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Office: Residence:
Gyan School of Engineering & Technology 111/16, Kumbha Marg,
Suresh Gyan Vihar University Pratap Nagar, Sanganer,
Jagatpura Mahal, Jaipur- 302017 Jaipur (Raj)-302033
Contact No. : +91-9414314990 Contact No. : +91-8441911000,
0141-6450389 +91-8502911000
Email: gajanand.sharma@mygyanvihar.com Email: gajanan.sharma@gmail.com
WORK EXPERIENCE Total 10+ Yrs of Teaching Experience.
 Working as Associate Professor, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, since February 2006
 Chief Proctor (Feb 2010- April 2016)
 Head of Anti Ragging Squad (2010 onwards)
 M.Tech Coordinator-CEIT (July 2014 onwards)
 Examination Incharge-CEIT (July 2015 onwards)
 Head- Publication, IJCTM (ISSN 2455-7528)
REVIEWER OF JOURNALS Reviewers in one Journals
1. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security ISSN: 1947-5500
AREA OF SPECIALIZATION Image Processing, Information Security
ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION B. Tech, M. Tech., Ph.D.(Pursuing )
Doctorate Designing A Secure Framework of Video Streaming
Over P2P Network Ph.D. Under Supervision of Dr.
Dinesh Goyal, Computer Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar
Post-Graduation (2014)
Graduation (2005)
Senior Secondary (1999)
Secondary (1997)
Master of Technology, Sri Balaji College of Engineering
& Technology. RTU, Kota (Dissertation Analysis &
Design of Improved Visual Cryptography Using
Moving Image for Covert Massage Communication)
Bachelor of Engineering, JECRC, Jaipur
Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Hindaun City RBSE
Chandra Sr. Sec. School, Hindaun City RBSE
Research Guidance Completed Guidance of 05 Research Scholars
1. Performance Evaluation of Quality of Services in Proposed Routing Protocol DS-AODV,
Manish Kumar Jha, SGVU, Jaipur
2. A Comparative Study of ANFIS Membership function to Predict ERP User Satisfaction Using
ANN and MLRA, Nikhil Gupta, SGVU, Jaipur
3. An Intellectual System For Human Personality Identification Using Soft-Computing, Rinki
Kumari, SGVU, Jaipur
4. AI-Controlled Life in Role-Playing Games, Krishna Murari, SGVU, Jaipur
5. Prevention from Sleep Deprivation Attack on MANET, Manish Poonia, SGVU, Jaipur
Research Guidance Undergoing 4 Research Guidance
1. Data Storage and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing , Mr. Piyush Rathore , SGVU, Jaipur
2. Development Of New Framework For Secure Live Video Streaming Over P2P Network Using
Randomize Algorithm, Ms. Richa Singh, SGVU, Jaipur
3. A Novel Framework for Secure the Video streaming Over P2P Network , Mr. Rahul Soni ,SGVU,
4. Design & Development of Low Bit Rate Efficient Secure Video Transmission Using Zig-bee , Ms. Pooja
Mishra, SGVU, Jaipur
PUBLICATIONS 08 International Publications
1. Published a paper Secure Voting System in a Mobile Network in International Journal of
Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279  0764) Volume 02 Issue 02, March 2013
2. Published a paper Analysis & Design of Visual Cryptography using Moving Image in
International Journal of Information and communication Technology Research (ISSN: 2223  4985)
Volume 03 Issue no 12, Nov.-Dec. 2013
3. Published a paper Performance Evaluation of Quality of Service in Proposed Routing Protocol
DS-AODV in International Journal of Digital Application & Contemporary research (ISSN: 2319-
4863) Volume 02 Issue no 11, June 2014
4. Published a paper A Comparative Study of ANFIS Membership Function to Predict ERP User
Satisfaction using ANN and MLRA in International Journal of Computer Applications (ISSN:
0975  8887) Volume 105 Issue no 05, Nov. 2014
5. Published a paper Improvisation Of Data Mining Techniques In Cancer Site Among Various
Patients Using Market Basket Analysis Algorithm in BEST: International Journal of
Management, Information Technology and Engineering (ISSN: 2348-0513) Volume 3 Issue no 10,
Oct. 2015
6. Published a paper An Intellectual System For Human Personality Identification Using Soft
Computing in BEST: International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science
(ISSN: 2348-7550) Volume 3 Issue no 10, Oct. 2015
7. Published a paper Ai-Controlled Life In Role-Playing Games in International Journal of
Computer Informatics & Technological Engineering (ISSN: 2348-8557) Volume 2 Issue no 11, Nov.
