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Earth Has No Sorrow ThatEarth Has No Sorrow That
Heaven Cannot Heal.Heaven Cannot Heal.
Thinking about Heaven canThinking about Heaven can
inspire and encourage us toinspire and encourage us to
be more heavenly-mindedbe more heavenly-minded
and realize that Heaven is aand realize that Heaven is a
real place where were reallyreal place where were really
going to live.going to live.
Heaven and the Spirit WorldHeaven and the Spirit World
are much more real,are much more real,
beautiful and lasting than thebeautiful and lasting than the
world which you can seeworld which you can see
with your natural eyes at thiswith your natural eyes at this
very moment.very moment.
I think of death as a glad awakening fromI think of death as a glad awakening from
this troubled sleep which we call life; as anthis troubled sleep which we call life; as an
emancipation from a world, which, beautifulemancipation from a world, which, beautiful
though it may be, is still a land of captivity.though it may be, is still a land of captivity.
Living is death; dying isLiving is death; dying is
life. On this side of thelife. On this side of the
grave we are exiles, ongrave we are exiles, on
that, citizens; on this side,that, citizens; on this side,
orphans, on that, children;orphans, on that, children;
on this side, captives; onon this side, captives; on
that, freemen; on this side,that, freemen; on this side,
disguised, unknown; ondisguised, unknown; on
that, disclosed andthat, disclosed and
proclaimed as the Sons ofproclaimed as the Sons of
If God has madeIf God has made
This world so fair,This world so fair,
Where sin andWhere sin and
Death abound,Death abound,
How beautifulHow beautiful
Beyond compare,Beyond compare,
Will Paradise beWill Paradise be
As he neared his end,As he neared his end,
John Newton exclaimed:John Newton exclaimed:
I am still in the land of theI am still in the land of the
dying; I shall be in the landdying; I shall be in the land
of the living soon.of the living soon.
Even though we have soEven though we have so
much to live for on thismuch to live for on this
earth, there is even moreearth, there is even more
to live for in the next life.to live for in the next life.
Death does not cheat aDeath does not cheat a
person out of life; deathperson out of life; death
enriches life.enriches life.
The body of BenjaminThe body of Benjamin
Franklin, Printer, like theFranklin, Printer, like the
cover of an old book, itscover of an old book, its
contents torn out andcontents torn out and
stripped of its lettering andstripped of its lettering and
gilding, lies here.gilding, lies here.
 Yet the Work itself shallYet the Work itself shall
not be lost; for it will, as henot be lost; for it will, as he
believed, appear once morebelieved, appear once more
in a new and more beautifulin a new and more beautiful
edition, corrected andedition, corrected and
amended by the Author.amended by the Author.
PSALM 49:15PSALM 49:15
Once the greatOnce the great
evangelist, Moody, saidevangelist, Moody, said
in his buoyant way:in his buoyant way:
Some day you will readSome day you will read
in the papers that D.L.in the papers that D.L.
Moody, of EastMoody, of East
Northfield, is dead. DontNorthfield, is dead. Dont
you believe a word of it.you believe a word of it.
At that moment I shall beAt that moment I shall be
more alive than I ammore alive than I am
now. I shall have gone upnow. I shall have gone up
higher, that is all; out ofhigher, that is all; out of
this old clay tenementthis old clay tenement
into a house that isinto a house that is
immortal, a body thatimmortal, a body that
death cannot touch.death cannot touch.
When ChristWhen Christ
calls me Home Icalls me Home I
shall go with theshall go with the
gladness of agladness of a
boy boundingboy bounding
away fromaway from
First Christian missionary to Burma
Our Heavenly
We cant really understandWe cant really understand
just how beautiful Heavenjust how beautiful Heaven
will be unless we firstwill be unless we first
know how wonderful eachknow how wonderful each
of us will be when we getof us will be when we get
This earthly body is slowThis earthly body is slow
and heavy in all itsand heavy in all its
motions, listless and soonmotions, listless and soon
tired with action. But ourtired with action. But our
heavenly bodies shall beheavenly bodies shall be
as fire; as active andas fire; as active and
nimble as our thoughtsnimble as our thoughts
You are still going to beYou are still going to be
you. Youll look a lot theyou. Youll look a lot the
same, only better muchsame, only better much
After death we are notAfter death we are not
disembodied spirits.disembodied spirits.
Somewhere in Gods wonderfulSomewhere in Gods wonderful
creation there is a place wherecreation there is a place where
we can again be with those wewe can again be with those we
have loved and lost for awhile.have loved and lost for awhile.
