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Global livestock production challenges:
Current status, future needs,
production obstacles in AfricaThe
Uganda example
1Okedi, L., 2Baguma, Y., 1Kabirizi, J. M. and 1Kungu,
1National Livestock Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 96, Tororo, Uganda;
2National Agricultural Research Organization Secretariat, P. O. Box 295, Entebbe, Uganda
Presented at JAM Conference, 2015
Presentation outline
 African Animal Agriculture
 Facts about Uganda
 Current status of livestock production in Uganda
 Importance of Livestock
 Livestock productions Systems
 Production obstacles
 Future needs: the role of science and technology
African Animal Agriculture
Africa is endowed with abundant natural
resources, including about 60% of the worlds
arable land, some of it still virgin land. These
resources, if effectively and efficiently harnessed,
could drive agriculture transformation.
About 80% of the population is rural and mostly
engage in small-scale agriculture.
Livestock accounts for 53% of the agricultural
capital stock and contribute 30% to agricultural
African Animal Agriculture
Predicted that demand for livestock products will
increase substantially over the next 25 years.
There exits a yield gaps to meet the increasing
Facts about Uganda
 Uganda is also known as a Pearl of Africa
 Landlocked country in East Africa
 Total land area is about 241,040 sq. km (6.8
million ha, is under cultivation and 18% inland
water and swamp).
 Population: Just over 30 million people
 Climate: tropical; with two dry seasons
 Average daily temperatures rarely exceed 29
 The entire country lies above 900m above sea
Map of UgandaMap of Africa showing
location of Uganda
Current status of livestock production in
 Livestock agriculture is currently among the most
rapidly developing industries in Uganda.
 The livestock sector contributes about 18% to the
overall agricultural Gross Domestic Product.
 Uganda has about 15 million cattle, 12.5 million
goats, 4 million sheep, 3.6 million pigs and 42
million chickens.
 A total of 5 million households in Uganda own
livestock (UBOS, 2008).
Importance of Livestock in Uganda
 food security, nutrition,
 employment, income
 Milk and meat
Enhancing value
addition skills
Dorper sheep Value added
dairy products
Importance of Livestock (cont.)
 Manure  low cost soil fertility
 Living tractors for ploughing
and transport
 Living banking system with
high multiplier interest 
though with risk
 Forages provide incomes from
direct sale of forage
 Important risk reduction
strategy for vulnerable
Forage for sale
Livestock productions Systems
Zone Crop/livestock
Major livestock
Humid Pure crop Intensive,
Peri-urban milk
Subhumid Crop-livestock Intensive,
Meat, milk, power
Highland Well integrated
Intensive, and
Power, meat, milk
Semiarid Livestock-crop Extensive
Milk, power
Arid Pure livestock Pastoralism Milk, meat
Livestock Production obstacles
Breeds and breeding
Feeds and feeding
Forage seeds and planting materials
Livestock production system is prone to climate
change, conflicts
Animal health and diseases
Land degradation and climate change
Livestock Production Constraints (cont.)
Weak linkages among actors
Market and marketing information
Policy and regulations
Inadequate investment in research
Land tenure policies
Gender issues
Poor infrastructure
Future needs
Livestock nutrition
Develop crop residue conservation, processing and
utilization technologies to ensure adequate feed
supply throughout the year
Reduce the risks of aflatoxins
Development and evaluation of forages tolerant to
drought and major diseases
The application of probiotics to manipulate rumen
microbes to improve feed utilization
Establish a robust regional livestock research
Future needs (cont.)
Livestock nutrition (cont.)
Rehabilitation of degraded grazing lands, through
termite control, and innovative soil fertility
management practices
Water harvesting and conservation practices and
use of cover plants especially Pistia sp in cleaning
surface runoff water for use in animal production
(cleaning and drinking water).
Development of forage based ration formulations
for livestock
Strengthen forage seed (systems) industry
Future needs (cont.)
Livestock health
Use of biotechnology, such as genetic
engineering to produce biologic and therapeutic
agents including vaccines and drugs
Livestock breeding
DNA technologies and Livestock breeding
Sexed Semen
Embryo transfer
Future needs (cont.)
