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Personal Health Record:
developmental disabilities

                       Vincent P. Gibbons, M.D.
                        Albany Medical College
                                  OHSU DMICE
                                       BMI 520
                    Consumer Health Informatics
 What are PHRs and what do we hope to
  accomplish with them?
 What is cerebral palsy and why does it
  beg for a PHR solution?
 What would be the composition and feel of
  a PHR for the medical problem of cerebral
 Are there any serviceable components
  presently available?
Personal Health Record (PHR)
                              An electronic, cumulative record
                               of health-related information on an
                               individual, drawn from multiple
                               sources, that is created, collected,
                               and managed by the individual or
                               an agent acting for the individual.
                               The content of and rights of
                               access to the PHR are controlled
                               by the individual or agent. The
                               PHR is also known as the
                               electronic Personal Health Record

   Ultimately, PHRs will succeed if patients use them enough
    and they provide some combination of
     improved quality,
     increased safety,
     enhanced efficiency,
     and/or better patient satisfaction both for acute and chronic
     along with a reasonable ease of use.
   These attributes are valued by various healthcare
    constituencies  patients, providers, payers, employers, and
    others  and may generate healthcare cost savings to some
    or all of these parties.
   The PHRs might conceivably achieve widespread acceptance
    and use if patients demand and employ them, even if the
    PHRs do not deliver measurable value.
     However, under such circumstances, patients might have to pay
      for PHRs directly.

                                                         Kaelber DC et
access to some form of personal health care record
  70 million people in the US.
     Most patients may not even be aware of it.
  Surveys suggest that patients want to use PHR's, and believe that
   they will be valuable.
  An estimated 50 million patients use the EPIC software system,
   which includes a tethered PHR product.
  Department of Veterans Affairs (25 million veterans) has a web
   based PHR called MyHealtheVet, with a variety of functions.
  Blue Cross and Blue Shield is planning to offer a PHR to its more
   than 200 million members by the end of 2008.
  In the Dossia project, launched in 2006, large employers Intel, Wal-
   Mart, Applied Materials, British Petroleum, Pitney Bowes, and
   others, have committed millions of dollars to create a web-based
   framework that will supply over 5 million of their employees with
   access to personal health data through a common open-source
   architecture framework.
  In the second half of 2007, Microsoft息 debuted HealthVault
   which allows anyone with internet access the ability to search for
   health information, store their own health information, and upload
   their health information from home health devices.

                                                         Kaelber DC et al. 2008.
cerebral palsy
 an abnormality of motor function (the ability to move and control
  movements) that is
       acquired at an early age, usually less than a year of age, and
       is due to a brain lesion
 frequently the result of abnormalities that occur before birth, while
  the fetus is developing inside the mother's womb. Such
  abnormalities may include
         accidents of brain development,
         genetic disorders,
         stroke due to abnormal blood vessels or blood clots, or
         infection of the brain.
         In rare instances, obstetrical accidents during particularly difficult
          deliveries can cause brain damage and result in CP.

cerebral palsy
 CP may be divided into
            abnormality of muscle tone in which one or more extremities (arm or
             leg) is held in a rigid posture
            associated with abnormal, uncontrollable, writhing movements of
             the arms and/or legs.
       hypotonic (flaccid)
            floppy  like a rag doll.
 treatment may include
         casting and braces to prevent further loss of limb function,
         speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy,
         augmentative communication devices,
         medications or Botox injections to treat spasticity.

CP comorbidities

           problems         problems

               cerebral palsy      problems
mental retardation,
learning problems                     touch

Prevalence and Health Impact of
       Developmental Disabilities
 overall prevalence 17%                  distribution of functional
      0.2% cerebral palsy                 limitations
      6.5% learning disabilities              mobility 12.4/1000
   provider visits  50%                      self-care 8.8/1000
   hospital days  350%                       communication 52.9/1000
                                               learning 104.6/1000
   lost school days  100%
   impact much greater among             multiple disabilities 1.9%
    those with multiple disabilities         neurodevelopmental 29.9%
                                             learning-behavior 27.1
                                             physical 18.1%
                                          in special education
                                               physical 9.4%
                                               neurodevelopmental 16.7%
                                               Learning/behavior 17%
                                               asthma 3.4%

               Boyle CA et al. 1994                          Msall ME et al. 2003
cerebral palsy:
           particular advantages of a PHR

   lifelong condition
      medical information dispersed over time
      need for long-term, developmental planning
   multiple medical, functional problems
      various providers involved
      brokering communication difficult
      families negotiate solutions in a vacuum
   school interactions vital
      no natural line of communication with medical realm
      home base for multiple therapies
      integral determinant of total functioning
   grandparent/parent/sibling/child interaction
      multiple family members contribute differently
   access and communication difficulties with electronic modalities
      poster child for digital divide
Appleyard RJ in OHSU
Consumer Health Informatics
BMI520 winter 2009
Inverse information law

   access to appropriate information is
   particularly difficult for those who need
                                     it most.