The identity of the one youThe identity of the one you
were near to on Earth remainswere near to on Earth remains
the same, and instantthe same, and instant
recognition will be yours as yourecognition will be yours as you
meet, never to part again.meet, never to part again.
If we really understood Heaven, we would be most
unhappy and unsatisfied with life on Earth.
We would rebel against our earthly limitations.
If we saw Heaven, we could not bear this earth.
Thats why Heaven is forever: we cannot bear to
leave it after we get there.
Can you visualize a world with no more
death, no more pain, no more hunger,
no more fear, no more sorrow, no more
crying nor sickness, a world where
everything is a joy and a pleasure.
-A society where everybody works
together in harmony, cooperation and
love? Thats Heaven!
The material universe even down to the smallest
electron, is in motion. Heaven undoubtedly is a
very active place. Suns and planets are speeding
through the universe at terrific speeds. Our new
bodies will be able to travel throughout the
universe at the speed of thought and visit far out
places and new dimensions!
What an exciting future!
Thats what the future is all about  to learnThats what the future is all about  to learn
the mysteries of the Universe.the mysteries of the Universe.
The future life is where we will go onThe future life is where we will go on
helping bring the universe to perfection,helping bring the universe to perfection,
which is Gods grand ultimate aim.which is Gods grand ultimate aim.
Everyone in that better land will be busy allEveryone in that better land will be busy all
the time, and the environment will bethe time, and the environment will be
perfect all the time for doing the workperfect all the time for doing the work
which God assigns to all.which God assigns to all.
Thinking ahead about death or Heaven is no burden anymoreThinking ahead about death or Heaven is no burden anymore
if you're saved. When you realize there's a BETTER Worldif you're saved. When you realize there's a BETTER World
hereafter and the afterlife is one to be anticipated, "to deservehereafter and the afterlife is one to be anticipated, "to deserve
to die" means a promise and something far better than weto die" means a promise and something far better than we
have now.have now.
For us who love the Lord, death is a relief, release, freedom,For us who love the Lord, death is a relief, release, freedom,
promotion, graduation, and passing on to a better realm!promotion, graduation, and passing on to a better realm!
It means that you have finished the course and are ready forIt means that you have finished the course and are ready for
your Eternal Rewards!your Eternal Rewards!
When the moment of death comes, God will give you
such grace and such peace and such love, such rest,
perfect confidence, perfect faith, no fear, all joy, all
thankfulness, praising the Lord and thanking God that
at last it is all over! You've done it, you've made it! It's
behind you. That's it! Never again! Heaven forever!
Happiness eternally! Total glory!
Sudden death, sudden glory!
PSALM 48:14PSALM 48:14
All the disappointments,All the disappointments,
broken dreams, and deepbroken dreams, and deep
dark experiences willdark experiences will
soon be forgotten andsoon be forgotten and
blotted out like a badblotted out like a bad
dream, when that gloriousdream, when that glorious
dawn of Heaven arrives!dawn of Heaven arrives!
JOHN 14:2-3JOHN 14:2-3
If you wish, you can sincerelyIf you wish, you can sincerely
pray this simple prayer:pray this simple prayer:
Jesus, I want to know You and toJesus, I want to know You and to
live forever in Heaven. I know thatlive forever in Heaven. I know that
Ive made mistakes and doneIve made mistakes and done
many wrongs  and Im sorry. Imany wrongs  and Im sorry. I
know I dont deserve it, but Iknow I dont deserve it, but I
accept Your love and ask that Iaccept Your love and ask that I
can be with You forever. Pleasecan be with You forever. Please
come into my life and give mecome into my life and give me
your gift of Eternal life. Amenyour gift of Eternal life. Amen
God has promised to answer your prayer, so now you have a home inGod has promised to answer your prayer, so now you have a home in
Heaven! God bless you with a wonderful, fulfilling eternity! See you there!Heaven! God bless you with a wonderful, fulfilling eternity! See you there!
I am the Resurrection and the
Life: he that believeth in Me,
though he were dead, yet shall he
live: And whosoever liveth and
believeth in Me shall never die.
- Jesus- Jesus

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Glimpses of heaven

  • 2. Thinking about Heaven canThinking about Heaven can inspire and encourage us toinspire and encourage us to be more heavenly-mindedbe more heavenly-minded and realize that Heaven is aand realize that Heaven is a real place where were reallyreal place where were really going to live.going to live. Heaven and the Spirit WorldHeaven and the Spirit World are much more real,are much more real, beautiful and lasting than thebeautiful and lasting than the world which you can seeworld which you can see with your natural eyes at thiswith your natural eyes at this very moment.very moment.
