ForgivenDave StewartPsalm 32:1-5: In Psalm 32 David extols the blessedness of being forgiven. In order to understand how wonderful forgiveness is we must be convicted of the pernicious of our sin. In this lesson, we are reminded of David’s descent into sin.
Zeal That Honors GodDave StewartRomans 10:1-4: Zeal can easily be misdirected as seen in King Saul, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, and Saul. Paul reminds us that zeal which honors God requires knowledge, humility, and faith.
When You Hear, ForgiveDave Stewart2 Chronicles 6:12-42; 7:11-15: Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple includes several pleas for Jehovah to hear the prayers of His people and forgive them. We learn from this lesson that we must be ready to hear, forgive, and help those who seek forgiveness.
Integrity in RelationshiphappykarunaThe document discusses the importance of integrity in relationships with God and others. It emphasizes living consistently according to what one believes and avoiding hypocrisy. It provides examples of a lack of integrity in various relationships like marriage, family, work, church and relationships between genders. It stresses the importance of accountability, respect, trust and communication in building strong relationships based on integrity.
06. Paul’s Letter To The Romans 5v1 11Stephen HarperThis document summarizes Paul's letter to the Romans chapter 5 verses 1-11. It outlines the 7 great blessings that flow from justification: 1) Peace with God, 2) Access to God's grace and rejoicing in hope of God's glory, 3) Glorying in tribulations, 4) The hope of eternal security in Christ, 5) Rejoicing in God, and 6) Reconciliation with God, meaning harmony and a relationship of love and fellowship with Him. The passage describes those for whom Christ died as weak, wicked, ungodly, and enemies. It encourages reading the assigned passage for next time carefully to understand the victory of Christ's work over Adam's sin.
Guidance for lifeMichael SmithThis document provides guidance on allowing God to guide one's life based on scripture. It outlines how to guide actions with generosity, feelings with love and honesty, relationships with God through prayer and dedication, keeping one's heart right, having full trust in troubles, being thankful in successes, being repentant of sin, helpful towards others, engaging in daily worship, focusing one's mind on noble things, and ultimately trusting and following God's lead through obeying and believing the gospel.
Look To The StarsNathaniel WarrenThese are the slides from my whole Look to the Stars series based on looking at the life and faith of Abraham (Genesis 12-22).
What Selfishness Looks LikeDon McClainOn some level we all deal with selfishness, but there is no room for selfishness in the life of the devoted Christian. Selfishness is the fountainhead of all sin, and is the root of every troubled relationship. Self-centered people refuse to see the damage they are doing to themselves and others. We are called to surrender our life to Christ - our “self-will” must be conquered and destroyed, and “not my will, but God’s be done.” Every thought is to brought into obedience to Christ! We need to recognize the various ways selfishness manifests itself so we can attack and eliminate it. - (10/27/2013)
Right attitude in ministryAkin OmoniyiThe document discusses the importance of having the right attitude in ministry based on Philippians 2:5. It defines attitude and ministry, outlines some wrong attitudes like anger and pride, and describes the attitudes of Jesus like loyalty, servant leadership, and humility. Having the right attitude leads to benefits like divine promotion. The document provides steps to breaking a wrong attitude, such as committing to change, being specific about the attitude, substituting it, and focusing on others. The conclusion emphasizes that attitude is important for relationships and ministry.
Bible action truths presentationHeart Missionary NellyThe document provides Bible Action Truths (BATs) to instruct Christians on developing strong character through consistently making decisions based on biblical principles. It lists several BATs related to salvation, understanding Jesus Christ, repentance and faith, and separating from the world. The document encourages youth to set high goals, develop strength through facing obstacles, and climb to heights honestly by persevering in right doing and meeting obstacles one at a time. True character is a quality of the soul, not reputation or mental ability alone.
