The Glonetex Insurance Management Software is specifically designed for SME Companies. The solution currently supports Healthcare, Automobile and Travel Insurance but can be customized for other lines of insurance in a relatively low time frame.
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Glonetex Insurance Management Presentation Eng
1. Insurance Management System
Health Insurance | Asset Insurance | Life Insurance | Regulatory Reporting
Powered by
2. Solution Overview
The Glonetex Insurance
Management System is a
web-based insurance
enterprise portal tailored
for small to mid-scale
insurance companies,
brokers and agents. This
solution automates 95% of
your insurance operations
using intuitive automation
features and supports a
paperless work
environment throughout
your entire enterprise.
Our Insurance Management System is bespoke in nature. All modules are completely
customizable and we offer APIs for integration with third-party systems. The interface
supports multiple languages for the main system and quotation engines.
3. Feature Highlights
Administrative Operational Portals
- Approval Management System - Banking Management for - System Administrator Portal
- Change/Manage website Direct Debit Payments - Company User Portal
themes and colors - Basic Accounting System - Insurance Broker Portal
- Create/Manage Users - Basic CRM Module - Insurance Agent Portal
- Customized web site design - Create/Manage Dynamic - Underwriter Portal
- Customized Reporting Forms - Customer Portal
- Data Backup Module - Document Management
- Email Auto-Responders System
- Graphical Dashboards - Insurance Club Discount
- Import/Export Management
- Integrated Email, Alerts, - Payment processing System
Notification and Reminders - Plan Management Control
- Master Data Entry Fields - Policy Cancellation Control
- User defined fields - Policy Management Control
- User Rights Management - Regulatory Reporting Toolkit
- Website Content Management - Workflow Management
System System
Our Insurance Management System is bespoke in nature. All modules are completely
customizable and we offer APIs for integration with third-party systems. The interface
supports multiple languages for the main system and quotation engines.
4. No other bespoke
Insurance Management
System enables your
business to have seamless
integration at the
Administration, Broker, Ag
ent, Underwriter and
Customer level. Our
system supports
companies offering
multiple lines of insurance
products and tools for
real-time reporting to
insurance regulatory
bodies for compliance.
Our system is web-based and supports real-time transactions and customer quotations. All
review, approval and underwriting parties are notified via email or smart phone of pending
items to work on.
5. Insurance Portal Website
The Insurance Management
System supports virtually any
time of insurance product or
service. Most insurance
companies have a corporate
website where customers can
view information on their
products and services. We
have the capability to clone
your corporate website and
integrate with out enterprise
system. This includes the
following components:
- Complete Corporate
- Website Content
Management System
- Insurance Quotation Engine
After we clone your existing corporate website including images, flash content and other
controls. We give your web masters, administrators and associate firms the power to
manage most of your business operations on one platform.
6. Quotation Engine: Step 1
Our system includes a
comprehensive Quotation
Engine that enables your Sales
Staff, CRM and Administrators
to create the steps necessary
for customers to get an
insurance quote online. This
first step displays basic
information about the type of
insurance plan being offered.
*All text in this web form is
dynamic and can be entered
by a delegated staff member
and updated within seconds.
To support your website identity, button controls and other objects can be including within
your Quotation Engine.
7. Quotation Engine: Step 2
Since this insurance plan is
related to Travel Insurance, the
potential customer has the
option to select Residential or
Non-Residential insurance.
Once either of these options
are selected, the customer
can proceed to the next step.
For other insurance types such
as Health Insurance, these
button controls can be
replaced with items such as;
Individual Plan, Family
Plan, Group Plans.
8. Quotation Engine: Step 3
This form supports the selection
of your state, date of birth and
number of dependants. Each
and every item listed within the
Quotation Engine is defined
and mapped in the back-
office modules.
9. Quotation Engine: Step 4
This form displays of a list of
available plans to the
customer. If you notice, the
quotation is listed in Great
Britain Pounds. However, the
system can be configured to
display insurance plans in
multiple currencies based on
Country and preferred
payment methods.
10. Quotation Engine: Step 5
Step 5 displays CMS based
content related to the
insurance plan selected. The
Insurance Management
System enables you to
create/add/remove content
on each Quotation Engine
page. At this stage the
customer has the option to
Save, Download or Email the
details of the insurance plan
11. Quotation Engine: Step 6
This form is necessary for the
customer to fill-in more
personal information to
complete the application.
Based on the number of
dependants selected, the
system automatically
generates the same number of
fields for capturing their
Fields listed in this form such as CPAM and QP Number are specific to this particular
country and insurance company. All forms are dynamic and you will have the options to
build your own forms related to your Quotation Engine.
12. Quotation Engine: Step 7
The Policy Summary form
displays policy confirmation
detail prior to payment. The
Insurance Management
System includes integrated
payment processing gateway
tools for automated payment
Integrated Payment Methods
13. Quotation Engine: Step 8
After the insurance payment
has been accepted online, the
customer receives a
confirmation message and
email and is prompted to
register for online services. The
customer portal displays policy
detail, option to change their
policy and payment history
where they can download and
print their policy details.
15. Administration:
This section is the heart of the
application. After the system
setup wizard captures basic
company and insurance policy
information, the System
Administrator can then begin
to create a list of Sub-
Administrators, Sales
Agents, Insurance
Brokers, Accountants and
Underwriters associated with
their business.