 Use of mobile telephone messages, and other
electronic media to disseminate market information
 Strengthening relationships among various chain
 Product differentiation to create niche markets and
linking of poor livestock keepers to expanding
urban markets
 Identify best options for dissemination of livestock
technologies for increased adoption
Government of Uganda
National Agricultural Research Organization
Development partners

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Global livestockproduction challenges in Uganda

  • 1. Global livestock production challenges: Current status, future needs, production obstacles in AfricaThe Uganda example 1Okedi, L., 2Baguma, Y., 1Kabirizi, J. M. and 1Kungu, J.M. 1National Livestock Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 96, Tororo, Uganda; 2National Agricultural Research Organization Secretariat, P. O. Box 295, Entebbe, Uganda Presented at JAM Conference, 2015
  • 2. Presentation outline African Animal Agriculture Facts about Uganda Current status of livestock production in Uganda Importance of Livestock Livestock productions Systems Production obstacles Future needs: the role of science and technology Acknowledgements
  • 3. African Animal Agriculture Africa is endowed with abundant natural resources, including about 60% of the worlds arable land, some of it still virgin land. These resources, if effectively and efficiently harnessed, could drive agriculture transformation. About 80% of the population is rural and mostly engage in small-scale agriculture. Livestock accounts for 53% of the agricultural capital stock and contribute 30% to agricultural GDP
  • 4. African Animal Agriculture Predicted that demand for livestock products will increase substantially over the next 25 years. There exits a yield gaps to meet the increasing demand
  • 5. Facts about Uganda Uganda is also known as a Pearl of Africa Landlocked country in East Africa Total land area is about 241,040 sq. km (6.8 million ha, is under cultivation and 18% inland water and swamp). Population: Just over 30 million people Climate: tropical; with two dry seasons Average daily temperatures rarely exceed 29 Celsius. The entire country lies above 900m above sea
  • 6. Map of UgandaMap of Africa showing location of Uganda
  • 7. Current status of livestock production in Uganda Livestock agriculture is currently among the most rapidly developing industries in Uganda. The livestock sector contributes about 18% to the overall agricultural Gross Domestic Product. Uganda has about 15 million cattle, 12.5 million goats, 4 million sheep, 3.6 million pigs and 42 million chickens. A total of 5 million households in Uganda own livestock (UBOS, 2008). .
  • 8. Importance of Livestock in Uganda food security, nutrition, employment, income Milk and meat Enhancing value addition skills Dorper sheep Value added dairy products
  • 9. Importance of Livestock (cont.) Manure low cost soil fertility improvement Living tractors for ploughing and transport Living banking system with high multiplier interest though with risk Forages provide incomes from direct sale of forage Important risk reduction strategy for vulnerable communities Forage for sale
  • 10. Livestock productions Systems Zone Crop/livestock integration Major Livestock systems Major livestock outputs Humid Pure crop Intensive, semi-intensive Peri-urban milk Subhumid Crop-livestock Intensive, semi-intensive Meat, milk, power Highland Well integrated crop-livestock Intensive, and semi-intensive Power, meat, milk Semiarid Livestock-crop Extensive grazing, Ranching Milk, power Arid Pure livestock Pastoralism Milk, meat
  • 11. Livestock Production obstacles Breeds and breeding Feeds and feeding Forage seeds and planting materials Livestock production system is prone to climate change, conflicts Animal health and diseases Land degradation and climate change
  • 12. Livestock Production Constraints (cont.) Weak linkages among actors Market and marketing information Policy and regulations Inadequate investment in research Land tenure policies Gender issues Poor infrastructure
  • 13. Future needs Livestock nutrition Develop crop residue conservation, processing and utilization technologies to ensure adequate feed supply throughout the year Reduce the risks of aflatoxins Development and evaluation of forages tolerant to drought and major diseases The application of probiotics to manipulate rumen microbes to improve feed utilization Establish a robust regional livestock research system
  • 14. Future needs (cont.) Livestock nutrition (cont.) Rehabilitation of degraded grazing lands, through termite control, and innovative soil fertility management practices Water harvesting and conservation practices and use of cover plants especially Pistia sp in cleaning surface runoff water for use in animal production (cleaning and drinking water). Development of forage based ration formulations for livestock Strengthen forage seed (systems) industry
  • 15. Future needs (cont.) Livestock health Use of biotechnology, such as genetic engineering to produce biologic and therapeutic agents including vaccines and drugs Livestock breeding DNA technologies and Livestock breeding Sexed Semen Embryo transfer
  • 16. Future needs (cont.) Marketing Use of mobile telephone messages, and other electronic media to disseminate market information Strengthening relationships among various chain actors; Product differentiation to create niche markets and linking of poor livestock keepers to expanding urban markets Identify best options for dissemination of livestock technologies for increased adoption
  • 17. Acknowledgements Government of Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization Development partners
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