This document provides tips for writing a good email, including using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; sending the email to the right recipients; ensuring the email has a clear point or subject; and replying only to emails you know the sender of. It advises against spamming, saying anything you wouldn't in person, getting off topic, or gossiping. Research sources on email etiquette are also provided.
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Good E-mail
1. By: Hannah Busch Jill Coyne Casey Wilson Emily Karandzieff Ten things to put in a good E-mail
2. L.A.R.K Use correct grammar/spelling/punctuation Send to the right people Make sure it has a point Reply to the only be you know Make sure it has a subject The Do's of a Good E-mail
3. Don’t spam Don’t say any thing in a e-mail you wouldn’t say face to face Don’t get off topic Don’t gossip The Dont's of a Good E-mail