The document provides step-by-step instructions for installing Go Lang on Windows and setting up an IDE (GoClipse) in Eclipse to write and debug Go programs. It details downloading and running the Go Lang installer, configuring environment variables, writing a simple "Hello World" program, installing JDK and Eclipse, adding the Goclipse plugin to Eclipse, configuring Goclipse settings, creating a new Go project in Eclipse, writing and running a new Go file.
2. Let¨s Go Lang
1 Go lang install
1.1 Download Installer your environment
1.2 Execute Installer
1.2.1 Start up dialog [Next]
1.2.2 Agreement license
4. Let¨s Go Lang
1.2.5 Wait for finish
1.2.6 Congratration!! You Finished Install!!Wellcome golang world!!
5. Let¨s Go Lang
1.3 Check environment variables
1.3.1 Variables : GOROOT & GOPATH
1.3.2 Variables : path
6. Let¨s Go Lang
2 Let¨s hello world!!
2.1 Create ^helloworld.go ̄
2.2 Write program
2.3 Execute program
2.4 And Format
7. Let¨s Go Lang
3 Setting IDE(GoClipse)
3.1 Install JDK
3.1.1 Open browser and searching ^how to install jdk help me ̄.
3.2 Install Eclipse
3.2.1 Open browser and searching ^how to install eclipse help me ̄.
3.3 Goclipse Setting
3.3.1 Open Eclipse Help->Install New Software and Site adding
Name : goclipse
8. Let¨s Go Lang
3.3.2 Check ^GoClipse ̄ and push Next button.
3.3.3 Push Next button at Install detail dialog.
9. Let¨s Go Lang
3.3.4 Check accept license and push finish button.
3.3.5 When showing Security worning then Push OK Button!! GO!!
3.3.6 reboot message showing!!Push Yes Button!! Now!! And wait reboot!!Now!!
10. Let¨s Go Lang
4 Setting GoClipse
4.1 Open preference window(Window->Preference)
4.2 Select ^Go ̄ in left pane.
12. Let¨s Go Lang
5 Let¨s create Go Project!!
5.1 Open create proejct dialog(Eclipse File->New->Project).and select Go Project.
5.2 Input project name.and push finish button.
13. Let¨s Go Lang
5.3 Create new src file.right click src folder and new -> go gile in package
5.4 Input filename and push finish button.
5.5 Edit created file and save
14. Let¨s Go Lang
5.6 Debug setting(left click project folder and runas->run configurations´ in
package explorer)
5.7 Seting main source file name.
5.8 choice common tab and checking debug and run in Display favaritosmenu.