         Gunther Eysenbach (BMJ, 2000)

                               Appleyard RJ in OHSU
                               Consumer Health Informatics
                               BMI520 winter 2009
Digital Divide in 2000 
         Computer & Internet Use
percentage 30
            20                                          no disability
            10                                          work disability

                      home      home      internet
                    computer   internet     use
no disability         51.7      31.1        38.1
work disability       23.9      11.4        9.9      Appleyard RJ in OHSU
                                                     Consumer Health Informatics
                                                     BMI520 winter 2009
Digital Divide in 2004 
                 Computer Use
                                                                      Base: US 18 to 64 y/o
                                                                      Forrester Research, Inc. 2004
                                                                      (commissioned by Microsoft)

% working
                                                                      no disability
                  20                                                  mild disability
                                                                      severe disability
                    0                     work use    school use
                        home use (all)    (among     (among adult
                                         employed)     students)
  no disability              74             62           49
  mild disability            70             60           53
  severe disability          54             47           44
                                                                    Appleyard RJ in OHSU
                                                                    Consumer Health Informatics
                                                                    BMI520 winter 2009
potential areas for PHR research
   Function evaluation is probably the most important area of PHR research. There is a
    particular opportunity to evaluate the impact of PHRs on care for patients with chronic conditions
    From the patient's perspective, four general categories:
        information collection (self-centered and retrieved from external sources)
        information sharing (patients->others)
        information exchange (two-way data exchange)
        information self-management) allows patients to better manage their own health/healthcare)
   Adoption and Attitudes
   PHR architecture
        the three primary components of data, infrastructure, and applications
         compared to a hub and spoke model, with relative benefits and costs being related to the size of the hub
         (robust applications at the disposal of the patient) the number of spokes (connectivity to multiple data
         sources), and the thickness of spokes (completeness of health information sources).
        Future areas of research include interoperability, relative benefits and costs of different PHR architectural
   Related non-PHR research
        patient/provider e-mail
        patient-generated computer-mediated medical histories.
   PHR business case.
        Private research foundations have until now provided most of the funding, with government agencies (in
         particular the National Library of Medicine) increasing their funding.
        PHR's represent one of the areas that could receive top priority for research given their potential for
         reducing costs and improving care.
        PHR's have the potential is designed appropriately adopted widely to reduce costs and simultaneously
         improve quality and safety of care. The existing knowledge and base that underpins this work is surprisingly
         limited and most of the fundamental issues remain unsolved. Additional research is essential, but unlikely to
         be performed unless substantial additional financial support is committed to PHR research and evaluation.

                                                    Kaelber DC et al. A research Agenda for Personal Health
                                                    Records doi:10.1197/JAMIA.M2547 August 28, 2008.
Primary PHR functions
based on use of information from the patients perspective

 Information Collection  PHR functions that help patients to enter their
  own health information and to retrieve their information from external
 Information Sharing  PHR functions that allow patients to engage in one-
  way sharing of their health information with others.
 Information Exchange  PHR functions that allow patients to engage in
  two-way data exchange with others.
 Information Self-Management  PHR functions that allow patients to better
  manage their own health/healthcare. Examples of PHR functions in this
  category include those functions that allow patients to record, track, and edit
  information about their own health/healthcare, as well as obtain relevant
  patient oriented disease information and decision support.
Personal Health Record for individual with cerebral palsy
patient (family)-centric, spoke-and-wheel architecture

                                                 groups                  primary care
        psychoeducational                                              (medical home)           Specialty 1
        IEPs                                                           tethered EHR
        teacher reports
                                                                                              Specialty 2
                                                                                Specialty 3

                                           family                                     consumer
                                           personal goals                               health
                                            technology interventions                 information
community support
   Easter Seals                             independent living
  March of Dimes                            end of life decisions
   Blind Babies

                                peer                                   Financial
problems in actual practice
    Consumers using health websites they not have
     adequate protection of their personal information.
    Visitors to health websites are generally not anonymous,
     even if they think they are.
    Health websites recognize consumers concern about
     the privacy of their personal health information. Many
     have made efforts to establish privacy policies. Most fall
     short of adequate protection.
    There is inconsistency between the privacy policies and
     the actual practices of health websites. Many do not
     adhere to their policies or they change with time.

