A new pharmacy and market called Glenwood South Pharmacy + Market will open in late July 2016 in Raleigh, North Carolina. It will occupy the ground floor of the new Gramercy apartment building and serve the downtown residents and visitors with grocery, pharmacy, and prepared food needs. The owners, Tony and Robin Gurley, received a retail up-fit grant from the Downtown Raleigh Alliance to help cover costs of opening the new business. Tony Gurley has over 30 years of experience owning pharmacies in the region.
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Glenwood South Pharmacy Market -- NEWS RELEASE -- 4.26.16
Tony Gurley, MEDS Pharmacy
Glenwood South Pharmacy + Market Anchors
New Apartment Complex near Downtown Raleigh
RALEIGH, NC A newpharmacy andmarketwill provide downtown
residentsandvisitorswithaone-stopshopforhealthand grocery
needs,offeringafull-service pharmacy,coffee bar,sandwichesand
and papergoods.
GlenwoodSouthPharmacy+ Market,owned andmanaged by Tony
and RobinGurley,will openat 401 GlenwoodAvenue in late July 2016.
The 7,000-square-footstore occupiesthe groundfloorof the new Gramercy apartmentbuilding atthe
corner of GlenwoodAvenueandwestNorthStreet.
Thisis exactlywhat downtownresidents saytheywantand city leadershave beenhopingfor,Tony
Gurley,ownerof MEDS Pharmacy onJohnsonStreet,said.Ourcombinedpharmacyandmarketoffersa
perfectsolution fordowntownresidentsandemployeeswho needdrinks, snacks,sandwichesandother
groceries.We are excitedandproud to be pioneersinthisarea.
GlenwoodSouthPharmacy+ Market hasreceivedaretail up-fitgrantaward,announcedbythe
DowntownRaleighAlliance todayatitsState of Downtowneventatthe RaleighConventionCenter.The
Retail IncentiveGrantprovidesfundstoeligible businessesandbusinessownerstodefrayaportionof
the costs incurredinupfittingnewandexpanding businesses.
GlenwoodSouthPharmacy+ Market will offer:
A full-service pharmacy withfree delivery
Larrys Coffee Bar
Beercave, wine aisles andsoft/sportsdrinks
Freshfruitand vegetables
Basic groceries;bread;cannedgoods;milk,cheese andotherdairyproducts;packagedmeats
Healthand beautyaids
2. Paperproducts and householdgoods
On-site coveredfreeparking
Tony Gurley holds bothpharmacyandlaw degrees.He has longbeenasuccessful business personinthe
region,owningGurleysPharmacyinDurhamand Blue Ridge PharmacyinRaleighfrom1984 to 1999. He
openedasecondGurley'sPharmacyinDurham in2005, and alsoownedHollyParkPharmacyinRaleigh.
His currentbusiness,MEDSPharmacy,isa deliverypharmacylocatedat745 W. JohnsonStreet,Raleigh.
In additiontothe groundfloorretail space,The Gramercyis slatedtohave 203 residential rental units
and a 260-space parkinggarage.It is projectedtoopenin June 2016.
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