8. Published a paper Danger Theory Based Model to Prevent Sleep Deprivation Attacks in
MANETs in International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology (ISSN:
2278-9359) Volume 4 Issue no 12, Dec. 2015
PAPERS PRESENTED 09 Papers Presented in Conferences
1. Presented a paper on Protection of Ground water in National Conference on IWMSWP-2008 at
RTU, Kota from 08-09/02/2008.
2. Presented a paper Decision tree: An overview in National Conference on Recent advancements in
engineering & Technology at Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer on 26/04/2008.
3. Presented a paper Network Securities in National Conference on Emerging trends in information
Technology & Computing (ETIC 2010) at Dept. Of IT, GITM Gurgaon on 27/03/2010.
4. Presented a paper Image Processing in National Conference on Modern trends and techniques in
Computing at School of computer & system science, JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR
on 30/03/2010.
5. Presented a paper A Comparative Study between PKI Encryption Algorithms in National
Conference on Secure Data Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan
Vihar University, JAIPUR from 30-31/03/2011.
6. Presented a paper Image Based Data Protection in National Conference on Secure Data
Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, JAIPUR from
7. Presented a paper Security on Disk Management in National Conference on Secure Data
Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, JAIPUR from
8. Presented a paper An Efficient Scheme for Security through Self Modifying Code in National
Conference on Secure Data Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan
Vihar University, JAIPUR from 30-31/03/2011.
9. Presented a paper Security issue in Grid Computing and Cloud Computing in National
Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (NCETCE-2011) IEEE computer
Society at SKIT, JAIPUR on 26/11/2011.
5 Workshops organized
1. Co-Convener, National Workshop on INFORMATION SECURITY & ETHICAL
HACKING, 19-20 Feb 2010, Gyan Vihar School of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur
2. Conducted a Work Shop for PHP & MySQL at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project
Developed by IIT Bombay on 22/10/2013.
3. Conducted a Work Shop for PYTHON at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed
by IIT Bombay on 23/10/2013.
4. Conducted a Work Shop for JAVA at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed by
IIT Bombay on 24/10/2013.
5. Conducted a Work Shop for C & C++ at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed
by IIT Bombay on 22/10/2013.
9 Delegation
1. Attended one day workshop on Telecommunication & Information Technology conducted by
Falcon Electro  TEK Pvt. LTD on 21/12/2006.
2. Attended two days national workshop on Recent Trend in Web Technologies conducted by
Microsoft Certified Trainer & Gyan Vihar University from 27-28/11/2009.
3. Attended workshop on Career Education in IBM/TIVOLI Software conducted by CEIS at
Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 16th
Dec. 2009.
4. Attended one day workshop on Office 2010 First Look Clinic conducted by MICROSOFT.
5. Organized two days National workshop as Co-convener on Information Security & Ethical
Hacking with Appin Technology from 19-20/02/2010.
6. Attended one day workshop on Wireless Networks: Today & Beyond conducted by Suresh Gyan
Vihar University & Computer Society of India on 20/09/2010.
7. Attended two days workshop on MATLAB FOR ENGINEERING RESEARCH (MFER 2013)
organized by Department of CSE Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 01-02/02/2013.
8. Attended two days workshop on Outcome Based Accreditation Progress & Parameters for
Evaluators, Stakeholders & the Training of Master Trainers organized by NBA & Suresh Gyan
Vihar University on 18-19/02/2013.
