This document appears to be an application form for assignment of land on registry in the state of Kerala, India. It requests information from applicants such as name, address, contact details, details of any land already owned, and whether the applicant qualifies for priority assignment as a landless or disabled person. The form has sections to provide details of total land in possession as well as the specific land parcel for which assignment is requested, including location, boundaries, size and current status.
2. 1
[See Rule 1 i (8) and.16 (1)l
Form forAssignment
o{ Land on Regtsiry
I. Narne ofaPPlicant
2. Nalionaliry olthc aPplicant
f . ,lg"
Date of Birth
4. Name of Wife 'Husband , :
5 Present address
r Dcrmanent address{As
given rn
" ni'i* curo eiection'Card'
Passpofl or UID Card)
': 1:Tfi'j:[:::ff# lJilJi.,
(a) Ration Card numbe
@) Election Card nrimb
(c) UtD Card number
(d) Passport numbr
8. Phone numbe":'il1i"ll11*,-,
re aPolicarrt al the ttme u
' (a) Mohile Phone
ft) Land Pbone
o Whether the aPplicant belongs to
*,:Hil;^;) rIY""'nu'"th'
!n hetber thc aPPiicant is an
'u l--tt}t"^"" (Yes'lo) I{Yes'
give details
: the applicant is disabled
active military service ora
ofthose who killed
active military sen ice
). Ifyes, give details
the appJicant belongs to
holders' with annual incdme
r than. ( 25,000
). If yes, give details
the applicant is a recipient
award from Military
of such a person
). If yes, give dehils
and annual family
of the applicant
of assignment
of Iand in possession/
of land owned or occupied
r applicani and/or his fanrilv
cm (iointly o.r severdliyJ
I E{ent (Aqr'Cent/Sq,
3. 4
lDetails of total land in Possgsslon
Dand in Pqssession'
situated in-
(a) Mllage
O) Tahi(
' G) Distriot
6) SurveyNunbet
"*lJll,"Ilt::", centsi sq m etre)
3. Boundaries ofland in possessiort-
(a) . South
'O) Nonh
(d) West
4. Nature ofland (wet or dr,)
Teriure of land (Re*'.* TT::'
larr .{f
,n and enjoYment of the
rs a Iandlesq person or u O"r*gd9, o""upying any landj
sDistrist to rvhich priority is
for assignrnent
Districts to which priority is
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