Екатерина Гордиенко (Serpstat)Octopus EventsThis document discusses AI-generated content and tools for content generation. It summarizes the capabilities of the Serpstat Test Lab tool set, which includes tools for article building, keyword extraction, FAQ generation, and ad generation using AI models like GPT-3. It also discusses some of Google's policies around AI-generated content and common problems with AI generation tools.
Михаил Григоров (Ringostat) & Рени Делякова (Luximmo)Octopus EventsПодобряване на обслужването и оптимизиране на рекламния бюджет. Кейс на Luximmo и Ringostat
Михаил Григоров (Ringostat) & Рени Делякова (Luximmo)Octopus EventsПодобряване на обслужването и оптимизиране на рекламния бюджет. Кейс на Luximmo и Ringostat
Геннадий Воробьов & Симеон Пенев (Netpeak)Octopus EventsThis document discusses Netpeak's tools and services to help companies expand into new international markets. It provides an overview of their three-step process: 1) Decide where to go by analyzing opportunities and competitors, 2) Get your gear ready by preparing operations like localization, and 3) Scale to take off by launching, measuring, and building your brand. Specific examples are given for Poland, including operational facts and a competitors' cost analysis to help with market selection. Netpeak consultants can help companies research markets and customize their offerings to take off globally.
Марин Агандеров (TalentMedia)Octopus EventsThis document discusses online video trends in Bulgaria. It finds that people in Bulgaria watch online videos most often to learn, relax, and be entertained. The most popular times to watch are in the evenings and afternoons. YouTube remains the dominant online video platform, though platforms are pushing more short-form video content like TikTok's. Influencer marketing on YouTube and Instagram is growing in importance for businesses in Bulgaria.
Илиян Опрев (Artery Team)Octopus EventsThis document provides information about marketing on Etsy and growing an Etsy business. It discusses how Etsy offers easy access to the global market for designer goods. It outlines the benefits of using Etsy, including low costs, payment processing, and built-in marketing tools. It also provides tips for using Etsy search engine optimization and ads to drive traffic, as well as promoting products and building an Etsy business through creative innovation and a smart long-term strategy.
Димитър Димитров (Stenik) & Стефан Чорбанов (Stenik)Octopus EventsЗащо техническото задание е най-важният проект в цикъла на разработване на вашия онлайн магазин?
Николай Тотов (Plesio.bg)Octopus EventsNikolay Totov, Marketing Director of PLESIO Computers, discusses how the company adopted marketing automation through ContactPigeon to achieve ecommerce growth goals. Using dynamic popups, push notifications, and automated email campaigns, PLESIO saw an average 2x increase in visitor signups, 63% lift in online sales conversion, and 40% repeat customers. Specifically, PLESIO used dynamic popups to boost Black Friday conversions while growing their list, push notifications to reach a broader audience, and abandoned cart emails sent at various time intervals to drive orders. Nikolay provides practical takeaways for attendees to try pre-season list builders, push notifications, and abandoned cart automation for the upcoming holiday season.
Ярослав Чепурняк. Одно «да» и шесть «но» успешного контента. Как получать 3 0...Octopus EventsОдно «да» и шесть «но» успешного контента. Как получать 3 000 000 бесплатных просмотров на YouTube каждый месяц
Валерия Толочина. Just Do InTernet: как перестроить маркетинг в условиях кара...Octopus EventsJust Do InTernet: как перестроить маркетинг в условиях карантина
Сергей и Анна Вовк. Креативность как один из главных навыков будущегоOctopus EventsCreativity is the number one most in-demand soft skill for companies in 2022. Creativity involves forming something new that has value, whether an idea, invention, or work of art. The document discusses how creativity works, where it can be applied, how to improve one's creativity, and emphasizes that learning is an ongoing process with questions.
