infrastructure is in AWS? Do the same concepts of network segmentation and separation apply, and if so how? At what point do AWS compliance efforts intersect with your compliance efforts? This session will cover how Warren Rogers Associates is using the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series for AWS to maintain separation of data and traffic in AWS to improve security and achieve PCI compliance.
Warren Rogers Associates pioneered the development of Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Analysis (SIRA) and Continual Reconciliation for monitoring underground fuel tanks and associated lines. These methods are certified in accordance with EPA requirements and have been used by petroleum marketers for more than 25 years. Today, Warren Rogers specializes in statistical analysis and precision fuel system diagnostics for the retail petroleum industry and develops innovative ways to identify and combat fuel shrinkage and theft. Session sponsored by Palo Alto Networks.
This document discusses DevOps practices at Amazon, including:
1. Amazon uses DevOps practices like continuous integration, deployment, and automation to deploy code changes frequently and reliably, with mean deployment times of 11.6 seconds and up to 10,000 deployments in an hour.
2. Adopting DevOps practices has led to a 75% reduction in outages from software deployments and a 90% reduction in outage minutes since 2006.
3. The document outlines DevOps tools and practices used at Amazon like AWS services for version control, continuous integration, deployment automation, and monitoring.
(1) Amazon developed DevOps tools and processes to support their transition from monolithic application development to microservices and continuous delivery. (2) They created AWS CodeDeploy for automated deployments across environments without downtime, AWS CodePipeline to model release processes and integrate tools, and AWS CodeCommit for secure, managed Git source control. (3) These services help teams continuously deliver software by automating deployments and release processes.
Carrie Deans describes how she created a composite image in Photoshop. She first cut out the background layer and added a new color, then adjusted the threshold to create a shadow effect. Next, she selected different areas and changed their colors. Finally, she combined the four separate images into one composite image.
This document appears to be a survey collecting demographic information and preferences about magazine purchasing from respondents. It asks about age, magazine buying frequency, preferred magazine genres, whether free gifts increase likelihood of purchase, favorite magazine features, and preference for text or pictures. The majority of respondents are female, aged 16-18, buy magazines monthly, prefer music and fashion magazines, are more likely to buy with a free gift, and prefer pictures over text in magazines.
Ismo Hölttö was a Finnish photographer born in 1940 known for his monochrome portraits of Romani people and rural and urban Finns in the 1960s. He would capture pictures of children and elderly men in small Finnish villages, managing to convey emotion and mood through his unedited black-and-white photos taken before advanced photo editing software existed, proving high-quality photography need not be digitally altered.
Tom Hoops is a portrait photographer known for his work with German Vogue. He typically photographs models in posed shots and edits them to a moody black and white color, though he also photographs urban landscapes like the New York skyline. His work is characterized by dark, dull colors even when in color, and an emphasis on making images seem vintage or dated through techniques like black and white tones, 1940s hairstyles and clothing, and gradient effects.
This contact sheet contains photos from two locations - Salford Quays and Princess Park in Irlam. The first set of images from Salford Quays are urban photos of buildings and bridges that were edited to be brighter. The second set from Princess Park are autumn landscape photos focused on how the setting sun reflected off trees and fields, and were edited in Photoshop to be more vibrant.
This 3 sentence document provides instructions for editing a portrait image. It recommends increasing the cyan color balance and brightness to make the colors more vibrant and vivid, which makes the colors stand out more and catch the viewer's eye. Adjusting these settings enhances the clarity and vibrancy of the colors in the portrait.
The summary is:
The pop duo Ashleigh DD and Cesca, who are Mexican but staying true to their roots, are currently touring with Kelly Clarkson and about to break out worldwide. While it's a big change from their home, they are enjoying the experience and opportunities, like being inspired by Kelly Clarkson. They are also looking forward to sharing their debut album "Thirsty Planet" and performing for new audiences across Europe during the tour.
The summary is:
The pop duo Ashleigh DD and Cesca, who are Mexican but staying true to their roots, are currently touring with Kelly Clarkson and about to break out worldwide. While it's a big change from their home, they are enjoying the experience and opportunities, like being inspired by Kelly Clarkson. They are also looking forward to sharing their debut album "Thirsty Planet" and performing for new audiences across Europe during the tour.
