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Giving	E?ective	Presentations	
Claus	O.	Wilke	
The	University	of	Texas	at	Aus9n
Why	care	about	presenta9ons?
What	I	will	cover	
1.? How	to	present	an	engaging	story	
2.? Designing	slides:	The	Asser9on–Evidence	template	
3.? Claus'	pet	peeves	about	presenta9ons
1.	Presenting	an	engaging	story:	
The	Onion	model
Let's	start	with	an	example.	A	bad	one.
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae	
On	a	ketogenic	diet,	the	liver	produces	ketone	bodies,	in	
par9cular	β-hydroxybuturate	(BHB)
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae	
BHB	can	cross	the	blood-brain	barrier	and	serve	as	an	
alterna9ve	fuel	for	brain	cells,	replacing	glucose
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae	
A	diet	is	ketogenic	when	carbohydrate	intake	falls	below	
20-50	gram/day	while	fat	comprises	~80%	of	caloric	
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae	
Glioblastoma	mul9formae	(GBM)	needs	glucose	for	
growth,	and	seems	inhibited	by	the	presence	of	BHB
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae	
Several	clinical	trials	are	currently	ongoing	to	determine	
whether	ketogenic	diets	can	slow	or	inhibit	GBM	growth
Did	this	get	you	excited	about	ketogenic	
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
Cancer	is	the	leading	cause	of	death	in	developed	
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
Despite	medical	advances,	most	cancer	treatments	are	
gruesome	yet	only	moderately	successful
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
If	we	could	prevent	or	treat	cancer	by	a	simple	change	in	
diet,	that	would	be	awesome
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
Increasing	evidence	links	cancer	to	high-carbohydrate	
diets	(in	par9cular	sugar	and	starches)
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
Ea9ng	a	high-fat,	low-carb	diet	(like	the	Atkins	diet)	may	
starve	tumors	of	necessary	glucose
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
Ini9al	trials	with	brain-cancer	pa9ents	have	been	
promising,	and	further	trials	are	ongoing
Did	this	get	you	more	excited?
The	Onion	model
The	Onion	model	
The	big	picture:	
why	are	we	doing	this,	
	and	why	does	it	maer?
The	Onion	model	
Relevant	background	facts	
What	was	done?
The	Onion	model	
Minute	details	of	
how	exactly	the	
work	was	done
The	Onion	model	
Minute	details	of	
how	exactly	the	
work	was	done	
Always	go	from	the	
outside	in
For	maximum	impact,	use	approximately	
equal	amounts	of	time	for	each	layer	
Why?	 ~30%	of	talk	
What?	 ~30%	of	talk	
How?	 ~30%	of	talk	(at	most)
Let's	place	the	contents	of	the	diet	slides	
into	the	onion	framework
Ketogenic diet as supporting treatment
option in glioblastoma multiformae	
?? On	a	ketogenic	diet,	the	liver	produces	ketone	bodies,	in	
par9cular	β-hydroxybuturate	(BHB)	
?? BHB	can	cross	the	blood-brain	barrier	and	serve	as	an	
alterna9ve	fuel	for	brain	cells,	replacing	glucose	
?? A	diet	is	ketogenic	when	carbohydrate	intake	falls	below	
20-50	gram/day	while	fat	comprises	~80%	of	caloric	intake	
?? Glioblastoma	mul9formae	(GBM)	needs	glucose	for	
growth,	and	seems	inhibited	by	the	presence	of	BHB	
?? Several	clinical	trials	are	currently	ongoing	to	determine	
whether	ketogenic	diets	can	slow	or	inhibit	GBM	growth
Why eating eggs and bacon may cure
brain cancer	
?? Cancer	is	the	leading	cause	of	death	in	developed	
?? Despite	medical	advances,	most	cancer	treatments	are	
gruesome	yet	only	moderately	successful	
?? If	we	could	prevent	or	treat	cancer	by	a	simple	change	in	
diet,	that	would	be	awesome	
?? Increasing	evidence	links	cancer	to	high-carbohydrate	
diets	(in	par9cular	sugar	and	starches)	
?? Ea9ng	a	high-fat,	low-carb	diet	(like	the	Atkins	diet)	may	
starve	tumors	of	necessary	glucose	
?? Ini9al	trials	with	brain-cancer	pa9ents	have	been	
promising,	and	further	trials	are	ongoing
2.	Designing	slides:	
The	Assertion–Evidence	template
The	title	of	the	slide	makes	an	assertion	
The	slide	body	provides	the	evidence	to	support	the	
Sequencing	costs	have	declined	1000-fold	
from	2007	to	2010	
Sep. 2007:
Sep. 2010:
Source: genome.gov/sequencingcosts
Violent	crime	is	at	an	all-time	low	
Source: http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2010/06/16/a-crime-puzzle-violent-crime-declines-in-america/
M&Ms	come	in	many	fun	colors
3.	Claus'	pet	peeves	about	
How	to	ruin	a	talk	and	put	your	
audience	to	sleep	in	one	slide	
Claus	O.	Wilke	
The	University	of	Texas	at	Aus9n
?? Introduc9on	
?? Background	
?? Methods	
?? Results	
?? Conclusions
?? Introduc9on	
?? Background	
?? Methods	
?? Results	
?? Conclusions	
Giving	E?ective	Presentations	
Claus	O.	Wilke	
The	University	of	Texas	at	Aus9n
Why	care	about	presenta9ons?
