15. Global Payroll- Calendar Period
Calendar Group ID
Run Type
Calendar ID
Calendar Period ID
Process List
Pay Group
Run Control
Combines Organization and Process Structures to define Payroll Process
16. Global Payroll- Calendar Period
Combines Organization and Process Structures to define Payroll Process
17. M畛t s畛 kh叩i ni畛m
PeopleSoft -
PeopleSoft- VNM ngh挑a
Element Ph畉n t畛 Thnh ph畉n c董 b畉n nh畉t 畛 c畉u thnh n棚n c叩c d畛 li畛u c畉u
h狸nh c畛a Payroll.
PIN T棚n 畛i t動畛ng chi tr畉 L c叩c m達 (s畛) 畛 x叩c 畛nh cho c叩c ph畉n t畛 (element). M畛i
ph畉n t畛 trong Payroll 畛u c坦 m達 PIN 畛 ph但n bi畛t.
Payee Ng動畛i h動畛ng l動董ng B畉t c畛 c叩n b畛/nh但n vi棚n no trong h畛 th畛ng 動畛c t狸nh l動董ng
畛 chi tr畉 trong Global Payroll 畛u 動畛c g畛i l payee.
Posititive Input Kho畉n 畉u vo t鱈ch c畛c Nh畛ng d畛 li畛u 動畛c c叩n b畛 ti畛n l動董ng nh畉p cho c叩c ph畉n t畛
c坦 s畛 thay 畛i ri棚ng bi畛t cho c叩c k畛 t鱈nh l動董ng.
Earning/ Deduction Thu nh畉p/ Kh畉u tr畛 Earning: C叩c kho畉n thu nh畉p c畛a c叩n b畛.
Deduction: C叩c kho畉n kh畉u tr畛 c畛a c叩n b畛.
Pay Entity 董n v畛 chi tr畉 l動董ng 董n v畛 chi tr畉 l動董ng c畛a t畛 ch畛c. Vi畛c x叩c 畛nh 董n v畛 chi tr畉
l動董ng ph畛 thu畛c vo c叩c y畉u t畛 ph叩p l箪 c畛a t畛 ch畛c 坦.
Pay Group Nh坦m tr畉 l動董ng Nh坦m 畛 x叩c 畛nh c叩c c叩n b畛/ nh但n vi棚n c坦 c湛ng c叩c thnh
ph畉n, c叩ch t鱈nh l動董ng.
18. M畛t s畛 kh叩i ni畛m
PeopleSoft ENG PeopleSoft- VNM ngh挑a
Eligibility Groups Nh坦m c叩c h畉ng m畛c L nh坦m c畛a c叩c element groups. M畛i m畛t Pay group 動畛c
g畉n v畛i m畛t Eligibility Group.
Element Groups Nh坦m c叩c element L danh s叩ch c叩c element 動畛c gom vo thnh m畛t nh坦m, c坦
th畛 g叩n vo nhi畛u nh坦m h畉ng m畛c kh叩c nhau.
Segmentation Ph但n o畉n l動董ng Ph但n o畉n l動董ng c畛a c叩n b畛/ nh但n vi棚n trong m畛t k畛 t鱈nh
l動董ng n畉u c坦 s畛 thay 畛i v畛 thu nh畉p, tr畉ng th叩i nh但n s畛,
thay 畛i c担ng vi畛c trong k畛 坦.
Trigger T叩c 畛ng 畉nh h動畛ng Nh畛ng thay 畛i 畛 h畛 th畛ng x叩c 畛nh t畛 畛ng x畛 l箪 m畛t vi畛c
c畛 th畛
Retroactive Truy l挑nh/ Truy thu T鱈nh l畉i c叩c k畛 t鱈nh l動董ng tr動畛c (b畉ng l動董ng 達 duy畛t) v狸 l箪
do thay 畛i th担ng tin trong qu叩 kh畛 m ch動a 動畛c x畛 l箪.
Finalize Ph棚 duy畛t Ph棚 duy畛t b畉ng l動董ng
On-cycle 畛nh k畛 Vi畛c t鱈nh l動董ng 畛nh k畛 畛u 畉n theo th叩ng, theo k畛.
Off- cycle Kh担ng 畛nh k畛 T鱈nh l動董ng kh担ng 畛nh k畛.
30. Element Groups
Nh坦m c叩c element 動畛c d湛ng 畛 ch畛 畛nh cho ng動畛i th畛
h動畛ng danh s叩ch c叩c kho畉n thu nh畉p kh畉u tr畛 m m畛t
ng動畛i c坦 th畛 動畛c h動畛ng.
Trong danh s叩ch ny ch畛 c畉n th棚m vo 2 lo畉i element l
kho畉n thu nh畉p(Earning) v kh畉u tr畛(Deduction).