Forgiving One Another | RCCG., Living Faith KasselRCCG KasselAnd be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
•“To err is man…”
•Forgiveness means to pardon, to wave punishment for offence (Matt 18:25-27)
•It is the letting go of negative feelings and attitude towards the offender
•It constitutes the foundation of Christianity
•There are no numerical limits
Gospel 2 rom 1_8-21 slides 091210Alan ShelbyThis document discusses why people suppress the truth and spiritual power for evangelism. It notes that people want to do their own thing instead of God's, they don't want to be accountable, and they want to keep truth undefined. The document outlines that spiritual gifts enable ministry and the church's growth when exercised by believers. It defines spiritual gifts as divine abilities for building up the church. The righteousness of God transforms humanity, and God's wrath is revealed against ungodliness and unrighteousness. It concludes with a call for prayer.
A problem you can’t solve. Rom.1.2.3.John WibleThe document discusses how no person can meet God's standards on their own and salvation cannot come from within. It explores how people try various ways to meet or earn righteousness but all fail. The only way to receive righteousness is through faith in Jesus Christ, who provides a righteousness from God that cannot be earned. The document emphasizes that we are all equally subject to God's wrath for failing to meet his standards, but through faith in Christ we can find hope of salvation.
Ambassadors Life Group Study GuideDavid Sr.This document contains notes from a sermon about being ambassadors of reconciliation based on 2 Corinthians 5:20. The key points that will be discussed in the sermon are: 1) the role of an ambassador is to represent their country's values and message, 2) the message an ambassador shares comes directly from their president, 3) Christians are called to be ambassadors of reconciliation by sharing the message of repentance, forgiveness, and a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The sermon aims to explain the central role of reconciliation in sharing the gospel and helping others experience reconciliation with God.
Overflow 2011 week 3Steve ThomasonThe document discusses different approaches to prayer and provides guidance on how to pray. It outlines four types of relationships with God: parent/child, mentor/apprentice, friend/friend, and lover/lover. The document also summarizes the Lord's Prayer based on the four P's: priorities, provision, pardon, and protection. It encourages practicing ACTS in prayer: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. The homework is to take an online test and prepare for next week's discussion on worship.
This World Has Nothing For MeblackforestchapelorgThis document discusses the lusts of the flesh and the dangers of loving the world. It notes that the world offers physical pleasures, pride, and material possessions that are temporary and oppose God. Loving these things can cause believers to abandon their faith when facing problems or persecution. The lusts of the flesh come from outside sources that appeal to sinful desires within people. Believers are called to set their sights on heaven, kill their sinful earthly desires, and live according to God's commands by relying on Scripture.
The truth about giving ixJames PharrThis document discusses biblical principles of giving, including that giving is frequently discussed in the Bible, giving makes people happier, and giving is essential to salvation. It argues that a Christian who claims to love God but does not give scripturally does not truly love God, since God showed his love for humanity through giving his son. The document encourages giving willingly and generously as a demonstration of love for God.
The truth about giving iiJames PharrThe document discusses the importance of biblical giving based on several passages of scripture. It notes that giving is discussed over 120 times in the gospels and that one out of every six verses in the New Testament deals with money. Improper giving is equated to sins like murder. The document warns that money wants to rule over people and make them miserable masters if they are slaves to it. It encourages people to be liberal, scriptural givers in order to save themselves and rule over their money rather than be ruled by it.
Romans outline 3 3 07 04 10Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Pastor/Teacher Charles e WhisnantThe Jews had objections to Paul's teachings about salvation:
1) Paul was said to twist scriptures and contradict the idea that salvation was based on Jewish heritage and tradition.
2) When Paul said being Jewish meant nothing for salvation, the Jews questioned if this meant God's promises to them were cancelled.
3) Some Jews argued that if their unbelief brought God glory, then their sin also glorified God and they should not be punished.
Paul responded that God's promises stand regardless of belief, that sin does not glorify God, and salvation does not give freedom to sin without judgment. God will judge all rightly based on righteousness, not excuses for sin.