  • 3. I think of death as a glad awakening fromI think of death as a glad awakening from this troubled sleep which we call life; as anthis troubled sleep which we call life; as an emancipation from a world, which, beautifulemancipation from a world, which, beautiful though it may be, is still a land of captivity.though it may be, is still a land of captivity. LYMAN ABBOTTLYMAN ABBOTT
  • 5. Living is death; dying isLiving is death; dying is life. On this side of thelife. On this side of the grave we are exiles, ongrave we are exiles, on that, citizens; on this side,that, citizens; on this side, orphans, on that, children;orphans, on that, children; on this side, captives; onon this side, captives; on that, freemen; on this side,that, freemen; on this side, disguised, unknown; ondisguised, unknown; on that, disclosed andthat, disclosed and proclaimed as the Sons ofproclaimed as the Sons of God.God. HENRY WARDHENRY WARD BEECHERBEECHER LAST WORDS OF THOMAS EDISONLAST WORDS OF THOMAS EDISON
  • 6. If God has madeIf God has made This world so fair,This world so fair, Where sin andWhere sin and Death abound,Death abound, How beautifulHow beautiful Beyond compare,Beyond compare, Will Paradise beWill Paradise be Found.Found. JAMESJAMES MONTGOMERYMONTGOMERY
  • 7. As he neared his end,As he neared his end, John Newton exclaimed:John Newton exclaimed: I am still in the land of theI am still in the land of the dying; I shall be in the landdying; I shall be in the land of the living soon.of the living soon. Even though we have soEven though we have so much to live for on thismuch to live for on this earth, there is even moreearth, there is even more to live for in the next life.to live for in the next life. Death does not cheat aDeath does not cheat a person out of life; deathperson out of life; death enriches life.enriches life. C.L. ALLENC.L. ALLEN
  • 8. EPITAPH OF BENJAMIN FRANKLINEPITAPH OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN The body of BenjaminThe body of Benjamin Franklin, Printer, like theFranklin, Printer, like the cover of an old book, itscover of an old book, its contents torn out andcontents torn out and stripped of its lettering andstripped of its lettering and gilding, lies here.gilding, lies here. Yet the Work itself shallYet the Work itself shall not be lost; for it will, as henot be lost; for it will, as he believed, appear once morebelieved, appear once more in a new and more beautifulin a new and more beautiful edition, corrected andedition, corrected and amended by the Author.amended by the Author. PSALM 49:15PSALM 49:15
  • 9. Once the greatOnce the great evangelist, Moody, saidevangelist, Moody, said in his buoyant way:in his buoyant way: Some day you will readSome day you will read in the papers that D.L.in the papers that D.L. Moody, of EastMoody, of East Northfield, is dead. DontNorthfield, is dead. Dont you believe a word of it.you believe a word of it. At that moment I shall beAt that moment I shall be more alive than I ammore alive than I am now. I shall have gone upnow. I shall have gone up higher, that is all; out ofhigher, that is all; out of this old clay tenementthis old clay tenement into a house that isinto a house that is immortal, a body thatimmortal, a body that death cannot touch.death cannot touch.