9. Attended one day AICTE Sponsored National level HR Conclave and Entrepreneurs Strategy
summit-2013 organized by Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 23/02/2013.
6 Delegation
1. Attended Five days FDP on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology conducted by JNIT
& NITTTR (MHRD Approved) during 22/05/2006 to 26/05/2006.
2. Attended 14 days FDP on Soft Computing Skills in Engineering conducted in MNIT Jaipur(
MHRD / AICTE Approved) conducted by Intelligent System Research Group during 11/12/2008
to 24/12/2008.
3. Attended 11 days FDP on AICTE Sponsored winter school on ADSP & Application conducted
by NITTTR (AICTE/ MHRD Approved) during 27/01/2009 to 06/02/2009.Software Quality
Assurance, MNIT, Jaipur
4. Attended one day FDP on Teacher-Leader and Motivator & Teaching Style organized by
Suresh Gyan Vihar University & Management Development Academy on 01/10/2010.High
Frequency Communication, MNIT, Jaipur
5. Attended 5 days AICTE recognized Short-term Course On Induction Training Program Through
ICT conducted by Suresh Gyan Vihar University & NITTTR (MHRD Approved) during 13-
6. Attended 5 days AICTE recognized Short-term Course On Global System for Mobile
Communication through ICT conducted by Suresh Gyan Vihar University & NITTTR (MHRD
Approved) during 07-11/09/2015.
1. Life time Member, CSI Jaipur Chapter since 2012.(Membership No.-I1503681)
(Gajanand Sharma)
Date of Birth
Fathers Name
Spouse Name
Languages Known
Gajanand Sharma
July 01, 1982
Shri Jagdish Prasad
Mrs. Sulekha Sharma
English & Hindi
Reading Books & Listening to Music
AIM To work at the extremely Challenging Atmosphere and
prove to be builder, developer and groomer.

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  • 1. CURRICULAM VITAE GAJANAND SHARMA Office: Residence: Gyan School of Engineering & Technology 111/16, Kumbha Marg, Suresh Gyan Vihar University Pratap Nagar, Sanganer, Jagatpura Mahal, Jaipur- 302017 Jaipur (Raj)-302033 Contact No. : +91-9414314990 Contact No. : +91-8441911000, 0141-6450389 +91-8502911000 Email: gajanand.sharma@mygyanvihar.com Email: gajanan.sharma@gmail.com WORK EXPERIENCE Total 10+ Yrs of Teaching Experience. Working as Associate Professor, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, since February 2006 Chief Proctor (Feb 2010- April 2016) Head of Anti Ragging Squad (2010 onwards) M.Tech Coordinator-CEIT (July 2014 onwards) Examination Incharge-CEIT (July 2015 onwards) Head- Publication, IJCTM (ISSN 2455-7528) REVIEWER OF JOURNALS Reviewers in one Journals 1. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security ISSN: 1947-5500 AREA OF SPECIALIZATION Image Processing, Information Security ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION B. Tech, M. Tech., Ph.D.(Pursuing ) Doctorate Designing A Secure Framework of Video Streaming Over P2P Network Ph.D. Under Supervision of Dr. Dinesh Goyal, Computer Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University Post-Graduation (2014) Graduation (2005) Senior Secondary (1999) Secondary (1997) Master of Technology, Sri Balaji College of Engineering & Technology. RTU, Kota (Dissertation Analysis & Design of Improved Visual Cryptography Using Moving Image for Covert Massage Communication) Bachelor of Engineering, JECRC, Jaipur Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Hindaun City RBSE Chandra Sr. Sec. School, Hindaun City RBSE
  • 2. Research Guidance Completed Guidance of 05 Research Scholars 1. Performance Evaluation of Quality of Services in Proposed Routing Protocol DS-AODV, Manish Kumar Jha, SGVU, Jaipur 2. A Comparative Study of ANFIS Membership function to Predict ERP User Satisfaction Using ANN and MLRA, Nikhil Gupta, SGVU, Jaipur 3. An Intellectual System For Human Personality Identification Using Soft-Computing, Rinki Kumari, SGVU, Jaipur 4. AI-Controlled Life in Role-Playing Games, Krishna Murari, SGVU, Jaipur 5. Prevention from Sleep Deprivation Attack on MANET, Manish Poonia, SGVU, Jaipur Research Guidance Undergoing 4 Research Guidance 1. Data Storage and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing , Mr. Piyush Rathore , SGVU, Jaipur 2. Development Of New Framework For Secure Live Video Streaming Over P2P Network Using Randomize Algorithm, Ms. Richa Singh, SGVU, Jaipur 3. A Novel Framework for Secure the Video streaming Over P2P Network , Mr. Rahul Soni ,SGVU, Jaipur 4. Design & Development of Low Bit Rate Efficient Secure Video Transmission Using Zig-bee , Ms. Pooja Mishra, SGVU, Jaipur PUBLICATIONS 08 International Publications 1. Published a paper Secure Voting System in a Mobile Network in International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 0764) Volume 02 Issue 02, March 2013 2. Published a paper Analysis & Design of Visual Cryptography using Moving Image in International Journal of Information and communication Technology Research (ISSN: 2223 4985) Volume 03 Issue no 12, Nov.