Experiments In ForgivingMichael SmithBy Mike Smith This is part of the Back to School Challenges lesson series.
Don't forget to forgive! See why in this lesson.
Romans outline 3 1 and 2 06 28 10Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Pastor/Teacher Charles e WhisnantWhile the Jews faced many hardships throughout history, they were given significant advantages and privileges by God:
1. They were entrusted with the oracles of God - the scriptures and revelations from God.
2. They received promises, covenants, and laws from God that set them apart as his chosen people with the land of Israel.
3. However, the Jews often failed to live up to their responsibilities that came with these privileges, wasting the advantages God had given them by disobeying his commands.
LoveHaynesStreetThis document contains information about the Haynes Street church of Christ, including their times of service on Sundays and Wednesdays. It also contains multiple sections about the topics of love and God's plan of salvation. For love, it discusses how love is an action, not just an attitude, and provides biblical examples. It emphasizes taking actions of love towards others. For God's plan of salvation, it lists the key steps of hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, being baptized, and living faithfully.
How to React to MistreatmentSteve KleinThe document provides guidance on how to handle being mistreated. It advises that God expects you to react like Jesus did with patience and forgiveness. While God considers your mistreatment, your standing with Him depends on your own behavior in response. The document recommends asking God for strength, seeing mistreatment as a blessing, allowing God to enact vengeance, loving and praying for those who mistreat you, and returning good for evil. The key point is that God will judge you based on how you treat others, not on how others treat you.
Celebrate recovery lesson 19 addictionPaul GuralivuThis document discusses Step 10 of a recovery program and the importance of daily self-examination. It explains that Step 10 involves taking a daily personal inventory, evaluating both positive and negative aspects of the day, and promptly admitting when one is wrong. It encourages keeping a daily journal for a week to identify patterns and areas for growth, and sharing the journal with a sponsor to develop an action plan for overcoming issues. Maintaining a daily journal is presented as a healthy habit that can help sustain long-term recovery.
When Singleness Is A Gift - The Blueprint For Marriage And FamilyCrossPointBibleThis sermon was originally preached at Crosspoint Bible Church in Omaha, NE on November 29, 2015 by Lead Pastor Dr. Don Pahl.
Kindness challenge, The spouse is unilaterally happy/dangerous/apostate, get...franktsao4Recently, I heard some radio programs mentioning the challenge of kindness, or how to make spouses happy unilaterally, or how to promote family harmony in remarried families. These were originally based on goodwill as a start, but they all have one common thing. It is to lift a certain person or a certain group of people aloft and take their happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy as the highest goal. On the surface, it seems achievable, but if you look at it from the perspective of the Bible, this is almost impossible to reach. Because this world is not controlled by man, but God is the boss. So if man’s effort does not conform to God’s will, it will become a waste of energy.
But Wait! There is More part 02 (Reason to Rejoice)Network Bible FellowshipEven if for no other reason, we have reason to rejoice simply in Who God is and what God has done through Jesus.
Sabbath school lesson 6, 4th quarter of 2017David SyahputraThis document provides a summary of Romans chapter 5 from a Bible study lesson. It covers the following key points:
1. Paul explains in Romans 5 how sin was introduced to humanity through Adam and God's solution through Jesus Christ.
2. Some of the specific topics covered include justification by faith, God's love for sinners shown through Christ's death, how sin and death spread to humanity through Adam, and how grace reigns through righteousness provided by Jesus.
3. The document analyzes several verses and concepts through multiple paragraphs and questions, comparing the effects of Adam's transgression to the gift provided through Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that justification is a gift and cannot be earned.
Right attitude in ministryAkin OmoniyiThe document discusses the importance of having the right attitude in ministry based on Philippians 2:5. It defines attitude and ministry, outlines some wrong attitudes like anger and pride, and describes the attitudes of Jesus like loyalty, servant leadership, and humility. Having the right attitude leads to benefits like divine promotion. The document provides steps to breaking a wrong attitude, such as committing to change, being specific about the attitude, substituting it, and focusing on others. The conclusion emphasizes that attitude is important for relationships and ministry.
