This purchase agreement summarizes the sale of goats from Razzbourne Farms to a buyer. It includes details of the buyer and seller, a description and price of the goats being sold, and the payment terms. The seller disclaims all warranties except that the goats are healthy at time of sale and can breed if properly cared for. The buyer is responsible for any veterinary claims or transportation costs after the sale date. Both parties must sign agreeing to the terms.
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Goat purchase agreement – 2014
1. Purchase Agreement – 2014
Please fill out the form below and mail to: 3079 Borden Grant Trail
or email to:
Buyers Name:
Mailing Adress:
City, State & Zip:
Alt. Phone / FAX:
On this date___________________ we sold to the party named above the following:
Description (include identification): Price:
Method of Payment:_________________ Total amount paid:______________________
Received by:
2. Seller’s Disclaimer & Buyer’s Responsibility:
Razzbourne Farms (hereafter referenced as “Seller”), is making the goat(s) referenced
above available to ________________________ (Buyer) on a “where is, as is” basis, and
other than guaranteeing Buyer that said goat(s) are in good health, are free of injury or
disease at the date of sale, and that same will breed if provided with the proper care,
environment and nutrition. Seller makes no other guarantees or warranties, either
expressed or implied. Any subsequent claims by Buyer, contesting Seller’s representation
as to the health, physical condition, or breeding soundness of the subject goat(s) at date of
sale must be fully substantiated by a physical examination and applicable medical tests
performed by a licensed veterinarian and provided in writing to the Seller.
Applicable registration certificates or registration applications will be provided to Buyer
within fifteen (15) days of Seller’s receipt of payment-in-full for the subject purchase,
and Seller has confirmed that said payment is in valid funds.
All expenses pertaining to the transporation of the purchased goat(s) from or to the
facilities of _________________________ (Buyer) to or from Razzbourne Farms are the
responsibility of the Buyer.
Accepted and agreed to this ___________________ , 2014:
By: __________________________________________________ (Buyer Print & Sign)
We want to see our goats go to good homes with owners prepared to care for them