Nh畛ng element (Earning v deduction) kh担ng 動畛c 動a vo
danh s叩ch ny s畉 kh担ng 動畛c t鱈nh to叩n gi叩 tr畛.
34. Sections
Each section can have one or more individual elements
A section is a grouping of elements and controls the order
that those elements are processed on the process list
How the system processes section elements during payroll or absence
What types of elementssuch as earning elements, absence take
elements, and supporting elements
Whether the section can be used for absence processing, payroll
processing, or both.
36. Process List
Process lists control payroll processing at the highest level.
They perform three basic functions:
Specify whether the process applies to absence or payroll processing
Identify the gross and net pay accumulators for the payroll process. The
banking process determines net pay by referencing the net pay
Identify the sections, or sets of elements, to resolve during the payroll
process and the order in which they resolve.
43. Segmentation
Segmentation refers to the process of calculating all or a
subset of elements in a process list in separate slices or
You can segment components of pay based on changes in
compensation, employee status, or other events during a pay
For example, if an individual changes jobs during a pay period and
your organization separates components earned in the first job from
those earned in the second job, you can set up your system to trigger
segmentation of earning results on the payslip when there's a change to
the job change action/reason field in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human
Global Payroll provides two types of segmentationperiod
segmentation and element segmentation
44. Segmentation
Global Payroll provides two types of segmentationperiod
segmentation and element:
Period segmentation
Occurs when data that changes in mid period, such as a
compensation rate
All elements in the process list to be calculated repeatedly on either
side of the change date.
The system divides the pay period into two or more distinct
segments and treats each segment as a complete and separate
payroll calculation.
It calculates each element in the process list for each segment,
resulting in multiple gross-to-net processes, payslips, and Payee
Process Stat records. The system calculates each element using
components that were effective during the different time slices.
45. Segmentation
Global Payroll provides two types of segmentationperiod
segmentation and element
Element segmentation
Occurs when data that changes in midperiod requires the affected
element (and perhaps a subset of other elements) to be calculated
repeatedly on either side of the change date. (Each sub-period is
called a slice.)
The system segments only the elements that you select and it
creates separate result rows only for the specified elements. In
element segmentation, there is only one gross-to-net result set.
46. Segmentation
Pay periodsmonthly, biweekly, or weeklyare used to group and
calculate a payee's earnings. Each period has a begin and end date and
can be sliced or segmented.
A sub-period of time within the normal pay period that is created due to
period segmentation. Each segment represents a separate gross-to-net
calculation of every element in the period and has begin and end dates.
Individual elements can be sliced within a sub-period.
The span of time into which an element is segmented due to element
segmentation. Unlike a segment or period, it does not represent a
separate gross-to-net process, because it affects only a limited set of
elements in a period or segment. Like a segment, a slice has begin and
end dates
54. Processing Payroll
Identify: Select the first time you run the process. It instructs the system to
identify all payees (associated with the calendar group ID, or selected stream, if
applicable) that meet the payee selection criteria that is defined on the calendar
pages that are linked to the calendar group ID
Calculate: the system calculates every payee that is flagged by the Identify
Freeze:The system freezes all calculations for the selected population
Suspend:Select to pull payees from an open payroll run
Finalize: Select to close the payroll or absence cycle for the entire calendar
group ID. Once you finalize the run, no more calculations are possible
62. System elements
C叩c System elements 動畛c cung c畉p v duy tr狸 b畛i
PeopleSoft, N坦 ch畛a c叩c th担ng tin m ta c坦 th畛 s畛
d畛ng 畛 t鱈nh to叩n l動董ng. Ch炭ng ta kh担ng th畛 thay 畛i,
hay i畛u ch畛nh c叩c element h畛 th畛ng, kh担ng t畉o m畛i
動畛c c叩c element h畛 th畛ng, nh動ng c坦 th畛 畛i t棚n.
C坦 2 lo畉i element h畛 th畛ng:
Database system elements
System-computed elements
63. Database system elements
C叩c database system element 動畛c hi畛u gi畛ng nh動
c叩c element li棚n quan 畉n ng動畛i th畛 h動畛ng. Ch炭ng
ch畛a c叩c d畛 li畛u c坦 th畛 動畛c s畛 d畛ng th動畛ng xuy棚n
trong c叩c ph辿p t鱈nh V鱈 d畛: dept ID, location, personal
data. C叩c database system element gi畉i quy畉t ch畛 khi
ch炭ng 動畛c s畛 d畛ng 畛 t鱈nh to叩n.