Bible action truths presentationHeart Missionary NellyThe document provides Bible Action Truths (BATs) to instruct Christians on developing strong character through consistently making decisions based on biblical principles. It lists several BATs related to salvation, understanding Jesus Christ, repentance and faith, and separating from the world. The document encourages youth to set high goals, develop strength through facing obstacles, and climb to heights honestly by persevering in right doing and meeting obstacles one at a time. True character is a quality of the soul, not reputation or mental ability alone.
Forgiving One Another | RCCG., Living Faith KasselRCCG KasselAnd be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
•“To err is man…”
•Forgiveness means to pardon, to wave punishment for offence (Matt 18:25-27)
•It is the letting go of negative feelings and attitude towards the offender
•It constitutes the foundation of Christianity
•There are no numerical limits
Gospel 2 rom 1_8-21 slides 091210Alan ShelbyThis document discusses why people suppress the truth and spiritual power for evangelism. It notes that people want to do their own thing instead of God's, they don't want to be accountable, and they want to keep truth undefined. The document outlines that spiritual gifts enable ministry and the church's growth when exercised by believers. It defines spiritual gifts as divine abilities for building up the church. The righteousness of God transforms humanity, and God's wrath is revealed against ungodliness and unrighteousness. It concludes with a call for prayer.
A problem you can’t solve. Rom.1.2.3.John WibleThe document discusses how no person can meet God's standards on their own and salvation cannot come from within. It explores how people try various ways to meet or earn righteousness but all fail. The only way to receive righteousness is through faith in Jesus Christ, who provides a righteousness from God that cannot be earned. The document emphasizes that we are all equally subject to God's wrath for failing to meet his standards, but through faith in Christ we can find hope of salvation.
Ambassadors Life Group Study GuideDavid Sr.This document contains notes from a sermon about being ambassadors of reconciliation based on 2 Corinthians 5:20. The key points that will be discussed in the sermon are: 1) the role of an ambassador is to represent their country's values and message, 2) the message an ambassador shares comes directly from their president, 3) Christians are called to be ambassadors of reconciliation by sharing the message of repentance, forgiveness, and a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The sermon aims to explain the central role of reconciliation in sharing the gospel and helping others experience reconciliation with God.
Overflow 2011 week 3Steve ThomasonThe document discusses different approaches to prayer and provides guidance on how to pray. It outlines four types of relationships with God: parent/child, mentor/apprentice, friend/friend, and lover/lover. The document also summarizes the Lord's Prayer based on the four P's: priorities, provision, pardon, and protection. It encourages practicing ACTS in prayer: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. The homework is to take an online test and prepare for next week's discussion on worship.
This World Has Nothing For MeblackforestchapelorgThis document discusses the lusts of the flesh and the dangers of loving the world. It notes that the world offers physical pleasures, pride, and material possessions that are temporary and oppose God. Loving these things can cause believers to abandon their faith when facing problems or persecution. The lusts of the flesh come from outside sources that appeal to sinful desires within people. Believers are called to set their sights on heaven, kill their sinful earthly desires, and live according to God's commands by relying on Scripture.
The truth about giving ixJames PharrThis document discusses biblical principles of giving, including that giving is frequently discussed in the Bible, giving makes people happier, and giving is essential to salvation. It argues that a Christian who claims to love God but does not give scripturally does not truly love God, since God showed his love for humanity through giving his son. The document encourages giving willingly and generously as a demonstration of love for God.
The truth about giving iiJames PharrThe document discusses the importance of biblical giving based on several passages of scripture. It notes that giving is discussed over 120 times in the gospels and that one out of every six verses in the New Testament deals with money. Improper giving is equated to sins like murder. The document warns that money wants to rule over people and make them miserable masters if they are slaves to it. It encourages people to be liberal, scriptural givers in order to save themselves and rule over their money rather than be ruled by it.