Carrie Deans proposes a photography project with an urban theme, taking photos of buildings at Salford Quays. She is inspired by photographer Andrew Brooks' urban photos of Manchester and plans to edit her photos to achieve a similar feel. Carrie will take 50+ photos to have options for her final selections. She chose Salford Quays for its interestingly shaped buildings, street lamps, bridges, and night lighting, which align with her bright, vibrant, city-like vision. On November 19th from 9:30-12:30, Carrie will use techniques like rule of thirds and flash while considering risks like falling in the canal, geese attacks, attacks from others, and falling from bridges.
Hip hop romeo and juliet shakespeare evaluationCarrie Deans
For a school assignment, the student had to research Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and create 6 illustrations inspired by scenes from the story with a modern hip hop twist. They created mood boards to gather research on a hip hop company that adapts Shakespeare plays and images of Romeo and Juliet adaptations. The student then watched the film and illustrated 6 key scenes in a comic book style on Illustrator by tracing over stock images. In reflection, they felt they could have done better with neater illustrations, adding more information to the mood boards, and time management.
The document summarizes the process of creating three label designs to advertise different mental health websites. The student first researched three websites - Brook, Young Minds, and FRANK - and created mood boards to understand each site. They also researched Lucouzade drinks to create a label mood board. The student then found manipulated images to include. Using Mind Genius software, the student mapped out label ideas and drew inspiration from the mood boards. Finally, the labels were designed in Photoshop using the planned concepts and fitted to templates. While satisfied overall, the student notes they could have conducted more in-depth research.
Music magazines are the most popular among the author's age group. The author compared magazine covers and contents pages from pop and rock magazines. They found pop magazines use bolder colors and fonts while rock magazines use red, black, and white. The author created a logo for their magazine using a bold, simple font to catch the eye. They edited two images for the cover, adjusting brightness, contrast, and orientation to make them vibrant and fit well together. Feedback from classmates on the author's magazine was positive.
The photographer aimed to take casual photos of a music duo for a magazine. Their favorite photo showed both subjects smiling close together holding a guitar to appear like friends in a band. They edited photos by adjusting contrast, exposure, brightness and vibrancy to make colors bolder. One photo was edited by changing to portrait, cropping the backdrop, and making colors brighter and more contrasted. The final images were said to have vibrant colors while one was portrait format for the cover. Areas for improvement included planning a better setting and outfits.
Tony Whittle is a landscape photographer based in the Peak District who has won numerous awards over his career. He specializes in capturing dramatic, breathtaking, and thought-provoking images of the Peak District through his natural talent. The document provides examples of three of his photographs from the Peak District and Lake District that showcase his skills in manipulating lighting and contrast or capturing tranquil scenes without editing.
Charlie Waite is one of the world's leading landscape photographers known for his "painterly" style that uses light and shade. He is renowned for solo exhibitions in the UK, Japan, and US. Some of Waite's popular photographs from the UK include scenes taken in Islay, Scotland and Logan Rock in Cornwall. Waite is also popular for manipulating his photographs to resemble paintings through techniques like converting images to black and white and adding blurring effects.
Rankin is a British portrait photographer born in 1966 in St Albans, Hertfordshire. He is known for his portraits of famous people such as Queen Elizabeth, Tony Blair, Lily Allen and Vivienne Westwood. This photograph by Rankin has been altered to appear foggier and duskier by lowering the brightness.
The document analyzes and compares the front covers of two music magazines - Billboard and NME. For Billboard, the summary is that it targets 16-30 year olds and focuses on pop charts music, with its cover featuring Bruno Mars in sunglasses promoting an article about him. For NME, the target is 18-40 year old rock/indie fans, with its cover using a black and white photo of Sid Vicious to promote an article remembering the Sex Pistols 25 years later. The document concludes by noting the magazines have different color schemes and styles fitting their different music genres.