System-computed elements: l nh畛ng element c畛a h畛
th畛ng cho k畉t qu畉 畉u ra c畛a m畛t t鱈nh to叩n khi ch炭ng
動畛c s畛 d畛ng. V鱈 d畛 t鱈nh ngy ngh畛 c畛a m畛t nh但n
64. Database system elements
Nh動 v畉y ch炭ng ta c坦 th畛 hi畛u c叩c system element l
c叩c element c坦 s畉n 動畛c s畛 d畛ng cho vi畛c t鱈nh
l動董ng. Ch炭ng ta ch畛 vi畛c s畛 d畛ng n坦 m kh担ng ph畉i
t畉o ra, 畛nh ngh挑a, hay s畛a 畛i g狸. N坦 c坦 th畛 cung c畉p
d畛 li畛u c畛a nh但n vi棚n tr棚n h畛 th畛ng, c坦 th畛 l k畉t qu畉
c畛a m畛t ph辿p t鱈nh to叩n.
65. Earnings & Deductions
Use earning elements to define all types of compensation
for a payee, including salary, fees, bonuses, commissions,
pensions, and retirement pay.
You use deduction elements to define different types of
deductions for a payee. Deductions can be voluntary, such
as those for retirement plans, or statutory, such as taxes and
You can define the following four types of calculation rules
for elements:
Base * Percent
Unit * Rate
Unit * Rate * Percent
73. Brackets
Brackets element gi炭p t畉o ra m畛t b畉ng tra c畛u 畛 t鱈nh
to叩n, d畛a vo d畛 li畛u tra c畛u v ph動董ng ph叩p tra c畛u
ch炭ng ta c坦 th畛 g叩n gi叩 tr畛 th鱈ch h畛p 畛 s畛 d畛ng cho
vi畛c t鱈nh to叩n l動董ng.
Brackets element cho ph辿p x但y d畛ng b畉ng tra c畛u
theo m畛t ho畉c nhi畛u tr動畛ng. V cho ph辿p tra c畛u theo
nhi畛u c叩ch kh叩c nhau b畉ng vi畛c s畛 d畛ng c叩c l畛a ch畛n
Interpolation Methods:
Use Nearest, Use Next Lower, Use Next Higher, Linear
74. Brackets
Nm c畛ng hi畉n Gi叩 tr畛 th動畛ng
5 30%
10 60%
Interpolation Method Return Value Description
Linear(Tra 7) 42% T鱈nh theo c担ng th畛c c担ng
th畛c tuy畉n t鱈nh
Use Nearest 30% G畉n nh畉t s畛 d畛ng
Use Next Higher 60% Gi叩 tr畛 cao h董n g畉n nh畉t
Use Next Lower 30% Gi叩 tr畛 th畉p h董n g畉n nh畉t
93. Positive Input (cont)
Positive input is earning and deduction data that you enter
for one pay period.
The datasuch as hours worked or a one time bonusis
payee-specific and can change each period.
You can enter positive input manually or receive it from
applications such as PeopleSoft Enterprise Time and Labor.
94. Positive Input (cont)
When entering positive input for an earning or deduction
element, you can enter a flat amount or values for the
components of the element's calculation rule.
For example, if the rule for calculating a payee's regular pay element is
Regular Pay = Rate Units ,
you can enter an amount that overrides the calculation rule or
specify a value for rate, units, or both rate and units. If you enter
values, you can enter numeric values, such as 40 hours, or select a
rate code element that retrieves the component's value from
PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.
102. Retro-Activity
Forwarding Retro
The forwarding method calculates the differences between the original
and recalculated pay runs.
The differences between the new and old calculations are carried
forward to the current calendar period as an adjustment to elements
specified by the user.
Unlike corrective retro, forwarding retro does not result in the
replacement of the original results.
Balance accumulators are not updated in the recalculated period but in
the current calendar period.
123. Off-Cycle Process
Off cycle payroll processing refers to processing payments
and making corrections to payroll results outside of the
normal payroll schedule.
Off cycle transactions are typically made to correct prior
payments or to make early termination payments that can't
wait until the next scheduled on-cycle payroll.
You can readily launch an off cycle process without
creating additional calendars, and the system automatically
suspends the on cycle run.
124. Off-Cycle Process
Global Payroll supports the following four types of off
cycle transactions:
Manual payments
You can record payments for items that you calculate and pay
outside of the system, such as cash or check payments.
These are transactions that correct the results of a finalized payroll..
Unscheduled payments
These are one time payments, such as a special bonus or expense
reimbursement that fall outside of the on cycle process and for
which calendars would not ordinarily be defined.
Advances are the processing of segments before they are normally
scheduled, such as the early payment of wages due to termination,
or the processing and pay of leave in advance
125. Off-Cycle Process
Differences Between On Cycle and Off Cycle Payrolls
On cycle processing
Refers to performing regularly scheduled runs. In Global Payroll,
these are recurring runs for which a period, calendar, and calendar
group have been predefined.
A pay group with a monthly frequency has twelve regularly
scheduled on cycle payrolls each year.
Off cycle payroll processing
Refers to processing payments and making corrections to finalized
results outside of the normal payroll schedule.
Off cycle transactions are typically made to correct prior payments
or to make early termination payments that can't wait until the next
scheduled on cycle payroll.