Romans outline 3 3 07 04 10Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Pastor/Teacher Charles e WhisnantThe Jews had objections to Paul's teachings about salvation:
1) Paul was said to twist scriptures and contradict the idea that salvation was based on Jewish heritage and tradition.
2) When Paul said being Jewish meant nothing for salvation, the Jews questioned if this meant God's promises to them were cancelled.
3) Some Jews argued that if their unbelief brought God glory, then their sin also glorified God and they should not be punished.
Paul responded that God's promises stand regardless of belief, that sin does not glorify God, and salvation does not give freedom to sin without judgment. God will judge all rightly based on righteousness, not excuses for sin.
Experiments In ForgivingMichael SmithBy Mike Smith This is part of the Back to School Challenges lesson series.
Don't forget to forgive! See why in this lesson.
Romans outline 3 1 and 2 06 28 10Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Pastor/Teacher Charles e WhisnantWhile the Jews faced many hardships throughout history, they were given significant advantages and privileges by God:
1. They were entrusted with the oracles of God - the scriptures and revelations from God.
2. They received promises, covenants, and laws from God that set them apart as his chosen people with the land of Israel.
3. However, the Jews often failed to live up to their responsibilities that came with these privileges, wasting the advantages God had given them by disobeying his commands.
LoveHaynesStreetThis document contains information about the Haynes Street church of Christ, including their times of service on Sundays and Wednesdays. It also contains multiple sections about the topics of love and God's plan of salvation. For love, it discusses how love is an action, not just an attitude, and provides biblical examples. It emphasizes taking actions of love towards others. For God's plan of salvation, it lists the key steps of hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, being baptized, and living faithfully.
How to React to MistreatmentSteve KleinThe document provides guidance on how to handle being mistreated. It advises that God expects you to react like Jesus did with patience and forgiveness. While God considers your mistreatment, your standing with Him depends on your own behavior in response. The document recommends asking God for strength, seeing mistreatment as a blessing, allowing God to enact vengeance, loving and praying for those who mistreat you, and returning good for evil. The key point is that God will judge you based on how you treat others, not on how others treat you.
Celebrate recovery lesson 19 addictionPaul GuralivuThis document discusses Step 10 of a recovery program and the importance of daily self-examination. It explains that Step 10 involves taking a daily personal inventory, evaluating both positive and negative aspects of the day, and promptly admitting when one is wrong. It encourages keeping a daily journal for a week to identify patterns and areas for growth, and sharing the journal with a sponsor to develop an action plan for overcoming issues. Maintaining a daily journal is presented as a healthy habit that can help sustain long-term recovery.
When Singleness Is A Gift - The Blueprint For Marriage And FamilyCrossPointBibleThis sermon was originally preached at Crosspoint Bible Church in Omaha, NE on November 29, 2015 by Lead Pastor Dr. Don Pahl.
Kindness challenge, The spouse is unilaterally happy/dangerous/apostate, get...franktsao4Recently, I heard some radio programs mentioning the challenge of kindness, or how to make spouses happy unilaterally, or how to promote family harmony in remarried families. These were originally based on goodwill as a start, but they all have one common thing. It is to lift a certain person or a certain group of people aloft and take their happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy as the highest goal. On the surface, it seems achievable, but if you look at it from the perspective of the Bible, this is almost impossible to reach. Because this world is not controlled by man, but God is the boss. So if man’s effort does not conform to God’s will, it will become a waste of energy.
But Wait! There is More part 02 (Reason to Rejoice)Network Bible FellowshipEven if for no other reason, we have reason to rejoice simply in Who God is and what God has done through Jesus.
