Sachin Rajesh Chakor is applying to renew his enrollment in the Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) program at Government Polytechnic, Mumbai. He is currently in his second year of the program. Sachin is from the Vimukta Jat Nomadic Tribes caste category and earned 88.55% on his SSC exam. If accepted, he will continue his studies in the night school program.
El sistema num辿rico maya era vigesimal, usando puntos para n炭meros del 1 al 4 y rayas horizontales para el 5 y n炭meros mayores. Representaban el cero y ten鱈an uno de los primeros calendarios, utilizando n炭meros y signos para llevar el registro del tiempo.
Part of a teacher's job is to determine classroom rules and enforce them. Teachers must establish boundaries for students and ensure rules are followed. Maintaining order through consistent application of policies helps students learn in a structured environment.
Menafile archive conference presentation final fahad falahpromediakw
Menafile is the first and leading records management company in Kuwait, established in 2005 to provide organized, secure storage and management of physical and digital archives using cutting-edge technology. Prior to Menafile, physical archiving in Kuwait lacked organization, safety and security. Menafile now serves over 35 public and private institutions in Kuwait and has expanded its records management services to other regions, with benefits including allowing clients to focus on their core business while saving costs, space and time through outsourced management of physical records and archives.
El documento detalla los compromisos acordados entre un docente y sus alumnos de cuarto semestre para el desarrollo de la c叩tedra de gimnasia durante el per鱈odo lectivo de abril a julio de 2015. Los alumnos se comprometen a dedicar tiempo a la c叩tedra, cumplir las instrucciones del docente, realizar tareas y evaluaciones con inter辿s y en el tiempo establecido, respetar a compa単eros y autoridades universitarias, y cumplir el reglamento universitario. El docente se compromete a
Elastic search integration with hadoop leveragebigdataPooja Gupta
Elasticsearch can be integrated with Hadoop and Hive to enable searching structured data stored in these frameworks. Elasticsearch indexes can be populated from Hadoop using MapReduce jobs where Elasticsearch is the output format, or data can be extracted from Elasticsearch to Hadoop. Similarly for Hive, external tables can be defined pointing to Elasticsearch indexes as the data source, or data can be loaded from Hive tables to Elasticsearch indexes. The document provides code examples for performing these types of Extract, Transform, Load operations between Elasticsearch, Hadoop and Hive.
The document discusses several challenges related to paper management and archiving information. It outlines problems with managing large volumes of paper documents, including inefficiency, lack of access, and non-compliance. Intelligent capture solutions are proposed to digitize paper records and automatically classify, extract, and validate data. Content management systems are also suggested to centrally store and manage both structured and unstructured content over the long-term in an organized and compliant manner. The overall goal is to address challenges around physical files, case management, and creating an effective information archive.
Enabling familiar powerful business intelligence without video kevin ashbypromediakw
This document discusses the evolution of business intelligence and how data and new technologies have enabled more powerful BI tools. It notes that integrating diverse data sources, a lack of skills, and manageability are challenges organizations face. The document promotes Microsoft's self-service BI solutions as providing familiar and powerful tools while connecting data across platforms and addressing these challenges through an integrated platform.
2012 sirisamut j health sc_evaluation of outcomes and determinants of cervica...Chuchai Sornchumni
1) A study was conducted in Thailand from 2008-2012 to examine cervical cancer screening using Pap smears and visual inspection with acetic acid.
2) Over 7,000 women ages 30-60 years old were screened. The results found that Pap smears identified the most pre-cancerous lesions (88%), while visual inspection with acetic acid identified fewer (7%).
3) Regular cervical cancer screening can detect pre-cancerous lesions early and prevent cervical cancer. Screening is recommended every 3-5 years for women ages 30-60.
Las Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y Comunicaci坦n (TIC) han evolucionado r叩pidamente en los 炭ltimos a単os debido a su capacidad de interconexi坦n a trav辿s de Internet. El sistema educativo no puede ignorar estos cambios y debe incorporar las nuevas tecnolog鱈as para mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para su futuro 辿xito profesional y social.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan panduan penulisan soal pilihan ganda yang mencakup pengertian tes prestasi belajar dan bank soal, tahapan pengembangan bank soal Puspendik meliputi penulisan kisi-kisi, penulisan soal, uji coba, dan analisis kuantitatif, serta teknik penyusunan kisi-kisi yang baik harus mewakili kurikulum dan mudah dipahami.
The document outlines the policies, procedures, and materials for an English language course. It details attendance policies allowing three excused absences and tardiness within 15 minutes. It also describes participation requirements and conduct expectations in class. Assessment will include workbook submissions, presentations, blogs, exams, and lab work weighted towards the final grade. The course will cover topics like reading skills, vocabulary, grammar structures, and writing with different sentence types across 14 chapters.
