Hadiths provide guidance on effective goal setting and achievement. Goals should be halal, beneficial, and harm no one. Big goals require chunking into smaller, manageable tasks. Both successes and failures are tests from God, so maintain patience and persistence through difficulties. Prioritize time, learn from mistakes, and find balance to remain healthy and productive.
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Goal setting
1. 10 Self Help Hadith
Based on the Book by Ismail Kamdar. Download the book :
2. Every action is Judged by
its Intention, and every man
will have that which he
Intended. (Bukhari)
Hadith #1
6. By Him in whose hand my life is, it
is better for anyone of you to take a
rope and cut the wood (from the
forest) and carry it over his back and
sell it ( as a means of earning ishis
living) rather than to ask a person for
something and that person may give
him or not. (Bukhari)
Hadith #2
7. Goal Setting
If you want to achieve something:
Dont wait for someone to
help you.
Work hard
Help yourself
12. Five Major Maxims Governing Islamic Law
Harm Shall Be Removed
o That which is harmful must be
completely avoided whenever
o When it is not possible, then the
lesser of two evils should be
perpetrated to avoid the greater.
Our Goals Should be
Harmless and Beneficial.
13. Our Goals Should be Harmless and Beneficial.
Our Goals
Must not
Directly Indirectly
our own
Push our
selves too
15. Solution
Strike a Balance between Chasing Goals and fulfilling the rights of others and Ourselves.
the rights of
others and
18. how do you eat an elephant?
one bite at a time
Chunking helps us
achieve our Goals by
breaking up big Goals
into bite size chunks
that are easier to work