The student plans to take landscape photographs of ducks, swans, and trees for their final major project. They aim to capture vibrant and bright colors while keeping the colors natural, inspired by photographer Frank Blackburn's use of natural vibrant colors without over-editing. The target audience for the landscape photographs will be middle-aged and older people, as well as hikers and walkers who appreciate scenic photography.
The document analyzes and summarizes three different title credit sequences from films and television shows. It describes the visual elements, animation techniques, colors, and formats used in the opening sequences for A Series of Unfortunate Events, Walk on the Wild Side, and Pretty Little Liars. Key details provided include the use of dark colors, comic-like animation, and silhouettes in the first sequence, black and white cinematography following a black cat in slow motion for the second, and close-up shots of girls and a coffin with natural bright colors but jerky movement at the end of the third sequence.
The document provides information about the 2013 film Iron Man 3, including its target audience, genres, directors, producers, box office earnings, and marketing strategies. The target audience is described as primarily being boys, men, fans of the Marvel comics and previous Iron Man films, and those who enjoy action genres. The film's producers targeted this audience through trailers in cinemas showing similar genres, leveraging the popularity of the known actors, using special effects to add excitement, and colorful imagery to draw attention in trailers.
Ismo Hölttö was a Finnish photographer born in 1940 known for his monochrome portraits of Romani people and rural and urban Finns in the 1960s. He would capture pictures of children and elderly men in small Finnish villages, managing to convey emotion and mood through his unedited black-and-white photos taken before advanced photo editing software existed, proving high-quality photography need not be digitally altered.
Tom Hoops is a portrait photographer known for his work with German Vogue. He typically photographs models in posed shots and edits them to a moody black and white color, though he also photographs urban landscapes like the New York skyline. His work is characterized by dark, dull colors even when in color, and an emphasis on making images seem vintage or dated through techniques like black and white tones, 1940s hairstyles and clothing, and gradient effects.
This contact sheet contains photos from two locations - Salford Quays and Princess Park in Irlam. The first set of images from Salford Quays are urban photos of buildings and bridges that were edited to be brighter. The second set from Princess Park are autumn landscape photos focused on how the setting sun reflected off trees and fields, and were edited in Photoshop to be more vibrant.
This 3 sentence document provides instructions for editing a portrait image. It recommends increasing the cyan color balance and brightness to make the colors more vibrant and vivid, which makes the colors stand out more and catch the viewer's eye. Adjusting these settings enhances the clarity and vibrancy of the colors in the portrait.
The summary is:
The pop duo Ashleigh DD and Cesca, who are Mexican but staying true to their roots, are currently touring with Kelly Clarkson and about to break out worldwide. While it's a big change from their home, they are enjoying the experience and opportunities, like being inspired by Kelly Clarkson. They are also looking forward to sharing their debut album "Thirsty Planet" and performing for new audiences across Europe during the tour.
The summary is:
The pop duo Ashleigh DD and Cesca, who are Mexican but staying true to their roots, are currently touring with Kelly Clarkson and about to break out worldwide. While it's a big change from their home, they are enjoying the experience and opportunities, like being inspired by Kelly Clarkson. They are also looking forward to sharing their debut album "Thirsty Planet" and performing for new audiences across Europe during the tour.
Carrie Deans proposes a photography project with an urban theme, taking photos of buildings at Salford Quays. She is inspired by photographer Andrew Brooks' urban photos of Manchester and plans to edit her photos to achieve a similar feel. Carrie will take 50+ photos to have options for her final selections. She chose Salford Quays for its interestingly shaped buildings, street lamps, bridges, and night lighting, which align with her bright, vibrant, city-like vision. On November 19th from 9:30-12:30, Carrie will use techniques like rule of thirds and flash while considering risks like falling in the canal, geese attacks, attacks from others, and falling from bridges.
Hip hop romeo and juliet shakespeare evaluationCarrie Deans
For a school assignment, the student had to research Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and create 6 illustrations inspired by scenes from the story with a modern hip hop twist. They created mood boards to gather research on a hip hop company that adapts Shakespeare plays and images of Romeo and Juliet adaptations. The student then watched the film and illustrated 6 key scenes in a comic book style on Illustrator by tracing over stock images. In reflection, they felt they could have done better with neater illustrations, adding more information to the mood boards, and time management.