Михаил Григоров (Ringostat) & Рени Делякова (Luximmo)Octopus EventsПодобряване на обслужването и оптимизиране на рекламния бюджет. Кейс на Luximmo и Ringostat
Геннадий Воробьов & Симеон Пенев (Netpeak)Octopus EventsThis document discusses Netpeak's tools and services to help companies expand into new international markets. It provides an overview of their three-step process: 1) Decide where to go by analyzing opportunities and competitors, 2) Get your gear ready by preparing operations like localization, and 3) Scale to take off by launching, measuring, and building your brand. Specific examples are given for Poland, including operational facts and a competitors' cost analysis to help with market selection. Netpeak consultants can help companies research markets and customize their offerings to take off globally.
Марин Агандеров (TalentMedia)Octopus EventsThis document discusses online video trends in Bulgaria. It finds that people in Bulgaria watch online videos most often to learn, relax, and be entertained. The most popular times to watch are in the evenings and afternoons. YouTube remains the dominant online video platform, though platforms are pushing more short-form video content like TikTok's. Influencer marketing on YouTube and Instagram is growing in importance for businesses in Bulgaria.
Илиян Опрев (Artery Team)Octopus EventsThis document provides information about marketing on Etsy and growing an Etsy business. It discusses how Etsy offers easy access to the global market for designer goods. It outlines the benefits of using Etsy, including low costs, payment processing, and built-in marketing tools. It also provides tips for using Etsy search engine optimization and ads to drive traffic, as well as promoting products and building an Etsy business through creative innovation and a smart long-term strategy.
Димитър Димитров (Stenik) & Стефан Чорбанов (Stenik)Octopus EventsЗащо техническото задание е най-важният проект в цикъла на разработване на вашия онлайн магазин?
Николай Тотов (Plesio.bg)Octopus EventsNikolay Totov, Marketing Director of PLESIO Computers, discusses how the company adopted marketing automation through ContactPigeon to achieve ecommerce growth goals. Using dynamic popups, push notifications, and automated email campaigns, PLESIO saw an average 2x increase in visitor signups, 63% lift in online sales conversion, and 40% repeat customers. Specifically, PLESIO used dynamic popups to boost Black Friday conversions while growing their list, push notifications to reach a broader audience, and abandoned cart emails sent at various time intervals to drive orders. Nikolay provides practical takeaways for attendees to try pre-season list builders, push notifications, and abandoned cart automation for the upcoming holiday season.
Ярослав Чепурняк. Одно «да» и шесть «но» успешного контента. Как получать 3 0...Octopus EventsОдно «да» и шесть «но» успешного контента. Как получать 3 000 000 бесплатных просмотров на YouTube каждый месяц
Валерия Толочина. Just Do InTernet: как перестроить маркетинг в условиях кара...Octopus EventsJust Do InTernet: как перестроить маркетинг в условиях карантина
Сергей и Анна Вовк. Креативность как один из главных навыков будущегоOctopus EventsCreativity is the number one most in-demand soft skill for companies in 2022. Creativity involves forming something new that has value, whether an idea, invention, or work of art. The document discusses how creativity works, where it can be applied, how to improve one's creativity, and emphasizes that learning is an ongoing process with questions.
2. Казвам се Елица Кубадинова - ръководител отдел
продажби в Glovo България, част от групата на
Delivery Hero.
Започнах кариерата си в сферата на
ресторантьорството през 2010, малко след това
получих предложение да се включа в екипа на
foodpanda България като търговски представител.
Две години по-късно вече оглавявах търговския
екип. След сливането на foodpanda и Glovo запазих
позицията си и вече 8 години и половина съм част
от динамиката на този бизнес и работя с екип от
млади и амбициозни хора.
3. 2013
● 4 служители
● 6 ресторанта
● 3 поръчки
● 0 % сваляне на апликация
● 0 промоции
● Без доставка
o Екипа
o Ръководителите
o Контракора
o Себе си
o Анализ на фактори
o Съставяне на
мотивационни профили
o Мотивационни
o Лидерство в екипа
o В началото на
o При успех
o При неуспех
o В края на проекта
o Висока
от началото до края
на проекта