Dokumen ini berisi kisi-kisi ulangan tengah semester genap kelas XI SMK tahun 2015/2016 untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Terdiri dari 40 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal essay yang mencakup berbagai materi seperti mengungkapkan berbagai maksud hati, memberikan pujian, pendapat, persetujuan, tawar menawar, undangan, argumen, kata sambung dan error recognition.
- The document is a test for English subject given to grade 10 students at vocational schools in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.
- It provides instructions for taking the test, including writing one's test number and answering questions on provided sheets using a ballpoint pen.
- The test contains multiple choice and essay questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills.
- It provides an answer key for the multiple choice and essay questions at the end.
The document is a reading comprehension test containing 35 multiple choice questions about several short passages of text. The questions test understanding of topics like characters in the passages, implied meanings, grammatical concepts, and rearranging scrambled words into proper sentences. Overall, the summary assesses the test-taker's ability to comprehend various elements of written English texts.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ( SMK )
Kelompok : BM & TI
Prog. Studi / Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian
Kelas : XI ( Sebelas )
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 1 Desember 2015
Waktu : Pukul 07.30 09.30 WIB (120 menit)
Russian air links between Russia and Egypt will be cut for several months according to the Kremlin's chief of staff. He said flights would be stopped for a long time, at least several months, as a preventative measure until the reasons for the crash of the Russian plane in Egypt last month that killed 224 people are fully established. Security systems need improving in locations in Egypt where Russian planes fly like Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, and Cairo. Remaining Russian tourists are leaving Sharm el-Sheikh with only carry-on luggage on special flights while checked bags are sent separately.
Kisi-kisi ulangan akhir semester gasal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas XII terdiri dari dua kompetensi utama yaitu membaca dan menulis. Pada kompetensi membaca terdapat soal mengenali kesalahan dalam kalimat, memahami makna paragraf, dan memahami inti berita. Kompetensi menulis meliputi melengkapi dialog dan mengisi kata yang hilang pada surat bisnis dan lamaran pekerjaan.
Jenis Sekolah : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jumlah Soal : 40 Soal
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Kurikulum : KTSP
Dokumen tersebut membahas manfaat kesehatan dari gerakan shalat yang dilakukan dengan benar dan khusyuk secara fisik dan psikologis. Secara fisik, setiap gerakan shalat seperti takbir, ruku, sujud, dan duduk dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan fleksibilitas otot dan tulang. Secara psikologis, shalat seperti shalat qiyamulail dapat menurunkan stres dan meningkatkan daya
to emphasize in this paper is the importance of the general development of pragmatic awareness that we instill within our students so that they can figure out pragmatic meaning when they encounter it outside our classrooms.
This document discusses strategies for raising students' pragmatic awareness in language learning. It recommends using examples from students' own experiences and cultures to illustrate pragmatic concepts like ritual politeness, apology speech acts, and cross-cultural miscommunications. The teacher should observe students and provide a focus for pragmatic analysis using students' first language. Students then practice data collection by recording native speakers and identifying contextual factors. The goal is for students to develop a good sense of pragmatic norms and how to analyze speech acts in order to apply pragmatic skills outside the classroom.
This document discusses different theories of meaning and thought. It describes Frege's account of meaning, Russell's view of propositions bearing truth and falsity, and 20th century theories linking meaning to use. It also discusses views that thought involves a language of thought separate from natural languages, as well as social and contextual views of meaning determined through social practices and communities.
The document discusses several challenges related to paper management and archiving information. It outlines problems with managing large volumes of paper documents, including inefficiency, lack of access, and non-compliance. Intelligent capture solutions are proposed to digitize paper records and automatically classify, extract, and validate data. Content management systems are also suggested to centrally store and manage both structured and unstructured content over the long-term in an organized and compliant manner. The overall goal is to address challenges around physical files, case management, and creating an effective information archive.
Enabling familiar powerful business intelligence without video kevin ashbypromediakw
This document discusses the evolution of business intelligence and how data and new technologies have enabled more powerful BI tools. It notes that integrating diverse data sources, a lack of skills, and manageability are challenges organizations face. The document promotes Microsoft's self-service BI solutions as providing familiar and powerful tools while connecting data across platforms and addressing these challenges through an integrated platform.
2012 sirisamut j health sc_evaluation of outcomes and determinants of cervica...Chuchai Sornchumni
1) A study was conducted in Thailand from 2008-2012 to examine cervical cancer screening using Pap smears and visual inspection with acetic acid.
2) Over 7,000 women ages 30-60 years old were screened. The results found that Pap smears identified the most pre-cancerous lesions (88%), while visual inspection with acetic acid identified fewer (7%).
