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Global Money Week: What
was the real brokers
Tracy Kearey
Home Loan Connexion
What made you consider this program?
Having grown up with little or no access to the knowledge required to become financially
secure and independent I am passionate about ensuring others dont have to walk that
same path. Through hard work and sheer determination I have been lucky enough to
acquire the money know-how skills, purse power confidence to secure my financial
security, and I now contribute by helping others to navigate the same journey. It was such
a great honour to be an ambassador and present for Global Money Week 2016 in March.
It allowed me to be another touch point in learning lives of students delivering them hope
for the future and reinforcing a vital message on the importance of creating a sound
financial foundation as a means to assisting them to reach their future goals and
How was the set up period? What did you learn?
When collaborating with a new sector such as the education system there are always
going to be unknowns and challenges to be faced. Teachers are under increasing levels
of stress with delivering the existing curriculum and student schedules are constantly
under pressure with little room for additional learning streams. However, I found the
teachers, parents and general school community were both excited and very open to me
offering to present and share my expertise and experiences with the students. So much
so, that the entire middle school of one of Brisbanes most prestigious schools
assembled for my presentation, enabling me to engage with and educate close to 300
young women.
GMW_PowerPoint_Tracy Kearey_GC, ADL and Perth
What was the actual experience on the day like?
"Try talking to a room filled with adult women about budgeting, saving and the
importance of abstaining from excessive credit card usage for a 30 minutes and before
long theyd be nodding off. But refreshingly, this was not the case when it came to the
300 young women assembled to hear my pearls of wisdom on how they could take
control of their financial destiny. They were attentive, devoured the information I imparted,
actively participated when I asked for feedback and engaged with me on leaving the
stage by asking questions beyond their years. The experience was inspiring for all
involved and confirmed in my mind that the Global Money Week is indeed an important
date claimer on the annual financial education calendar.
Did it create positive awareness for your business?
As brokers and business owners enriching the lives of others through community
participation and engagement is one of the greatest gifts we can give. We all have a
wealth of hidden knowledge that only becomes a valuable resource when it is shared.
Programs such as Global Money Week gives each of us the unique opportunity to use
our lives, resources and skills to make a difference. Its an innovative delivery program
that MFAA Members/Brokers can use to share their expertise and in turn help develop
young people into educated borrowers of the future. Naturally there are cause-related
marketing benefits that flow on for businesses using cooperative efforts with the
community. I have found my involvement resulted in profile raising and brand building,
media coverage, our staff feeling proud of the business they work for and our clients
being more aware of our ethical and socially conscious approach to business.
GMW_PowerPoint_Tracy Kearey_GC, ADL and Perth
How did it make you feel as a person and a broker?
Very little has changed over the last 50 years when it comes to accessing money
management education. As brokers we see both the best and worst of how our clients
have handled their financial path to date. Interestingly, as a country we spend the entire
first two decades of our lives studying and acquiring skills aimed at ensuring we earn an
income, however very little emphasis is placed on how to best manage that income once
employment is gained. Sadly, in many corners of our nation money management
knowledge and access to education and resources on the topic still remains a privilege. It
is for this reason that I am inspired and committed to participating in the 2017 Global
Money Week, its reach, engagement and agenda of educating our youth on navigating
their financial destiny. Nothing feels quite as satisfying as making a meaningful
contribution to the lives of those coming behind us.
Why should other brokers commit to this program?
 Profiles and positions you and your business beyond your role as a finance and mortgage broker, elevating your
status to a socially responsible and conscious business owner within your local community.
 Gives you entr辿e to new networks and further develops your connections within your local community, which if
nurtured will result in additional business opportunities that you would otherwise not have had access to.
 Provides your business with a compelling and powerful story that will form part of the PR and cause-related
marketing message you share with your clients, potential clients, online via your social media communications,
website, newsletters and local media outlets.
 Positions you as a guest speaker who is capable of presenting on topics far beyond which bank your next loan
should come from - opening up opportunities for you to achieve additional exposure through speaking gigs,
seminar presentations, blog contributions etc.
 Creates your unique point of difference and positions you positively in your local community as an individual with
substance, passion and the power to make things happen.
GMW_PowerPoint_Tracy Kearey_GC, ADL and Perth
Thank you

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GMW_PowerPoint_Tracy Kearey_GC, ADL and Perth