Sabbath school lesson 6, 4th quarter of 2017David SyahputraThis document provides a summary of Romans chapter 5 from a Bible study lesson. It covers the following key points:
1. Paul explains in Romans 5 how sin was introduced to humanity through Adam and God's solution through Jesus Christ.
2. Some of the specific topics covered include justification by faith, God's love for sinners shown through Christ's death, how sin and death spread to humanity through Adam, and how grace reigns through righteousness provided by Jesus.
3. The document analyzes several verses and concepts through multiple paragraphs and questions, comparing the effects of Adam's transgression to the gift provided through Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that justification is a gift and cannot be earned.
A Cartoonists Guide to Romans 5:1-11Steve ThomasonThe preaching text this weekend, from the Narrative Lectionary, is Romans 5:1-11. This PowerPoint is my visual meditation on the text. I begin by framing Paul's worldview in the hostile divide between Jews and Gentiles. Then I summarize Paul's argument in chapters 1-4. Finally, I visually walk through 5:1-11.
We have been called to a ministry of reconciliation. We are ALL in this together. Peace.
03-29-20, Romans 5;1-11, At PeaceFirst Baptist Church Jackson1. The document provides an overview and summary of Romans 5:1-11 from the Bible. It discusses key points like being at peace with God through faith, having access to God's grace, and rejoicing in hope.
2. It explains that suffering produces perseverance and character, and that character produces hope. Even though we were sinners, Christ died for us to reconcile us with God.
3. The summary emphasizes that through faith we have peace with God, access to his grace, and an assurance of hope that does not disappoint because of God's love for us through the Holy Spirit.
Not ashamed of the gospel lesson 2Keith PruittThe document discusses the concept of sin and salvation according to Romans chapters 1-3. It explains that all people have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. However, salvation is offered through Jesus Christ by God's grace through faith. Justification comes not by works of the law but through Jesus' blood. The conclusion is that all are condemned by sin, but salvation extends to all through Christ alone by grace through faith.
Not ashamed of the gospel lesson 14Keith PruittThis document provides an outline of topics from Romans chapters 1-14, with a focus on chapter 12. It discusses how Christians are called to be a living sacrifice by presenting their bodies as holy and acceptable to God. The passage explains that this reasonable service grows out of God's mercies and comfort shown to believers. It notes how believers should not be conformed to the world but transformed by renewing their minds. The outcomes of living as a living sacrifice are then outlined, including showing love, clinging to good, serving others, rejoicing in hope, and more.
Just shall live by faith homilyDomenic MarbaniangThis document is a 3-part homily given by Domenic Marbaniang in 1998 on the topic of "The Just Shall Live by Faith" based on Romans 1:17. The summary focuses on the key points:
1) Part I discusses how the life of the just begins by faith - through God's unmerited grace and man's response of faith which results in justification and eternal life.
2) Part II examines the continuity of life by faith as an ongoing process of perception, protection, and progression through continually relating to God empirically, cognitively and meaningfully via scripture and submitting to His will.
3) Part III addresses the consummation of life by faith
Dead to Sin, Alive in ChristPhylicia HwamDead to Sin, Alive in Christ
Scripture Lesson : Romans 6:1 - 7:6
by Rev Ting Moy Hong
on 25th February 2018 at Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya
No ExcusePhylicia HwamNo Excuse
Sermon Outline by Rev Ting Moy Hong
21 Jan 2018 at Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya
Scripture Lesson : Romans 2.1-3.20
Servant of the Gospel of Jesus ChristPhylicia HwamScripture Lesson : Romans 1.1-17
Sermon Outline by Rev Ting Moy Hong
On 7th January 2018 at Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya
They Waited, He Came, There was RejoicingPhylicia HwamSermon Outline by Rev Ting Moy Hong
Scripture Lesson : Luke 2. 21-40
31 December 2017
Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya
Don't Miss Out on Jesus!Phylicia HwamScripture Lesson : Luke 2 : 1-7
Sermon Outline by Rev Ting Moy Hong
25th December 2017
Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya
Let the Lord Comfort You by Rev Ting Moy Hong-17 December 2017Phylicia HwamThe document recaps a previous message about being willing to change and transition as the Israelites did when leaving Egypt. It discusses how the Israelites rebelled against God in the past due to fear, complaints, and disbelief. The document asks how people respond when facing challenges, then promises that God is with us and will comfort us if we trust and obey Him. It encourages letting God comfort, trusting, obeying, and showing His glory as He empowers and blesses people.
