This document provides an overview of key concepts in advanced surveying and geographic information systems (GIS). It outlines topics to write about, including the objectives and components of GIS, data models in GIS including raster and vector formats, data sources and types of maps, geospatial analysis, and integrating remote sensing with GIS.
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GIS - Assignment
1. Write Detailed note on GIS with its objective.
2. Write components of GIS and Application of GIS.
3. What is function, advantages & limitations of GIS ?
4. Write detailed note on Raster Data model.
5. Write detailed note on Vector Data model.
6. Brief out on Data models.
7. What are the data sources ?
8. Write note on types of MAPs.
9. Write brief note on Geospetial analysis.
10. Write Brief note on Integration of remote sensing with GIS.