The document summarizes the process of creating three label designs to advertise different mental health websites. The student first researched three websites - Brook, Young Minds, and FRANK - and created mood boards to understand each site. They also researched Lucouzade drinks to create a label mood board. The student then found manipulated images to include. Using Mind Genius software, the student mapped out label ideas and drew inspiration from the mood boards. Finally, the labels were designed in Photoshop using the planned concepts and fitted to templates. While satisfied overall, the student notes they could have conducted more in-depth research.
Music magazines are the most popular among the author's age group. The author compared magazine covers and contents pages from pop and rock magazines. They found pop magazines use bolder colors and fonts while rock magazines use red, black, and white. The author created a logo for their magazine using a bold, simple font to catch the eye. They edited two images for the cover, adjusting brightness, contrast, and orientation to make them vibrant and fit well together. Feedback from classmates on the author's magazine was positive.
The photographer aimed to take casual photos of a music duo for a magazine. Their favorite photo showed both subjects smiling close together holding a guitar to appear like friends in a band. They edited photos by adjusting contrast, exposure, brightness and vibrancy to make colors bolder. One photo was edited by changing to portrait, cropping the backdrop, and making colors brighter and more contrasted. The final images were said to have vibrant colors while one was portrait format for the cover. Areas for improvement included planning a better setting and outfits.
Tony Whittle is a landscape photographer based in the Peak District who has won numerous awards over his career. He specializes in capturing dramatic, breathtaking, and thought-provoking images of the Peak District through his natural talent. The document provides examples of three of his photographs from the Peak District and Lake District that showcase his skills in manipulating lighting and contrast or capturing tranquil scenes without editing.
Charlie Waite is one of the world's leading landscape photographers known for his "painterly" style that uses light and shade. He is renowned for solo exhibitions in the UK, Japan, and US. Some of Waite's popular photographs from the UK include scenes taken in Islay, Scotland and Logan Rock in Cornwall. Waite is also popular for manipulating his photographs to resemble paintings through techniques like converting images to black and white and adding blurring effects.
Rankin is a British portrait photographer born in 1966 in St Albans, Hertfordshire. He is known for his portraits of famous people such as Queen Elizabeth, Tony Blair, Lily Allen and Vivienne Westwood. This photograph by Rankin has been altered to appear foggier and duskier by lowering the brightness.
The document analyzes and compares the front covers of two music magazines - Billboard and NME. For Billboard, the summary is that it targets 16-30 year olds and focuses on pop charts music, with its cover featuring Bruno Mars in sunglasses promoting an article about him. For NME, the target is 18-40 year old rock/indie fans, with its cover using a black and white photo of Sid Vicious to promote an article remembering the Sex Pistols 25 years later. The document concludes by noting the magazines have different color schemes and styles fitting their different music genres.
The student plans to take landscape photographs of ducks, swans, and trees for their final major project. They aim to capture vibrant and bright colors while keeping the colors natural, inspired by photographer Frank Blackburn's use of natural vibrant colors without over-editing. The target audience for the landscape photographs will be middle-aged and older people, as well as hikers and walkers who appreciate scenic photography.
The document analyzes and summarizes three different title credit sequences from films and television shows. It describes the visual elements, animation techniques, colors, and formats used in the opening sequences for A Series of Unfortunate Events, Walk on the Wild Side, and Pretty Little Liars. Key details provided include the use of dark colors, comic-like animation, and silhouettes in the first sequence, black and white cinematography following a black cat in slow motion for the second, and close-up shots of girls and a coffin with natural bright colors but jerky movement at the end of the third sequence.
The document provides information about the 2013 film Iron Man 3, including its target audience, genres, directors, producers, box office earnings, and marketing strategies. The target audience is described as primarily being boys, men, fans of the Marvel comics and previous Iron Man films, and those who enjoy action genres. The film's producers targeted this audience through trailers in cinemas showing similar genres, leveraging the popularity of the known actors, using special effects to add excitement, and colorful imagery to draw attention in trailers.