Transition – Change for Fruitfulness and Blessings Phylicia HwamTransition – Change for Fruitfulness and Blessings
Sermon by Rev Ting Moy Hong, Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya (TMCPJ) on 10 Dec 2017.
Scripture Lesson:
Deuteronomy 1.6-8; 4.39-40; 6.4-9
Burning Miles, Burning HeartsPhylicia HwamThe sermon, Burning Miles, Burning Hearts, was delivered by Annette Arulrajah, secretary-general of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Malaysia on 28 May 2017 at Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya.
MW Sunday 2017Phylicia HwamThe document summarizes the activities of the Methodist Women organization in Trinity PJ. It discusses how the MW engages in various ministries such as providing hot meals to schoolchildren from poor families, a home helpers ministry for domestic workers, a handicraft ministry, programs for children, and partnering with the YWCA to empower young women and girls through skills training. The overall purpose of the MW is to help people meet Christ through growing in faith and serving others, as disciples committed to glorifying God.
TMCPJ 57th Anniversary - Remembering Our Past & Building For Our FuturePhylicia HwamTrinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya celebrated its 57th anniversary by looking back at its origins in 1957 and efforts to expand facilities to accommodate growing membership. The church began in a small hall but saw membership increase quickly, requiring an expansion in the 1960s to build the current sanctuary. Through the 1970s and 1980s, the church continued expanding its kindergarten and facilities. By the 2010s, decades of growth led to plans for a major 60,000 square foot redevelopment and extension project to meet continued needs, with construction beginning in 2015-2016. The church emphasized the project's purpose is to glorify God and cement people to Jesus, not just increase real estate.
TMCPJ Wholesome Family Camp - #04 Church & Home by Dr. Herbert TanPhylicia HwamThis document discusses the importance of redeeming families through the work of God in their lives and relationships. It emphasizes that healthy families are marked by parents serving out of family strength rather than sacrificing their family. The document urges key pursuits of spirit-empowered living and being rooted in Christ's love to have relationships marked by love, peace, and unity through the church equipping families. It reflects on how the church and home can support each other.
TMCPJ Wholesome Family Camp - #03 Being A Wise Family by Dr. Herbert TanPhylicia HwamThe document discusses building a wise family according to Proverbs 1:8-19. It emphasizes the central role of parents, particularly fathers' instruction and mothers' teaching, in shaping children's character. Children are wise when they avoid bad company and foolishness. The document also cites statistics about father absence in the US and the negative impacts on children. It encourages coming alongside children as spiritual parents if their own parents fail in their duties. The reflection questions prompt considering what a wise family would look like and how to invest in building one.
TMCPJ Wholesome Family Camp - #01 Redeeming Paradise by Dr. Herbert TanPhylicia HwamThis document discusses redeeming family relationships through turning hearts toward God and each other. It explores how Genesis depicts family ideals and their fall, but promises restoration. Key points include:
1) Redeeming paradise involves turning parents' hearts to their children and the disobedient to wisdom, to prepare people for God.
2) Genesis models centrality of God, worth of women, and redemption following humanity's fall.
3) Relationships can be redeemed through affection, intellect, and will being turned from self to others.
4) Both parents and children are called to turn their hearts to each other through love, understanding, and building connections.