-Dec. 2013 3. Published a paper Performance Evaluation of Quality of Service in Proposed Routing Protocol DS-AODV in International Journal of Digital Application & Contemporary research (ISSN: 2319- 4863) Volume 02 Issue no 11, June 2014 4. Published a paper A Comparative Study of ANFIS Membership Function to Predict ERP User Satisfaction using ANN and MLRA in International Journal of Computer Applications (ISSN: 0975 8887) Volume 105 Issue no 05, Nov. 2014 5. Published a paper Improvisation Of Data Mining Techniques In Cancer Site Among Various Patients Using Market Basket Analysis Algorithm in BEST: International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering (ISSN: 2348-0513) Volume 3 Issue no 10, Oct. 2015 6. Published a paper An Intellectual System For Human Personality Identification Using Soft Computing in BEST: International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (ISSN: 2348-7550) Volume 3 Issue no 10, Oct. 2015 7. Published a paper Ai-Controlled Life In Role-Playing Games in International Journal of Computer Informatics & Technological Engineering (ISSN: 2348-8557) Volume 2 Issue no 11, Nov. 2015 8. Published a paper Danger Theory Based Model to Prevent Sleep Deprivation Attacks in MANETs in International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology (ISSN: 2278-9359) Volume 4 Issue no 12, Dec. 2015
  • 3. PAPERS PRESENTED 09 Papers Presented in Conferences 1. Presented a paper on Protection of Ground water in National Conference on IWMSWP-2008 at RTU, Kota from 08-09/02/2008. 2. Presented a paper Decision tree: An overview in National Conference on Recent advancements in engineering & Technology at Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer on 26/04/2008. 3. Presented a paper Network Securities in National Conference on Emerging trends in information Technology & Computing (ETIC 2010) at Dept. Of IT, GITM Gurgaon on 27/03/2010. 4. Presented a paper Image Processing in National Conference on Modern trends and techniques in Computing at School of computer & system science, JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR on 30/03/2010. 5. Presented a paper A Comparative Study between PKI Encryption Algorithms in National Conference on Secure Data Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, JAIPUR from 30-31/03/2011. 6. Presented a paper Image Based Data Protection in National Conference on Secure Data Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, JAIPUR from 30-31/03/2011. 7. Presented a paper Security on Disk Management in National Conference on Secure Data Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, JAIPUR from 30-31/03/2011. 8. Presented a paper An Efficient Scheme for Security through Self Modifying Code in National Conference on Secure Data Communication & Networks-2011 CSI Sponsored at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, JAIPUR from 30-31/03/2011. 9. Presented a paper Security issue in Grid Computing and Cloud Computing in National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (NCETCE-2011) IEEE computer Society at SKIT, JAIPUR on 26/11/2011. CONFERNCES & WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED 5 Workshops organized 1. Co-Convener, National Workshop on INFORMATION SECURITY & ETHICAL HACKING, 19-20 Feb 2010, Gyan Vihar School of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur 2. Conducted a Work Shop for PHP & MySQL at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed by IIT Bombay on 22/10/2013. 3. Conducted a Work Shop for PYTHON at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed by IIT Bombay on 23/10/2013. 4. Conducted a Work Shop for JAVA at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed by IIT Bombay on 24/10/2013. 5. Conducted a Work Shop for C & C++ at SGVU organized by Spoken Tutorial Project Developed by IIT Bombay on 22/10/2013. CONFERNCES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS ATTENDED 9 Delegation 1. Attended one day workshop on Telecommunication & Information Technology conducted by Falcon Electro TEK Pvt. LTD on 21/12/2006.