16. Administration:
Managing Admin Users
This form supports the creation
of system Admin Users. After
the user type has been
created, you can then
delegate system access rights.
17. Administration:
Department Setup
Our insurance management
system enables you to create
an unlimited number of
company departments and
delegate specific department
member functions throughout
the application.
18. Administration:
Plan Listing
Insurance companies can
create an unlimited number of
insurance plans that can be
marketed to customers on their
In this form, companies can
create, view, and edit
insurance plan rates and make
active or inactive. They also
have the options to import
associated documents related
to the plans.
19. Administration:
Plan Rates
After the creation of your
insurance plans, you can utilize
this form to setup insurance
rates. This can be weighted
against parameters such as
Age, Location, Vehicle
Type, Year, Model, Health
Condition, etc.
Insurance companies have the
option for dynamic creation of
insurance plan rates based on
managerial, underwriting and
regulatory guidelines.
20. Administration:
Letter Management
Managing forms is made easy
with our insurance
management system. Here
you can create and modify
any type of form application.
During the form creation
process, you can build
dynamic fields which can be
inserted anywhere within the
When form creation is
complete, they can be readily
available for customers or
employees to view and
download on the front-end
Our form letter management modules enables you to create and post forms in the
following formats:
21. Administration:
Letter Management_P2
This form shows a grid of all
available letters. The pop-up
window displays instructions for
completing certain insurance
applications. Again, all
content is managed by the
insurance company and can
be posted at any time and
made active or inactive.
22. Administration:
Document Management
Our system includes a robust
document management
system that supports Static
Documents, Dynamic
Documents and PDF
Documents. These documents
can be created specifically by
the insurance company and
either completed online or in
paper form.
The same forms can be
included in a company-wise
workflow process for approval,
rejection or general review.
The IMS has expandable workflow and document management capabilities to support
paperless insurance environment and increased effeciency.
23. Administration:
Content Management
This form displays a grid of all
available website pages that
can be edited and updated
immediately. The content
management system includes
a fully functional text editor for
managing the front-end web
content. This section doesnt
require an experienced web
master to operate and text
can even be copied and
pasted from Microsoft速 Word.
24. Administration:
Insurance Broker Listing
This form displays a list of
insurance brokers identified by
the insurance company.
During the insurance broker
setup, you can identify their
status and commission rates
base on insurance plan sales.
Other factors may be identified
prior to the broker setup
process such as; Broker
Qualifications and Broker
Approval process manager.
26. Insurance Broker:
Agent Dashboard
Insurance Brokers have
complete access to the
policies associated with their
agencies. After a list of
Insurance Brokers have been
built by the insurance
company. Based on the
insurance products theyre
handling, they will
automatically see the
associated policies in their
dashboards. In other words, all
automobile policies are linked
to insurance brokers that offer
this type of product.
27. Insurance Broker:
Customer Policy Listing
Insurance Brokers can perform
a quick search for
clients, policies and other
documents in all pages of their
This screen shows a list of
associated customers along
with their Policy Number, Postal
Code, Policy Start Date and
Brokers can click on the Policy
Number link to see the details
of the policy for that customer.
28. Insurance Broker:
Detailed Policy View
After clicking on the on the
Policy Number brokers can see
a detailed view of the policy
details. The detailed sections
included; Contract
Notes, Policy
Details, Dependants, Premium
and Payment Method.
These detailed can be edited
by the Insurance Broker as
needed. When this happens
the Insurance Company
receives an email notification.
Insurance Companies can also
set approval/denial codes for
specific modules that can be
modified by the Insurance
30. Insurance Broker:
Policy Cancellation
This form enables Insurance
Brokers to search and cancel
When policies are cancelled
the main insurance company is
notified via email.
31. Insurance Broker:
Payment Management
This form enables the Insurance
Broker to view and capture
Although the system supports
electronic payments. Payment
can also be captured
manually in whatever
instrument form.
32. Insurance Broker:
Detailed Policy View_2
The information on this form is a
continuation of detailed policy
view. In addition to the policy
information, insurance brokers
can the payment history of the
38. Customer Portal:
Policy Details
This form displays the policy
details of an actual customer.
Customers have the following
portal capabilities:
- Viewing Complete Policy
- Downloading Insurance
- Viewing payment history
- Making changes to policies
dynamically (may require
approval in most instances)
39. Customer Portal:
Policy Extension
This form enables a travel
insurance customer to extend
their duration of coverage.
After travel insurance extension
date is entered, the system
prompts customer to continue
to the payment screen.
41. Reports:
Static and Custom
This form displays a basic grid
of several standard and
customized reports available
for the Insurance Management
All reports can be downloaded
in Microsoft 速 Excel, CSV and
PDF formats.
44. Minimum System Requirements: Available in:
The Insurance Management System was SaaS (Software as a
developed using the following major Service)
components: Single Siste Licensing
Installation, configuration
Windows Server, 2.4Ghz, 4GB RAM, and training for this
250GB HD, Windows Server 2003 or system should not
Above exceed 10 days. This will
This system has been tested compatible be determined after all
with the following browsers: module development
tasks. Most development
work takes 6 weeks to 2
For pricing and licensing options, please contact Glonetex Technologies: |+1-917-755-1090