Introduction to Bootstrap Framework. History and basic concepts.
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Girls Go IT -- Day 6 Training 1 -- Bootstrap
1. Girls Go IT 2015
Intro to Bootstrap
Mihai Iachimovschi
2. Intro. Bine ai venit!
- nceptor;
- Ai mai scris cod (Pascal, nu?);
- Te joci cu HTML + CSS 樽n timpul liber.
3. Ce-i aia Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS
framework for developing responsive, mobile 鍖rst
projects on the web.
4. Istorie.
- Original: Twitter Bootstrap;
- Dezvoltat 樽n cadrul Twitter, Inc.;
- Dezvoltatori: Mark Otto i Jacob Thornton;
- Momentan proiect Open Source, v. 3.3.5;
- Versiunea 4.0 e pe cale s 鍖e lansat (vezi 4.0
6. Istorie (cont.)
- Publicat August 2011 (exact 4 ani 樽n urm);
- Acum e 樽n pragul lansrii versiunii 4.0;
- Iniial framework cu CSS pur;
- Acum - mai mult dec但t doar CSS.