  • 1. Global Money Week: What was the real brokers experience?
  • 3. What made you consider this program? Having grown up with little or no access to the knowledge required to become financially secure and independent I am passionate about ensuring others dont have to walk that same path. Through hard work and sheer determination I have been lucky enough to acquire the money know-how skills, purse power confidence to secure my financial security, and I now contribute by helping others to navigate the same journey. It was such a great honour to be an ambassador and present for Global Money Week 2016 in March. It allowed me to be another touch point in learning lives of students delivering them hope for the future and reinforcing a vital message on the importance of creating a sound financial foundation as a means to assisting them to reach their future goals and aspirations.
  • 4. How was the set up period? What did you learn? When collaborating with a new sector such as the education system there are always going to be unknowns and challenges to be faced. Teachers are under increasing levels of stress with delivering the existing curriculum and student schedules are constantly under pressure with little room for additional learning streams. However, I found the teachers, parents and general school community were both excited and very open to me offering to present and share my expertise and experiences with the students. So much so, that the entire middle school of one of Brisbanes most prestigious schools assembled for my presentation, enabling me to engage with and educate close to 300 young women. 4
  • 6. What was the actual experience on the day like? 6 "Try talking to a room filled with adult women about budgeting, saving and the importance of abstaining from excessive credit card usage for a 30 minutes and before long theyd be nodding off. But refreshingly, this was not the case when it came to the 300 young women assembled to hear my pearls of wisdom on how they could take control of their financial destiny. They were attentive, devoured the information I imparted, actively participated when I asked for feedback and engaged with me on leaving the stage by asking questions beyond their years. The experience was inspiring for all involved and confirmed in my mind that the Global Money Week is indeed an important date claimer on the annual financial education calendar.
  • 7. Did it create positive awareness for your business? As brokers and business owners enriching the lives of others through community participation and engagement is one of the greatest gifts we can give. We all have a wealth of hidden knowledge that only becomes a valuable resource when it is shared. Programs such as Global Money Week gives each of us the unique opportunity to use our lives, resources and skills to make a difference. Its an innovative delivery program that MFAA Members/Brokers can use to share their expertise and in turn help develop young people into educated borrowers of the future. Naturally there are cause-related marketing benefits that flow on for businesses using cooperative efforts with the community. I have found my involvement resulted in profile raising and brand building, media coverage, our staff feeling proud of the business they work for and our clients being more aware of our ethical and socially conscious approach to business. 7
  • 9. How did it make you feel as a person and a broker? Very little has changed over the last 50 years when it comes to accessing money management education. As brokers we see both the best and worst of how our clients have handled their financial path to date. Interestingly, as a country we spend the entire first two decades of our lives studying and acquiring skills aimed at ensuring we earn an income, however very little emphasis is placed on how to best manage that income once employment is gained. Sadly, in many corners of our nation money management knowledge and access to education and resources on the topic still remains a privilege. It is for this reason that I am inspired and committed to participating in the 2017 Global Money Week, its reach, engagement and agenda of educating our youth on navigating their financial destiny. Nothing feels quite as satisfying as making a meaningful contribution to the lives of those coming behind us.
  • 10. Why should other brokers commit to this program? Profiles and positions you and your business beyond your role as a finance and mortgage broker, elevating your status to a socially responsible and conscious business owner within your local community. Gives you entr辿e to new networks and further develops your connections within your local community, which if nurtured will result in additional business opportunities that you would otherwise not have had access to. Provides your business with a compelling and powerful story that will form part of the PR and cause-related marketing message you share with your clients, potential clients, online via your social media communications, website, newsletters and local media outlets. Positions you as a guest speaker who is capable of presenting on topics far beyond which bank your next loan should come from - opening up opportunities for you to achieve additional exposure through speaking gigs, seminar presentations, blog contributions etc. Creates your unique point of difference and positions you positively in your local community as an individual with substance, passion and the power to make things happen. 10

Editor's Notes

  • #4: With my existing financial literacy program having been so successful locally, when I was approached by MFAA to be a presenter during Global Money Week it was a natural progression from the work I had already been doing with local students. My aim was to provide as much input as possible to the program based on previous experience with my own program. I am passionate about teaching young people the importance of understanding their finances and the implications of the decisions they make today have on their financial future and well being.
  • #5: The key was communicating with the teachers and customise the presentation according to where the teachers were up to with their classes making it relevant to their current teachings. With the limited time teachers have available to introduce special presentations to the students it was also necessary to be flexible with my time so as to fit in with the individual schools schedule.