TMCPJ Wholesome Family Camp - #02 Parenting For The Nation by Dr. Herbert TanPhylicia HwamThe document discusses the importance of parenting and discipling future generations according to God's commands. It emphasizes teaching children and grandchildren God's decrees so that they may live righteously. When nations follow God and do good, they become wise and understanding. However, revival is needed as many modern families lack spiritual discipline and instruction of children. Christians must make their households places where God is feared and holiness is practiced, discipling the next generations to stand firm in their faith.
Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya : Disciple Course Launch 150118Phylicia HwamThe Disciple course is a 4-part, 32-34 week Bible study program aimed at transforming church members into disciples of Jesus Christ. It provides a broad understanding of the Bible through group discussion and exposes participants to 70% of the Bible. The benefits include biblical insight and personal transformation, stronger community bonds, development of spiritual gifts, and increased willingness to serve the church. The course is open to new and existing church members seeking a deeper knowledge of Scripture, including those in church ministries and leadership roles.
The Ultimate Prashna Quiz - Prashna astrologySaptarishis AstrologyTest your knowledge of Prashna astrology with this engaging and insightful quiz! Based on the Practical Prashna Paddhati by Sunil John, this quiz challenges you with thought-provoking questions on Prashna methodology. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, it's a great way to sharpen your skills and deepen your understanding of this ancient predictive science.
Lesson 8 – Jesus Lived the Human Experience.pptxCelso NapoleonLesson 8 – Jesus Lived the Human Experience
SBS – Sunday Bible School
Sunday Bible Lessons for Adults 1st Quarter 2025 CPAD
Title of the Sunday Magazine: IN DEFENSE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Fighting the Ancients
Heresies that Present Themselves with a New Appearance
Commentator: Esequias Soares
Class: Adults
ݺߣs: Celso Napoleon
Renewed in Grace
February 23, 2025
Good Quotes on SOLITUDE to Reflect Upon (Texts in Engliish & Chinese).pptxOH TEIK BINA Presentation of a selection of profound sayings by some wise men on the importance of the spiritual practice of being in solitude for contemplation.
A practice to grow in true happiness and wisdom to lessen Dukkha.
The texts are in English and Chinese
Kurdish Central Sorani - The Importance of Child Discipline and Honoring Your...Filipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy mother. Remember that thou wast begotten of them; and how canst thou recompense them the things that they have done for thee? Sirach 7:27-28
The Power of the Cross: Part 2 — Signs in NatureDave Stewart1 Corinthians 1:17: The Power of the cross is also evident in the darkness, the tearing of the curtain, the earthquake and the resurrections. These events should fill us with awe and remind us that in that moment our God was accomplishing his great plan for our salvation. (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
Viral Series_Acts 2.36-41_Sermon ݺߣs.pptxStephen PalmToday’s message completes the final third of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the ‘non-negotiables’ of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
English - The Art of Ruling (Political Governance) - Republic of Botswana.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
Brown Black Classic Painting Project History Presentation (1).pptxAllyzzaAzoteachurch..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. 3. Hope of the glory of God. Romans 5.2b
“Fruits” of justification by God
6. 4. Glory in suffering. Romans 5.3-4
“Fruits” of justification by God
7. 5. Out-pouring of God’s love in our hearts
through the Holy Spirit. Romans 5.5
“Fruits” of justification by God
8. 6. No longer under God’s wrath.
Romans 5.9.
Cf. Romans 1.18-32
“Fruits” of justification by God
9. 7. Reconciled with God –
no longer enemies with Him.
Romans 5.10-11
“Fruits” of justification by God
10. Result of sin is reversed!
Judgement-condemnation-death through
God’s grace accessed through faith- gift of
righteousness- life through Jesus Christ.
Romans 5.12-21
“Fruits” of justification by God
11. Alas! Many stopped short at ‘sinner’s
prayer’ or baptism certificate, missing out
on the fruits of God’s justification of us.
Cheque not cashed!
“Fruits” of justification by God
12. “Fruits” of justification by God
We can help one another live and experience
the ‘fruits’ of God’s salvation in and through
small groups’ life within the community of