Gokula Krishnan R is seeking a position as a Network Protocol Developer or Embedded Developer. He has over 11 years of experience in software engineering, development, debugging, and testing. He has worked on various networking development projects for TechMahindra Ltd. for 3 years and for Cisco Video Technologies Ltd. for 5 years and 2 months. He also has experience working for HaritaTVS Technologies Ltd., ToshibaEmbeddedSoftware (India) Pvt Ltd., and SuresoftSystemsIndiaPvtLtd.
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1. 41, 2nd
Main Road,
Maruthi Layout,Basapura,
Contact Information:9741126415
Gokula KrishnanR
Career Objective:
To associate as a Network Protocol DeveloperandEmbedded Developerwithanorganizationwhere
I can use my extensive knowledgeandexperience forthe developmentof Embedded basedproducts
and services.
Almost11 years of experience assoftware engineers,solelyintodevelopmentand
3 yearson variousnetworkingdevelopmentprojects withTechMahindraLtd.
5 yearsand 2 monthswithCiscoVideoTechnologiesLtd.
6 monthswithHaritaTVS TechnologiesLtd.
1 yearwithToshibaEmbeddedSoftware(India) PvtLtd.
1 year6 monthswithSuresoftSystemsIndiaPvtLtd.
Skills and Qualities:
ï‚· Extensive experience in Network protocol development andEmbeddedSystemengineering
ï‚· Hands onexperienceonCiscocat3850 andWLC5760 routers
ï‚· Extensive knowledgeof L2 protocolslike STP,RSTP,VLAN andLACP
ï‚· ExcellentCprogrammerandgoodknowledge of datastructuresandalgorithms.
ï‚· Gook KnowledgeinRTOSconcepts
ï‚· Excellentanalytical,problemsolving,troubleshootinganddebuggingskillsacquiredinthe
course of mycareer
ï‚· Attended CiscoIOStraining
ï‚· Vastexperience of STBdevelopmentandendtoendsystemof STB functionality
ï‚· Good Knowledgeincore java
ï‚· 6 yearsof experienceasa techlead;skilledintechnical assistandleadingpeers,and
ï‚· Well acquaintedwithClearcaseandbasicknowledge of git
ï‚· Excellentcommunicationandcoordinationskills
ï‚· Passionate toacquire newskillsthatenhance myproductivity