  • 10. When ChristWhen Christ calls me Home Icalls me Home I shall go with theshall go with the gladness of agladness of a boy boundingboy bounding away fromaway from school.school. ADONIRAM JUDSON First Christian missionary to Burma MATTHEW 22:32MATTHEW 22:32
  • 11. Our Heavenly Bodies We cant really understandWe cant really understand just how beautiful Heavenjust how beautiful Heaven will be unless we firstwill be unless we first know how wonderful eachknow how wonderful each of us will be when we getof us will be when we get there.there. This earthly body is slowThis earthly body is slow and heavy in all itsand heavy in all its motions, listless and soonmotions, listless and soon tired with action. But ourtired with action. But our heavenly bodies shall beheavenly bodies shall be as fire; as active andas fire; as active and nimble as our thoughtsnimble as our thoughts are.are. You are still going to beYou are still going to be you. Youll look a lot theyou. Youll look a lot the same, only better muchsame, only better much
  • 12. After death we are notAfter death we are not disembodied spirits.disembodied spirits. Somewhere in Gods wonderfulSomewhere in Gods wonderful creation there is a place wherecreation there is a place where we can again be with those wewe can again be with those we have loved and lost for awhile.have loved and lost for awhile. The identity of the one youThe identity of the one you were near to on Earth remainswere near to on Earth remains the same, and instantthe same, and instant recognition will be yours as yourecognition will be yours as you meet, never to part again.meet, never to part again. C.L. ALLENC.L. ALLEN H. LOCKYERH. LOCKYER
  • 13. If we really understood Heaven, we would be most unhappy and unsatisfied with life on Earth. We would rebel against our earthly limitations. If we saw Heaven, we could not bear this earth. Thats why Heaven is forever: we cannot bear to leave it after we get there. C.L. ALLENC.L. ALLEN
  • 14. Can you visualize a world with no more death, no more pain, no more hunger, no more fear, no more sorrow, no more crying nor sickness, a world where everything is a joy and a pleasure. -A society where everybody works together in harmony, cooperation and love? Thats Heaven! DAVID BRANDT BERGDAVID BRANDT BERG
  • 15. The material universe even down to the smallest electron, is in motion. Heaven undoubtedly is a very active place. Suns and planets are speeding through the universe at terrific speeds. Our new bodies will be able to travel throughout the universe at the speed of thought and visit far out places and new dimensions! What an exciting future! DAVID BRANDTDAVID BRANDT BERGBERG
  • 16. Thats what the future is all about to learnThats what the future is all about to learn the mysteries of the Universe.the mysteries of the Universe. The future life is where we will go onThe future life is where we will go on helping bring the universe to perfection,helping bring the universe to perfection, which is Gods grand ultimate aim.which is Gods grand ultimate aim. Everyone in that better land will be busy allEveryone in that better land will be busy all the time, and the environment will bethe time, and the environment will be perfect all the time for doing the workperfect all the time for doing the work which God assigns to all.which God assigns to all.
  • 17. Thinking ahead about death or Heaven is no burden anymoreThinking ahead about death or Heaven is no burden anymore if you're saved. When you realize there's a BETTER Worldif you're saved. When you realize there's a BETTER World hereafter and the afterlife is one to be anticipated, "to deservehereafter and the afterlife is one to be anticipated, "to deserve to die" means a promise and something far better than weto die" means a promise and something far better than we have now.have now. For us who love the Lord, death is a relief, release, freedom,For us who love the Lord, death is a relief, release, freedom, promotion, graduation, and passing on to a better realm!promotion, graduation, and passing on to a better realm! It means that you have finished the course and are ready forIt means that you have finished the course and are ready for your Eternal Rewards!your Eternal Rewards!
  • 18. When the moment of death comes, God will give you such grace and such peace and such love, such rest, perfect confidence, perfect faith, no fear, all joy, all thankfulness, praising the Lord and thanking God that at last it is all over! You've done it, you've made it! It's behind you. That's it! Never again! Heaven forever! Happiness eternally! Total glory! Sudden death, sudden glory! PSALM 48:14PSALM 48:14 DAVID BRANDTDAVID BRANDT BERGBERG
  • 19. All the disappointments,All the disappointments, broken dreams, and deepbroken dreams, and deep dark experiences willdark experiences will soon be forgotten andsoon be forgotten and blotted out like a badblotted out like a bad dream, when that gloriousdream, when that glorious dawn of Heaven arrives!dawn of Heaven arrives! REVELATION 21:4REVELATION 21:4 DAVID BRANDT BERGDAVID BRANDT BERG
  • 21. If you wish, you can sincerelyIf you wish, you can sincerely pray this simple prayer:pray this simple prayer: Jesus, I want to know You and toJesus, I want to know You and to live forever in Heaven. I know thatlive forever in Heaven. I know that Ive made mistakes and doneIve made mistakes and done many wrongs and Im sorry. Imany wrongs and Im sorry. I know I dont deserve it, but Iknow I dont deserve it, but I accept Your love and ask that Iaccept Your love and ask that I can be with You forever. Pleasecan be with You forever. Please come into my life and give mecome into my life and give me your gift of Eternal life. Amenyour gift of Eternal life. Amen God has promised to answer your prayer, so now you have a home inGod has promised to answer your prayer, so now you have a home in Heaven! God bless you with a wonderful, fulfilling eternity! See you there!Heaven! God bless you with a wonderful, fulfilling eternity! See you there!
  • 22. I am the Resurrection and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. - Jesus- Jesus PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO SOMEONEPLEASE PASS THIS ON TO SOMEONE ELSEELSE