This document provides an overview of Git and how to use it. It discusses version control systems and how distributed version control systems like Git work. It explains how Git was created by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development and why it gained popularity due to its speed and efficiency. The document then covers Git basics like setup, commits, branches and workflows. It also introduces tools for using Git in Eclipse and GitLab for code hosting and collaboration.
Git is version control software that allows tracking changes to code over time. It allows easy collaboration and offline work. Git works with entire code repositories rather than individual files, offering better performance than other version control systems. The basic Git workflow involves adding files, committing changes to a local repository, and pushing commits to a remote server repository. Branches allow isolated development and merging of features.
This document provides an outline for a course on learning Git version control. The course covers getting Git setup, the basic concepts and workflow of Git, branching and merging, resolving conflicts, working with remote repositories, and various Git commands. The document lists several modules that will be covered, including getting started, everyday Git usage, branching, merging and rebasing, additional tools and concepts, and advice on applying the skills learned. The goal is to teach participants how to install and use Git for version control on individual, local, and distributed projects.
Two days git training with labs
First day covers git basis and essential commands
Second day covers git additional command with a big lab using a git workflow
Maven is a build tool that can manage a project's build process, dependencies, documentation and reporting. It uses a Project Object Model (POM) file to store build configuration and metadata. Maven has advantages over Ant like built-in functionality for common tasks, cross-project reuse, and support for conditional logic. It works by defining the project with a POM file then running goals bound to default phases like compile, test, package to build the project.
This document summarizes a presentation given at DrupalCamp in Athens on December 12, 2010 about Git and GitHub. The presentation introduced Git as a distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency. It explained some of Git's core concepts like snapshots, branches, merging, and its distributed nature. It also promoted GitHub as a social coding platform that improves collaboration and code hosting for both open source and private projects. The presentation aimed to help attendees learn Git for their own benefit and prepare for Drupal moving to GitHub.
This document provides an introduction to using Git and GitHub for version control of documents and collaboration. It explains the basic workflow of creating, editing, and saving files individually. It then introduces Git as a tool to track changes to documents over time, including who made each change and when. The document outlines setting up Git locally and using basic commands like commit, diff, log, branch, merge, and push/pull to the remote GitHub repository. It highlights key GitHub features like the profile page, repository page, pull requests, and hosting websites for free using GitHub Pages.
The document discusses Git and GitHub. It begins with an overview of distributed version control systems (DVCS) like Git and how they differ from centralized version control systems. It then covers the basics of Git, including installing Git, initializing repositories, tracking changes, branching and merging. Finally, it discusses GitHub and how developers can use features like forking, pull requests and wikis to collaborate on projects hosted there. Common Git workflows like Git flow are also introduced.
This document discusses Git flow and workflows for features, releases, and hotfixes. It explains how to start and finish these branches using git flow commands or equivalent Git commands. It also provides tips for publishing remote branches, dealing with obsolete branches, and fixing common mistakes like amending commits, resetting files, and recovering deleted local branches.
Git branching model for efficient development.
(1) Main branches like master and development are used for new features and releases. (2) Supporting branches like bugfix and feature branches have limited lifespans. (3) The workflow handles features, bugs, and releases across environments while maintaining a clean history. Rebasing is preferred over merging for cleaner histories when working locally, while merging integrates changes for public branches.
This document provides an introduction to using git for version control. It outlines three scenarios: 1) a single developer using a local repository, 2) a team of developers using a central remote repository, and 3) contributing to a software project hosted on GitHub. The document demonstrates how to initialize repositories, add and commit changes, branch, merge, resolve conflicts, push and pull from remote repositories, and set up a shared remote repository. It provides summaries of key git commands and demonstrations of workflows through examples.
Git and GitHub basics provides an overview of source control systems and how to use Git and GitHub. It discusses why to use source control, how to set up Git and GitHub on Windows, basic terminology, how to create repositories and push code to GitHub, ignoring files, reverting commits, forking repositories, and pulling changes in shared repositories. The document includes demonstrations of key commands like init, add, commit, push, status, clone and pull.
This document provides an introduction to using GitHub, including:
- How to set up a GitHub account and add the Student Developer Pack for unlimited private repositories.
- Basic terminology like repositories, commits, pushes, pulls, branches, and pull requests.
- Tutorials for managing GitHub repositories through the web interface and command line, covering tasks like cloning repositories, adding/committing/pushing files, and adding collaborators.
The document provides an overview of version control with Git and GitHub. It discusses what version control is, how to set up a Git repository, save changes, view history, undo changes, distribute the repository, structure text for collaboration, and how GitHub enables additional collaboration features beyond basic version control. The document uses examples to demonstrate key Git commands for setting up and using a local repository that is synced to a remote GitHub repository.
This document contains the code for various operations on singly linked lists in C language such as insertion, deletion, searching, counting, reversing, merging, and splitting nodes. It includes function definitions and main program to demonstrate a menu driven program to perform these operations and print the list. The functions work recursively to traverse the list and perform the desired operation by updating next pointers.