3) Regular cervical cancer screening can detect pre-cancerous lesions early and prevent cervical cancer. Screening is recommended every 3-5 years for women ages 30-60.
Las Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y Comunicaci坦n (TIC) han evolucionado r叩pidamente en los 炭ltimos a単os debido a su capacidad de interconexi坦n a trav辿s de Internet. El sistema educativo no puede ignorar estos cambios y debe incorporar las nuevas tecnolog鱈as para mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para su futuro 辿xito profesional y social.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan panduan penulisan soal pilihan ganda yang mencakup pengertian tes prestasi belajar dan bank soal, tahapan pengembangan bank soal Puspendik meliputi penulisan kisi-kisi, penulisan soal, uji coba, dan analisis kuantitatif, serta teknik penyusunan kisi-kisi yang baik harus mewakili kurikulum dan mudah dipahami.
The document outlines the policies, procedures, and materials for an English language course. It details attendance policies allowing three excused absences and tardiness within 15 minutes. It also describes participation requirements and conduct expectations in class. Assessment will include workbook submissions, presentations, blogs, exams, and lab work weighted towards the final grade. The course will cover topics like reading skills, vocabulary, grammar structures, and writing with different sentence types across 14 chapters.
Dokumen ini berisi kisi-kisi ulangan tengah semester genap kelas XI SMK tahun 2015/2016 untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Terdiri dari 40 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal essay yang mencakup berbagai materi seperti mengungkapkan berbagai maksud hati, memberikan pujian, pendapat, persetujuan, tawar menawar, undangan, argumen, kata sambung dan error recognition.
- The document is a test for English subject given to grade 10 students at vocational schools in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.
- It provides instructions for taking the test, including writing one's test number and answering questions on provided sheets using a ballpoint pen.
- The test contains multiple choice and essay questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills.
- It provides an answer key for the multiple choice and essay questions at the end.
The document is a reading comprehension test containing 35 multiple choice questions about several short passages of text. The questions test understanding of topics like characters in the passages, implied meanings, grammatical concepts, and rearranging scrambled words into proper sentences. Overall, the summary assesses the test-taker's ability to comprehend various elements of written English texts.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ( SMK )
Kelompok : BM & TI
Prog. Studi / Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian
Kelas : XI ( Sebelas )
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 1 Desember 2015
Waktu : Pukul 07.30 09.30 WIB (120 menit)
Russian air links between Russia and Egypt will be cut for several months according to the Kremlin's chief of staff. He said flights would be stopped for a long time, at least several months, as a preventative measure until the reasons for the crash of the Russian plane in Egypt last month that killed 224 people are fully established. Security systems need improving in locations in Egypt where Russian planes fly like Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, and Cairo. Remaining Russian tourists are leaving Sharm el-Sheikh with only carry-on luggage on special flights while checked bags are sent separately.
Kisi-kisi ulangan akhir semester gasal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas XII terdiri dari dua kompetensi utama yaitu membaca dan menulis. Pada kompetensi membaca terdapat soal mengenali kesalahan dalam kalimat, memahami makna paragraf, dan memahami inti berita. Kompetensi menulis meliputi melengkapi dialog dan mengisi kata yang hilang pada surat bisnis dan lamaran pekerjaan.
Jenis Sekolah : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jumlah Soal : 40 Soal
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Kurikulum : KTSP
Dokumen tersebut membahas manfaat kesehatan dari gerakan shalat yang dilakukan dengan benar dan khusyuk secara fisik dan psikologis. Secara fisik, setiap gerakan shalat seperti takbir, ruku, sujud, dan duduk dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan fleksibilitas otot dan tulang. Secara psikologis, shalat seperti shalat qiyamulail dapat menurunkan stres dan meningkatkan daya
to emphasize in this paper is the importance of the general development of pragmatic awareness that we instill within our students so that they can figure out pragmatic meaning when they encounter it outside our classrooms.
This document discusses strategies for raising students' pragmatic awareness in language learning. It recommends using examples from students' own experiences and cultures to illustrate pragmatic concepts like ritual politeness, apology speech acts, and cross-cultural miscommunications. The teacher should observe students and provide a focus for pragmatic analysis using students' first language. Students then practice data collection by recording native speakers and identifying contextual factors. The goal is for students to develop a good sense of pragmatic norms and how to analyze speech acts in order to apply pragmatic skills outside the classroom.
This document discusses different theories of meaning and thought. It describes Frege's account of meaning, Russell's view of propositions bearing truth and falsity, and 20th century theories linking meaning to use. It also discusses views that thought involves a language of thought separate from natural languages, as well as social and contextual views of meaning determined through social practices and communities.