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                                 丶丱 丐弌丐

弌亞仍:             44
仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞:           4                       丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:     仆亞仍亳 仍
弌舒亞仆 仆:                                丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:

丿舒仍亞舒仍仆 于亳仍弍舒 仂仆亞仂:

唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶.


丶丱 丐弌丐
                                   丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒
          仍               1      2        3            4        5
          丱舒亳仍              b      b        a            a   1d,2c,3b,4a

Odd one out.
Dog, horse, tiger, sheep, goat
a.         dog                              c.        goat
b.         tiger                            d.        horse

Translate into Mongolian.
She has got long brown hair.
a.          丐  勵亶.
b.          丐 仄亞亶  弍仂 勵亶.
c.          丐 弍仂 勵亶.
d.          丐 弍仂亞亳仆仂 舒 勵亶.

Choose the correct answer.
I..........dinner at 19 o`clock.
a.              get                         c.        go
b.              have                        d.        has

Choose true or false
Tiger is stronge.
a.           True


b.        False

Match the word with each numeral
         1    30             a twenty five
         2    10             b twelve
         3    12              c   ten
         4    25             d   thirty


                                     丶丱 丐弌丐 勳亅亅亅

弌亞仍:         44               :                     丱仂仆亞仂亰仍
仆亞亳:              4               丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:           仆亞仍亳 仍
勵仍亞:             舒               丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:         Personal and social life

勳仆仍亞 舒舒 亞:

  舒仍        仂仆仂仂     舒亳仍
     1            1         亰唏于
     2            1         亰唏于
     3            0        弍
     4            1         亰唏于
     5            1         亰唏于
        舒于舒 仂仆仂仂             5
       舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂             4
      亰唏于 舒亳仍             4
    弍 舒亳仍             1
          于               80
      勵亞 勵仆仍亞           B

                                              弌舒亶仆 弍舒亶仆舒.

唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶.

Odd one out.
go, wash, watch, morning,brush,
a.         wash                      c.     morning
b.         go                        d.     brush

Translate into Mongolian.
I have a big family.
a.           亳 仂仄 亞 弍勵仍亶.
b.           舒仆舒亶 仂仄.
c.            弍勵仍 弍舒亶亟舒亞.
d.            弍勵仍 .

Choose the correct answer.

I..........on by clothes.

a.           get                     c.     put on
b.           have                    d.     has

Choose true or false

Camel is very small.

a.           True
b.           False


Match the words

1               bathroom       a          仄
2                 name         b      亞舒舒仍亞仆 唏唏唏
3                 father       c           仆
4             grandmother      d           舒舒于

Odd one out.
i, you, we, they, go, he , she
a.           go                     c.     you
b.           i                      d.     they

Translate in to English.
亳 亢亟 舒仍亟舒亞.
a.          I help mother.
b.          I help .
c.          help.
d.          I mother help .

Choose the correct answer.

I.........to school at 7.30.

a.            go                    c.     get
b.            goes                  d.     has

Choose true or false

Birds do not flies.

a.            True
b.            False


Match the words

1                  sister      a       弍唏仄弍唏亞
2                 morning      b         亞
3                 school       c        唏亞仍唏唏
4                   ball       d      亞仍


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  • 2. test1 丶丱 丐弌丐 丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒 仍 1 2 3 4 5 丱舒亳仍 b b a a 1d,2c,3b,4a 仍1 Odd one out. Dog, horse, tiger, sheep, goat a. dog c. goat b. tiger d. horse 仍2 Translate into Mongolian. She has got long brown hair. a. 丐 勵亶. b. 丐 仄亞亶 弍仂 勵亶. c. 丐 弍仂 勵亶. d. 丐 弍仂亞亳仆仂 舒 勵亶. 仍3 Choose the correct answer. I..........dinner at 19 o`clock. a. get c. go b. have d. has 仍4 Choose true or false Tiger is stronge. a. True 丱亟舒
  • 3. test1 b. False 仍5 Match the word with each numeral 1 30 a twenty five 2 10 b twelve 3 12 c ten 4 25 d thirty 丱亟舒
  • 4. dun 丶丱 丐弌丐 勳亅亅亅 弌亞仍: 44 : 丱仂仆亞仂亰仍 仆亞亳: 4 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 仆亞仍亳 仍 勵仍亞: 舒 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: Personal and social life 勳仆仍亞 舒舒 亞: 丱丕-1: 舒仍 仂仆仂仂 舒亳仍 1 1 亰唏于 2 1 亰唏于 3 0 弍 4 1 亰唏于 5 1 亰唏于 舒于舒 仂仆仂仂 5 舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂 4 亰唏于 舒亳仍 4 弍 舒亳仍 1 于 80 勵亞 勵仆仍亞 B 弌舒亶仆 弍舒亶仆舒. 唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶. 丱亟舒
  • 5. test2 仍1 Odd one out. go, wash, watch, morning,brush, a. wash c. morning b. go d. brush 仍2 Translate into Mongolian. I have a big family. a. 亳 仂仄 亞 弍勵仍亶. b. 舒仆舒亶 仂仄. c. 弍勵仍 弍舒亶亟舒亞. d. 弍勵仍 . 仍3 Choose the correct answer. I..........on by clothes. a. get c. put on b. have d. has 仍4 Choose true or false Camel is very small. a. True b. False 丱亟舒
  • 6. test2 仍5 Match the words 1 bathroom a 仄 2 name b 亞舒舒仍亞仆 唏唏唏 3 father c 仆 4 grandmother d 舒舒于 丱亟舒
  • 7. test3 仍1 Odd one out. i, you, we, they, go, he , she a. go c. you b. i d. they 仍2 Translate in to English. 亳 亢亟 舒仍亟舒亞. a. I help mother. b. I help . c. help. d. I mother help . 仍3 Choose the correct answer. I.........to school at 7.30. a. go c. get b. goes d. has 仍4 Choose true or false Birds do not flies. a. True b. False 丱亟舒
  • 8. test3 仍5 Match the words 1 sister a 弍唏仄弍唏亞 2 morning b 亞 3 school c 唏亞仍唏唏 4 ball d 亞仍 丱亟舒