We are developing communication identities combining unique names with clear and consistent visual language. Find out more about our work and creative process in the presentation.
3. Based in Europe,
working globally
200+ branding and
naming projects
60+ countries for
name evaluation
Strong advertising
Helping start-ups
to Fortune TOP 100
62. Event Ideas Masterplan Production
Team Management Wonders Lights
Spectacular Fun Braveness
Dancers Speakers Fireworks Drinks
Performance Focus Food Direction
84. Get yourself
a new company
or product name
along with the
visual concept
of how you wish
to communicate
it; to give your
new brand
a bigger bang.
Naming creation
Campaigns last a few weeks, logos for years,
but names, great names endure forever.
A strong verbal identity is a solid platform for
building great brands that last generations.
It doesnt stop with a company or product; you
can strengthen your brand incredibly by de-
fining sub-brands in new categories or fitting
them into existing ones in your portfolio.
Product naming
Company naming
Service naming
Platform naming
Ingredient naming
Technology naming
Pharmaceutical naming
Name Consultancy
Are you planning to rebrand and need help with
brand name architecture, or are your colleagues
battling over the right decision making process?
We will be more than happy to share with you
our 12 years of experience, answering your ques-
tions and bringing peace and direction to your
team. The outcome for you is a meeting report
with all the information you require.
Name Audit
There are more than 15 crucial points that can
either make your name a success, or weaken
it if you miss them.
Is your name positioning the
Can customers in many dif-
ferent countries easily say it?
Does the words structure
and rhythm have linguistic
Does it fulfil domain-name
Can it survive changing busi-
ness models?
Is it ready for sentiment
measuring and social moni-
Does the name contain
a brand
story layer for PR?
What about trademark
and evocation screening?
Bigname will prepare a deep report with recom-
mendations you can pitch to your management
and for making the right decision
Naming protocol
Control how your people and partners use your
brand names, providing exact rules for:
Master brand versus
Creating new brand family
Creating freestanding names
Consistent naming
Co-branding and partner
86. 21%of customers try
a new product
because they
like the brand
Having a logo or visual identity is not enough.
Our focus is on communicating an identity
- combining an idea and design to give your
brand amazing consistency in all marketing
channels. You will be amazed how great it looks
and feels.
Your new identity is worth nothing unless there
is excitement at its implementation. To success-
fully transform your visual and verbal assets
and rules, the identity needs to be easy
to understand and utilise. We will create
you a guide that does exactly that.
When you need to refresh a name or give
it a fresh new start, we will help you to create
a package with the right combination of:
Shelf impact
Using the right material
Share/photo readines
Value added marketing
Evoking a brand personality
Extending a line of products
Checking rules and regula-
For businesses and entrepreneurs looking for
a guarantee of excellence, art of font lettering
ensures theirs will be both aesthetic and dis-
tinct. A visual or logotype created by an artist
can differentiate the company from the main-
stream and highlight the nature and message
of the advertiser. Text posters, visual web con-
tent, magazine covers, logos ... If you need
to write something people will read and say
its beautiful, such artistic lettering is for you.
& Calligraphy
If lettering is about free word painting,
calligraphy is about perfectly written letters.
It requires a precise control of craft and cal-
ligraphic tools to achieve perfection in the cho-
sen style. Calligraphy is behind the decorative
handwriting on greetings, wish cards, invitations,
certificates, awards, and more. It has a greater
wow effect then ever in the post-digital age,
highlighting the status of the connected event.
49%of customers
pay more for
a product from
their favourite
88. Protect your
company and
product from
problems faced
in foreign
Checking cultural
meaning and
We now review for cultural and linguistic
impact in more than 60 countries. Think global
from day one and save yourself a lot of money
while avoiding embarrassment and negative
media attention due to a howler
or mistaken expression.
Local translation specialists
inspect names for potential
issues such as:
Cultural and urban
language risks
Pronunciation and spelling
Offensive historical or con-
temporary issues
Negative meaning and con-
The outcome is a presentation ready analysis
with recommendations from our specialists.
90. We provide the
same services
for registering
a design.
All names are checked by us through simple
pre-screening before your presentation so you
present the right names with a higher probabil-
ity of you loving them, and also legally owning
and protecting them.
In-depth Trademark
Save time and money with a search of possibly
conflicting trademarks before you apply to reg-
ister yours. Our lawyers specialise in protection
of intellectual and industrial property rights.
The outcome of such research is a list of similar
names classified in the same Nice Classifica-
tion as your business together with a legal opin-
ion and the probability (in percent) of success-
ful registration for each name. In general,
it takes more than a year and half to register
a trademark, which is why it is better to have
a certain kind of assurance before starting the
registration procedure and spending lots
of time and money marketing your new logo,
name or product.
Where we can help you:
Global trademarks
Local trademarks
EU trademarks (EUIPO)
USPTO trademark database
Google due diligence screen
WIPO Madrid Protocol
Industry-specific databases
Registration strategies
Pre-calculation of
registration costs
Protecting your brand with a trademark
is a crucial step toward building a valuable
asset. We are able to help you with any type
trademark registration via a local, European
or global property office, which lets you profit
from the highest form of protection: an exclu-
sive right to use your name or logo. We can
either work with your trademark attorney
or connect you with an experienced specialist.
Trademark disputes
Do you have a trademark registration issue?
Has someone filed a notice of opposition
against your trademark application? Or do you
think your trademark rights are being infringed?
As name creation professionals and designers
working with an experienced trademark law
attorney always ready to counsel in legal and
administrative proceedings, we can support
you in the resolution of such issues through
an analysis of the situation.
92. Select one-of-
a-kind cours-
es provided by
from top-flight
instructors cus-
tom designed
for you and your
An intensive calligraphy course taught by
instructor Rudolf Letko, whose art has been
personally admired by famous calligrapher
Luca Barcellona, the workshop is designed for
both individuals and corporate staff members
to incorporate uniquely creative teambuilding.
Learn the rules for hand-written scripts and
experience the beauty and pleasure of being
able after just a few hours to paint with a cal-
ligraphic pen. The courses are intended for be-
ginners and anyone who wants to expand their
creative techniques.
10 is the maximum number of participants that
can sign up for the calligraphy course. All the
necessary tools will be provided at the course.