1) Glucose Regulation Complex is a new Shaklee product containing minerals, botanicals, and antioxidants that promotes normal glucose transport into cells and helps the body make efficient use of insulin to support cardiovascular health and normal blood glucose levels.
2) It contains ingredients like chromium, magnesium, and banaba leaf extract that aid glucose utilization and transport into cells, while antioxidants protect cells and help them respond normally to insulin.
3) Users have experienced reduced cravings for sugary foods and more stable energy levels while taking Glucose Regulation Complex.
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Glucose Regulation Complex
1. N E W P R O D U C T !
Item# 20649 - 60 Capsules
G L U C O S E R E G U L A T I O N C O M P L E X *
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
2. Challenge
The number of people with high blood sugar has been climbing rapidly in all
age groups
An estimated 16 million Americans including at least 300,000 children
have seriously high levels of glucose in their blood
Expected to grow to 22 Million by 2005
At least one-third of these people do not know it
Increased 70% for people in their 30s within the past decade
3. Shaklee Difference
Glucose Regulation Complex takes a new approach to glucose regulation*
Glucose Regulation Complex promotes sensitivity of cell receptors to
aid in normal glucose transport into cells.*
Glucose Regulation Complex helps the body make efficient use of the
insulin it already produces so as to promote long-term cardiovascular
health and to help retain normal blood glucose levels.*
Unique combination of minerals, botanical & antioxidants
The best of nature and science
100% Shaklee guaranteed
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
4. How Do The Ingredients Work?
Promotes efficient glucose utilization.*
Magnesium, chromium, zinc and vanadium support the bodys ability to
process glucose.*
Aids normal glucose transport into cells and normal responsiveness of cells
to insulin.*
Banaba leaf extract (Colosolic Acid), magnesium and chromium
promote efficient transport of glucose from the blood into cells, helping
the body to retain normal blood glucose levels.* The antioxidants alpha
lipoic acid, zinc, and taurine help protect the integrity of cells so they
can respond normally to insulin.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
5. How Do The Ingredients Work?
Helps sustain energy and prevent rapid blood sugar declines that can lead to
food cravings.*
When taken as part of a healthful, high-fiber diet, chromium and banaba
leaf extract (Colosolic Acid) can help stave off blood sugar crashes that
can lead to feelings of low energy, hunger, carbohydrate cravings, and
between-meal snacking.*
Provides antioxidant protection and helps to recycle vitamins C and E for
additional antioxidant activity.*
Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant in itself, but it also helps
recharge the antioxidant protection of Vitamins C and E.* Zinc and
chromium also have significant effects on oxidative stress.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
6. Who Can Benefit From
Glucose Regulation Complex*?
Adult men and women who want to retain normal blood sugar levels
Those wanting to help sustain energy and prevent blood sugar crashes that
can lead to carbohydrate cravings
Those who are making lifestyle changes to help maintain long-term health
About 1 in 4 Americans, thats 70 million people,
could benefit from support to help the body
make more efficient use of the insulin it
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
7. Users Experiences With
Glucose Regulation Complex*
When I first found out that chromium was one of the major ingredients in this product, I was excited,
because I'd been doing a lot of reading and research and found that chromium seems to be an
ingredient that is really important in retaining normal blood sugar levels. And so it was interesting to
me that that was the product Shaklee had chosen to use.
In the 30 some years that weve been associated with Shaklee, I just
have the greatest confidence in their research, and that they would not even be
testing a product that was not safe or that was not going to live up to their standards. I'm so excited
about the possibilities of this product, not only for me and for my family, but for many other people
who have some of the same concerns that I do about health issues.
You know, we talk about helping people to feel better. This is a product that we're going to be able to
help them feel better. And I think that's going to be the exciting thing for people as they do begin to
share. At least from my perspective right now I'm looking at it as probably one of the strongest
product launches we've ever had.
- J. Boltinghouse (Iowa)
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8. Users Experiences With
Glucose Regulation Complex*
I think people are
really searching
for something safe
that they can rely
on and they don't have to
worry about some of the
questionable things that
are on the market. I would
think that the market
potential is just huge for
I've done many things to try and keep glucose level and the
insulin, which is a big part of it, level by eating instead of three
larger meals, six smaller meals a day. I eliminated all sugar,
all white flour, white bread, simple carbohydrates, gone to
eating more protein and less carbohydrates.
My life sort of centered around what I was going to eat every
two hours. Oh, my goodness, it's such a wonderful feeling to
know I can live my life. The potential for this
product I feel is enormous totally
enormous. I just see the market as huge because of the
concerns out there with our health. So, it's very, very exciting
to even think of the potential.
I can tell the food
choices that I'm
craving are not
sugary carbohydrate
type foods*. It's more
the proteins and the
vegetables that are
which is a switch for
J. Glacken (Illinois)
- J. Carter
- J. Parks (Wisconsin)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
9. How Can I Get
Shaklee Glucose Regulation Complex*?
From your Shaklee authorized independent distributor
Order directly from Shaklee.com or Shaklee.net
Order directly by calling 1-800-Shaklee (1-800-742-5533)
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
10. What Other Products Complement
Glucose Regulation Complex*?
Promotes cellular energy*
Instant Protein速 Soy Mix #20064
Sustained boost of energy to help fight carb cravings*
Vita-Lea 速#20305
Supports good health and the conversion of foods to energy*
Fiber Plan速 unflavored #20362
Soluble fiber slows the absorption and digestion of dietary
carbohydrates to help retain normal blood sugar levels throughout the
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
息2002 Shaklee Corporation
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