What	I	will	cover	
1.? How	to	present	an	engaging	story	
2.? Designing	slides:	The	Asser9on–Evidence	template	
3.? Claus'	pet	peeves	about	presenta9ons
Claus'	1st	law	of	presenta9ons
Claus'	1st	law	of	presentations:	
All	text	on	slides	needs	to	be	read	aloud	
While	I	generally	prefer	graphical	visualiza9ons,	in	some	
cases	text	is	preferred.	For	example,	summary	slides	
oaen	require	some	amount	of	text.	
Text	is	?ne	as	long	as	you	read	it	word	for	word.	If	you	
start	paraphrasing	or	talking	over	a	text-heavy	slide,	
however,	your	audience	will	get	confused.	
They	cannot	at	the	same	9me	read	the	text	and	listen	to	
Some	audience	members	will	read	the	text	and	stop	
listening.	Others	will	listen	but	not	read.	
All	will	worry	that	they	made	the	wrong	choice	and	
missed	something	important.
Now	an	example	of	how	not	to	do	it
Now	an	example	of	how	not	to	do	it.	
This	slide	is	full	of	text.	
Likely,	none	of	the	text	maers,	but	you	can't	know	for	
sure	unless	you	read	it	all.	
But	if	you	want	to	read	it,	you	can't	listen	to	me	
blathering	on	about	something	completely	di?erent.	
That	is	because	humans	cannot	process	two	separate	
content	streams	(visual	and	oral)	at	the	same	9me.	
Next	week's	winning	loery	numbers	will	be	5,	13,	28,	
33,	34,	36,	41.	I	know	because	I'm	a	9me	traveler	from	
the	future.
Which	story	line	were	you	able	to	follow?
The	1st	law	also	applies	to	slides	with	graphs!
Violent	crime	is	at	an	all-time	low	
Source: http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2010/06/16/a-crime-puzzle-violent-crime-declines-in-america/
As	much	as	possible,	avoid	bullet	points
The Department in numbers
?? We have 36 faculty members
?? Annual grant funding: $5M
–?Funding agencies: NSF, NIH, ARO, ONR,
?? Our faculty members supervise 112 graduate
–?69 EEB, 23 Plant Biology, 10 CMB, 10 other
?? 20% of our graduate students receive external
–?14 NSF GRFP, 1 NIH F31, 10 other
The Department in numbers
36faculty members
graduate students
69 EEB
23 PB
10 CMB
10 Other
20%students on external fellowships
1 NIH F31
10 Other
annual grant funding
Use	diagrams	instead	of	text
Analysis	pipeline	
Kerr	et	al.,	J.	Virol.	2015
Build	up	to	complex,	many-faceted	graphs
Binding	to	ancestor	declines	rapidly	in	the	
control	scenario	
Kachroo	et	al.,	Science	2015
Binding	to	ancestor	declines	rapidly	in	the	
control	scenario,	but	not	in	WT	scenario	
Kachroo	et	al.,	Science	2015
Even	with	substantial	divergence	in	interface	
sites,	evolved	proteins	bind	ancestors	
Kachroo	et	al.,	Science	2015	
divergence	in	
interface	sites	
divergence	in	
non-interface	sites
Pay	aen9on	to	your	body	language
狠狠撸	backgrounds:	White	or	dark?
Advantages	of	white	backgrounds 		
?? Easier	to	work	with	(?gures!)	
?? Look	Ok	even	if	projector	is	weak
Advantages	of	dark	backgrounds	
?? More	elegant	
?? Easier	on	the	eye	
?? Good	with	photos	
Sasso	della	Croce,	Val	Badia,	Italy
But	please	s9ck	to	one	style,	white	or	black
To	avoid	visually	shocking	your	audience
?? Tell	a	story	
?? Lead	from	the	why,	then	cover	the	what	and	limit	the	
?? Start	the	talk	strong,	for	example	with	an	interes9ng	
?? Use	the	asser9on–evidence	template	
?? Don't	start	your	talk	with	a	boring	overview	slide	
?? When	your	slides	contain	text,	read	it	out

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