Two days git training with labs
First day covers git basis and essential commands
Second day covers git additional command with a big lab using a git workflow
Maven is a build tool that can manage a project's build process, dependencies, documentation and reporting. It uses a Project Object Model (POM) file to store build configuration and metadata. Maven has advantages over Ant like built-in functionality for common tasks, cross-project reuse, and support for conditional logic. It works by defining the project with a POM file then running goals bound to default phases like compile, test, package to build the project.
This document summarizes a presentation given at DrupalCamp in Athens on December 12, 2010 about Git and GitHub. The presentation introduced Git as a distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency. It explained some of Git's core concepts like snapshots, branches, merging, and its distributed nature. It also promoted GitHub as a social coding platform that improves collaboration and code hosting for both open source and private projects. The presentation aimed to help attendees learn Git for their own benefit and prepare for Drupal moving to GitHub.
This document provides an introduction to using Git and GitHub for version control of documents and collaboration. It explains the basic workflow of creating, editing, and saving files individually. It then introduces Git as a tool to track changes to documents over time, including who made each change and when. The document outlines setting up Git locally and using basic commands like commit, diff, log, branch, merge, and push/pull to the remote GitHub repository. It highlights key GitHub features like the profile page, repository page, pull requests, and hosting websites for free using GitHub Pages.
The document discusses Git and GitHub. It begins with an overview of distributed version control systems (DVCS) like Git and how they differ from centralized version control systems. It then covers the basics of Git, including installing Git, initializing repositories, tracking changes, branching and merging. Finally, it discusses GitHub and how developers can use features like forking, pull requests and wikis to collaborate on projects hosted there. Common Git workflows like Git flow are also introduced.
This document discusses Git flow and workflows for features, releases, and hotfixes. It explains how to start and finish these branches using git flow commands or equivalent Git commands. It also provides tips for publishing remote branches, dealing with obsolete branches, and fixing common mistakes like amending commits, resetting files, and recovering deleted local branches.
Git branching model for efficient development.
(1) Main branches like master and development are used for new features and releases. (2) Supporting branches like bugfix and feature branches have limited lifespans. (3) The workflow handles features, bugs, and releases across environments while maintaining a clean history. Rebasing is preferred over merging for cleaner histories when working locally, while merging integrates changes for public branches.
This document provides an introduction to using git for version control. It outlines three scenarios: 1) a single developer using a local repository, 2) a team of developers using a central remote repository, and 3) contributing to a software project hosted on GitHub. The document demonstrates how to initialize repositories, add and commit changes, branch, merge, resolve conflicts, push and pull from remote repositories, and set up a shared remote repository. It provides summaries of key git commands and demonstrations of workflows through examples.
Git and GitHub basics provides an overview of source control systems and how to use Git and GitHub. It discusses why to use source control, how to set up Git and GitHub on Windows, basic terminology, how to create repositories and push code to GitHub, ignoring files, reverting commits, forking repositories, and pulling changes in shared repositories. The document includes demonstrations of key commands like init, add, commit, push, status, clone and pull.
This document provides an introduction to using GitHub, including:
- How to set up a GitHub account and add the Student Developer Pack for unlimited private repositories.
- Basic terminology like repositories, commits, pushes, pulls, branches, and pull requests.
- Tutorials for managing GitHub repositories through the web interface and command line, covering tasks like cloning repositories, adding/committing/pushing files, and adding collaborators.
The document provides an overview of version control with Git and GitHub. It discusses what version control is, how to set up a Git repository, save changes, view history, undo changes, distribute the repository, structure text for collaboration, and how GitHub enables additional collaboration features beyond basic version control. The document uses examples to demonstrate key Git commands for setting up and using a local repository that is synced to a remote GitHub repository.
This document contains the code for various operations on singly linked lists in C language such as insertion, deletion, searching, counting, reversing, merging, and splitting nodes. It includes function definitions and main program to demonstrate a menu driven program to perform these operations and print the list. The functions work recursively to traverse the list and perform the desired operation by updating next pointers.
A Git tutorial with example and demo.
YouTube Videos
Day 1:
Day 2:
A simple introduction for basic use of git and git hub.
Since I'm a rookie to Git, If there is anything wrong, please contact me.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
Introduction to Ewasm - crosslink taipei 2019hydai
Based on my previous talk - Introduction to Ewasm 1.0 in COSCUP 2019 and lots of sessions in Ethereum devcon V, I remake this presentation to give an introduction to Ewasm 1.0 and 2.0.
This document discusses eWASM, which is the Ethereum Virtual Machine implemented using WebAssembly (WASM). Some key points:
- eWASM mirrors the EVM stack-based design in WASM but uses locals instead of a deep stack and has a more RISC instruction set.
- High-level EVM instructions are removed and replaced by importing standard interface functions defined in the Ethereum Environment Interface (EEI).
- A system contract called Sentinel is used to insert metering statements and reject invalid eWASM bytecode before deployment.
- eWASM has potential performance benefits over EVM but some challenges remain around storage model, metering approaches,
1) Lity provides tools like the ERC Standard Checker and security warnings to help developers write more secure smart contracts and avoid issues like overflows.
2) Lity supports an Ethereum Native Interface (ENI) that allows computationally intensive tasks to be offloaded to native libraries for better performance.
3) Lity is working on integrating a business rules engine to help enforce business logic in smart contracts.