                                                                               OHSU Consumer Health
CHF Report on the Privacy Policies and Practices of Health Websites            Informatics BMI520
http://www.chcf.org/documents/ihealth/ComparingEHealthPrivacyInitiatives.pdf   winter 2009
Industry self-regulation

 Health on the Net Foundation (HON)
 Internet Healthcare Coalition
 Health Internet Ethics Coalition

                              OHSU Consumer Health
                              Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
Whats available now?
 tethered PHR
    EPIC MyChart
 Open Source PHR
 Medical expense tracking and planning
 Web resources for the disabled
    JAWS 10.0
    personal planners
       Cognitopia Personal Planner
           disabilities-friendly e-mail
       AbleLinks WebTrek Connect,
       Life Technologys CogLink
OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
overall satisfaction
 Other things equal, I would prefer to
  go to a doctor who provides MyChart.
 I can manage my health better by
  using MyChart. 75
 I would recommend MyChart to a
  friend. 91

patient use of clinical e-mail
 27% - health status updates (ER visits,
  adverse effects)
 18% - prescriptions
 10% - referral
 9% - health questions
   just a few inappropriate for e-mail
 5% - test results

                  Katz S, Stern D et al. (2002) First large doctor  patient e-mail
                  study finds positive attitudes on both sides: but e-mail poses an
                  increased communications burden to the clinic. UMHS
Personal Health Record for individual with cerebral palsy
Personal Health Record for individual with cerebral palsy
An electronic personal health record provides the
consumer with an intuitive web-based application
to create, view, store, and share health care
information about themselves or on behalf of
those they look after (e.g. aged relatives, children
and those with disabilities); to communicate with
their care providers; and to access needed health
related information relating to their specific
conditions through the power of the Internet; and
to simply perform mundane tasks, like refilling a
prescription for themselves or one of their
dependents - all with a minimum of effort.
accessed 1/28/09
Accessible IT means
             people with disabilities are
 not dependent on others to get things done
 able to perform activities of daily living
      shop, pay bills, answer health questions
 able to socialize
      share their problems/solutions
      interact with people (family, providers, friends)
 able to learn online
 able to be employed
      ICT job requirements

                                                 Appleyard RJ in OHSU
http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/     Consumer Health Informatics
                                                 BMI520 winter 2009
 Kaelber DC et al. A research agenda for
  personal health records. DOI:
  10.1197/JAMIA.M2547. August 28, 2008.
 Boyle CA et al. Prevalence and health impact of
  developmental disabilities in US children.
  Pediatrics 93(3): 399-403. 1994.
 Msall ME et al. Functional disability and school
  activity limitations in 41,300 school-age children:
  relationship to medical impairments. Pediatrics
  111(3): 548-53. 2003.

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Personal Health Record for individual with cerebral palsy