  • 4. 2. Attended two days national workshop on Recent Trend in Web Technologies conducted by Microsoft Certified Trainer & Gyan Vihar University from 27-28/11/2009. 3. Attended workshop on Career Education in IBM/TIVOLI Software conducted by CEIS at Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 16th Dec. 2009. 4. Attended one day workshop on Office 2010 First Look Clinic conducted by MICROSOFT. 5. Organized two days National workshop as Co-convener on Information Security & Ethical Hacking with Appin Technology from 19-20/02/2010. 6. Attended one day workshop on Wireless Networks: Today & Beyond conducted by Suresh Gyan Vihar University & Computer Society of India on 20/09/2010. 7. Attended two days workshop on MATLAB FOR ENGINEERING RESEARCH (MFER 2013) organized by Department of CSE Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 01-02/02/2013. 8. Attended two days workshop on Outcome Based Accreditation Progress & Parameters for Evaluators, Stakeholders & the Training of Master Trainers organized by NBA & Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 18-19/02/2013. 9. Attended one day AICTE Sponsored National level HR Conclave and Entrepreneurs Strategy summit-2013 organized by Suresh Gyan Vihar University on 23/02/2013. SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED 6 Delegation 1. Attended Five days FDP on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology conducted by JNIT & NITTTR (MHRD Approved) during 22/05/2006 to 26/05/2006. 2. Attended 14 days FDP on Soft Computing Skills in Engineering conducted in MNIT Jaipur( MHRD / AICTE Approved) conducted by Intelligent System Research Group during 11/12/2008 to 24/12/2008. 3. Attended 11 days FDP on AICTE Sponsored winter school on ADSP & Application conducted by NITTTR (AICTE/ MHRD Approved) during 27/01/2009 to 06/02/2009.Software Quality Assurance, MNIT, Jaipur 4. Attended one day FDP on Teacher-Leader and Motivator & Teaching Style organized by Suresh Gyan Vihar University & Management Development Academy on 01/10/2010.High Frequency Communication, MNIT, Jaipur 5. Attended 5 days AICTE recognized Short-term Course On Induction Training Program Through ICT conducted by Suresh Gyan Vihar University & NITTTR (MHRD Approved) during 13- 17/05/2013. 6. Attended 5 days AICTE recognized Short-term Course On Global System for Mobile Communication through ICT conducted by Suresh Gyan Vihar University & NITTTR (MHRD Approved) during 07-11/09/2015. OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Life time Member, CSI Jaipur Chapter since 2012.(Membership No.-I1503681)
  • 5. Date: Place: (Gajanand Sharma) PERSONAL PROFILE Name Date of Birth Fathers Name Spouse Name Languages Known Hobbies Gajanand Sharma July 01, 1982 Shri Jagdish Prasad Mrs. Sulekha Sharma English & Hindi Reading Books & Listening to Music AIM To work at the extremely Challenging Atmosphere and prove to be builder, developer and groomer.