  • 1. Personal Health Record: developmental disabilities Vincent P. Gibbons, M.D. Albany Medical College and OHSU DMICE BMI 520 Consumer Health Informatics
  • 2. Agenda What are PHRs and what do we hope to accomplish with them? What is cerebral palsy and why does it beg for a PHR solution? What would be the composition and feel of a PHR for the medical problem of cerebral palsy? Are there any serviceable components presently available?
  • 3. Personal Health Record (PHR) An electronic, cumulative record of health-related information on an individual, drawn from multiple sources, that is created, collected, and managed by the individual or an agent acting for the individual. The content of and rights of access to the PHR are controlled by the individual or agent. The PHR is also known as the electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR). http://www.hhs.gov/healthit/usecases/documents/PHCDetailed.pdf
  • 4. Ultimately, PHRs will succeed if patients use them enough and they provide some combination of improved quality, increased safety, enhanced efficiency, and/or better patient satisfaction both for acute and chronic conditions, along with a reasonable ease of use. These attributes are valued by various healthcare constituencies patients, providers, payers, employers, and others and may generate healthcare cost savings to some or all of these parties. The PHRs might conceivably achieve widespread acceptance and use if patients demand and employ them, even if the PHRs do not deliver measurable value. However, under such circumstances, patients might have to pay for PHRs directly. Kaelber DC et al.2008.
  • 5. access to some form of personal health care record 70 million people in the US. Most patients may not even be aware of it. Surveys suggest that patients want to use PHR's, and believe that they will be valuable. An estimated 50 million patients use the EPIC software system, which includes a tethered PHR product. Department of Veterans Affairs (25 million veterans) has a web based PHR called MyHealtheVet, with a variety of functions. Blue Cross and Blue Shield is planning to offer a PHR to its more than 200 million members by the end of 2008. In the Dossia project, launched in 2006, large employers Intel, Wal- Mart, Applied Materials, British Petroleum, Pitney Bowes, and others, have committed millions of dollars to create a web-based framework that will supply over 5 million of their employees with access to personal health data through a common open-source architecture framework. In the second half of 2007, Microsoft息 debuted HealthVault which allows anyone with internet access the ability to search for health information, store their own health information, and upload their health information from home health devices. Kaelber DC et al. 2008.
  • 6. cerebral palsy definition an abnormality of motor function (the ability to move and control movements) that is acquired at an early age, usually less than a year of age, and is due to a brain lesion non-progressive. frequently the result of abnormalities that occur before birth, while the fetus is developing inside the mother's womb. Such abnormalities may include accidents of brain development, genetic disorders, stroke due to abnormal blood vessels or blood clots, or infection of the brain. In rare instances, obstetrical accidents during particularly difficult deliveries can cause brain damage and result in CP. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11114
  • 7. cerebral palsy classification CP may be divided into spastic abnormality of muscle tone in which one or more extremities (arm or leg) is held in a rigid posture choreoathetoid associated with abnormal, uncontrollable, writhing movements of the arms and/or legs. hypotonic (flaccid) floppy like a rag doll. treatment may include casting and braces to prevent further loss of limb function, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, augmentative communication devices, medications or Botox injections to treat spasticity. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11114
  • 8. CP comorbidities behavior orthopedic problems problems sensory cerebral palsy problems vision mental retardation, hearing learning problems touch epilepsy
  • 9. Prevalence and Health Impact of Developmental Disabilities overall prevalence 17% distribution of functional 0.2% cerebral palsy limitations 6.5% learning disabilities mobility 12.4/1000 provider visits 50% self-care 8.8/1000 hospital days 350% communication 52.9/1000 learning 104.6/1000 lost school days 100% impact much greater among multiple disabilities 1.9% those with multiple disabilities neurodevelopmental 29.9% learning-behavior 27.1 physical 18.1% in special education physical 9.4% neurodevelopmental 16.7% Learning/behavior 17% asthma 3.4% Boyle CA et al. 1994 Msall ME et al. 2003
  • 10. cerebral palsy: particular advantages of a PHR lifelong condition medical information dispersed over time need for long-term, developmental planning multiple medical, functional problems various providers involved brokering communication difficult families negotiate solutions in a vacuum school interactions vital no natural line of communication with medical realm home base for multiple therapies integral determinant of total functioning grandparent/parent/sibling/child interaction multiple family members contribute differently access and communication difficulties with electronic modalities poster child for digital divide
  • 11. Appleyard RJ in OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 12. Inverse information law access to appropriate information is particularly difficult for those who need it most. Gunther Eysenbach (BMJ, 2000) Appleyard RJ in OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 13. Digital Divide in 2000 Computer & Internet Use 60 50 40 percentage 30 20 no disability 10 work disability 0 home home internet computer internet use no disability 51.7 31.1 38.1 work disability 23.9 11.4 9.9 Appleyard RJ in OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 14. Digital Divide in 2004 Computer Use 80 Base: US 18 to 64 y/o Forrester Research, Inc. 2004 (commissioned by Microsoft) 60 % working 40 adults no disability 20 mild disability severe disability 0 work use school use home use (all) (among (among adult employed) students) no disability 74 62 49 mild disability 70 60 53 severe disability 54 47 44 Appleyard RJ in OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 15. potential areas for PHR research Function evaluation is probably the most important area of PHR research. There is a particular opportunity to evaluate the impact of PHRs on care for patients with chronic conditions From the patient's perspective, four general categories: information collection (self-centered and retrieved from external sources) information sharing (patients->others) information exchange (two-way data exchange) information self-management) allows patients to better manage their own health/healthcare) Adoption and Attitudes PHR architecture the three primary components of data, infrastructure, and applications compared to a hub and spoke model, with relative benefits and costs being related to the size of the hub (robust applications at the disposal of the patient) the number of spokes (connectivity to multiple data sources), and the thickness of spokes (completeness of health information sources). Future areas of research include interoperability, relative benefits and costs of different PHR architectural models. Related non-PHR research patient/provider e-mail patient-generated computer-mediated medical histories. PHR business case. Private research foundations have until now provided most of the funding, with government agencies (in particular the National Library of Medicine) increasing their funding. PHR's represent one of the areas that could receive top priority for research given their potential for reducing costs and improving care. Conclusions: PHR's have the potential is designed appropriately adopted widely to reduce costs and simultaneously improve quality and safety of care. The existing knowledge and base that underpins this work is surprisingly limited and most of the fundamental issues remain unsolved. Additional research is essential, but unlikely to be performed unless substantial additional financial support is committed to PHR research and evaluation. Kaelber DC et al. A research Agenda for Personal Health Records doi:10.1197/JAMIA.M2547 August 28, 2008.
  • 16. Primary PHR functions based on use of information from the patients perspective Information Collection PHR functions that help patients to enter their own health information and to retrieve their information from external sources. Information Sharing PHR functions that allow patients to engage in one- way sharing of their health information with others. Information Exchange PHR functions that allow patients to engage in two-way data exchange with others. Information Self-Management PHR functions that allow patients to better manage their own health/healthcare. Examples of PHR functions in this category include those functions that allow patients to record, track, and edit information about their own health/healthcare, as well as obtain relevant patient oriented disease information and decision support.
  • 18. patient (family)-centric, spoke-and-wheel architecture diagnostics support groups primary care School psychoeducational (medical home) Specialty 1 IEPs tethered EHR teacher reports Specialty 2 therapies Specialty 3 family consumer personal goals health technology interventions information community support Easter Seals independent living March of Dimes end of life decisions Blind Babies peer Financial short-term interactions long-term
  • 21. problems in actual practice Consumers using health websites they not have adequate protection of their personal information. Visitors to health websites are generally not anonymous, even if they think they are. Health websites recognize consumers concern about the privacy of their personal health information. Many have made efforts to establish privacy policies. Most fall short of adequate protection. There is inconsistency between the privacy policies and the actual practices of health websites. Many do not adhere to their policies or they change with time. OHSU Consumer Health CHF Report on the Privacy Policies and Practices of Health Websites Informatics BMI520 http://www.chcf.org/documents/ihealth/ComparingEHealthPrivacyInitiatives.pdf winter 2009
  • 22. Industry self-regulation Health on the Net Foundation (HON) http://www.hon.ch TRUSTe http://www.TRUSTe.org Internet Healthcare Coalition http://www.ihealthcoalition.org Health Internet Ethics Coalition http://www.hiethics.org OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 23. Whats available now? tethered PHR EPIC MyChart Open Source PHR Tolven Medical expense tracking and planning QuickenHealth Web resources for the disabled JAWS 10.0 personal planners Cognitopia Personal Planner disabilities-friendly e-mail AbleLinks WebTrek Connect, Life Technologys CogLink
  • 24. OHSU Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 27. overall satisfaction Other things equal, I would prefer to go to a doctor who provides MyChart. 85 I can manage my health better by using MyChart. 75 I would recommend MyChart to a friend. 91 http://www.himss.org/Content/files/linkingpatients.pdf
  • 28. patient use of clinical e-mail 27% - health status updates (ER visits, adverse effects) 18% - prescriptions 10% - referral 9% - health questions just a few inappropriate for e-mail 5% - test results Katz S, Stern D et al. (2002) First large doctor patient e-mail study finds positive attitudes on both sides: but e-mail poses an increased communications burden to the clinic. UMHS http://www.himss.org/Content/files/linkingpatients.pdf
  • 31. An electronic personal health record provides the consumer with an intuitive web-based application to create, view, store, and share health care information about themselves or on behalf of those they look after (e.g. aged relatives, children and those with disabilities); to communicate with their care providers; and to access needed health related information relating to their specific conditions through the power of the Internet; and to simply perform mundane tasks, like refilling a prescription for themselves or one of their dependents - all with a minimum of effort.
  • 35. Accessible IT means people with disabilities are not dependent on others to get things done able to perform activities of daily living shop, pay bills, answer health questions able to socialize share their problems/solutions interact with people (family, providers, friends) able to learn online able to be employed ICT job requirements Appleyard RJ in OHSU http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/ Consumer Health Informatics BMI520 winter 2009
  • 39. References Kaelber DC et al. A research agenda for personal health records. DOI: 10.1197/JAMIA.M2547. August 28, 2008. Boyle CA et al. Prevalence and health impact of developmental disabilities in US children. Pediatrics 93(3): 399-403. 1994. Msall ME et al. Functional disability and school activity limitations in 41,300 school-age children: relationship to medical impairments. Pediatrics 111(3): 548-53. 2003.